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By Candlestick’s Dilemma

Editing by Roxi

Inspired by Warforged22’s Sandwich series: https://www.deviantart.com/warforged22/gallery/81447791/sandwiched

As in most worlds with musicians, in a quirky world they were elevated to celebrity status, and Carol McKay, world renowned country singer, and all around wholesome woman was… cumming her brains out. Not that the blonde who had literally worn her cowgirl hat to bed had much to start with, but she didn’t mind, and neither did her fans… or her lovers. She was happy with who she was and who they were, and of course the orgasm after earth shaking orgasm was good too.

Due in no small part to her two backup singers, the lovers in question, Shaniqua and Whitney. Identical twins, and two of the women on earth as busty as herself, which really got the crowd going whenever the beat would drop and the trio would dance together.

Dance together… Carol blinked as she looked up, her mind finding a thread there. Dancing as a euphamism, both for sex and for playing the guitar… the fingers on the strings like the eight fingers currently driving her pussy insane.

She felt a nibble on her chin and moaned. “Y-yes?”

“You’re wool gathering.” Shaniqua smirked. She and her twin knew Carol… inside and out.

“Maybe we just need to get even closer….” Whitney purred. Neither were insulted, they knew the young singer and how some of her biggest hits were created while the two brought her to new heights of orgasmic delight.

“Any closer and we’d be sharing a body, sister dear.” Shaniqua chided, but couldn’t hide the smirk from her face, sliding a hand behind Carol’s back, her yellow eye makeup shining in the dressing room light.

“And what would be so wrong about that, sister dear?” Whitney winked her own eye, showing off the matching yellow eye makeup as she matched her twin’s grab. The identical women snuggling together on either side of the blonde beauty, all six of their large, round perky tits squeezing together, their hips grinding together.

“Oh!” Carol moaned, sliding her own arms behind her lovers’ backs. “Oh girls! Yes! Let’s merge!”

“I thought you’d never ask!” Whitney and Shaniqua whispered in unison, letting their matching quirks kick in. Like a lot of quirks, the push of emotion and direction made the two gasp at its touch. Theirs was the ability to ‘sync’ up with anyone. Originally as twins they used to as kids to cheat at tag or other silly things, later using it to study, one taking one subject, the other focusing on something else, and then syncing so they had only half the study time. It had aided their careers as well, able to sync not just with each other, but with Carol or any other person they sang backup for.

But when used during sex…

All three women moaned as their bodies pulled together, sandwiching Carol between the twin black women, her breasts compressing into one large tit, bearing all the size and sensitivity of her previously separate pair. Not to be left out, each of Shaniqua and Whitney’s followed along, compressing and merging, creating a row of three massive tits, two chocolate tits squeezing in from the sides of their single vanilla one tit, their three nipples hard and large.

The rest of their body kept fusing too, all three torsos merging into a single, three striped one barely wide enough to handle the three gigantic tits it supported, let alone the six arms, four black, two white, playing their combining bodies like the guitars the trio often played on stage.

The trio’s voices hit new notes as they felt their hips merge together, leaving them with six legs, much like their arms, but only a single pussy, a perfect fusion of all three of their pussies, with all the sensations and sensitivity compressed into one lovely flower for the trio to give all their attention to, something Shaniqua and Whitney were happy to do, while Carol used two of the twins arms, and one of her own, to play with their amazing, firm tits.

Finally solidifying, the trio came, their merged pussy spasming and they all sang out again, finally drawing the attention of their agent and producer.

Himiko and Airu stepped into the room, as nude as the day they were born together. They’d taken on the dual roles of managing Carol’s career and making sure the music sounded as perfectly as it could. I mean, it was country music after all.

And also for being the ‘safe cocks’ around when Carol and her two backup singers got just a bit too cock hungry for their own good. Either Airu or Himiko would have been enough for any of the three women, but together, the identical asian women’s monster cocks was too much even for the trio combined, which usually meant it was JUST enough cock to satisfy the trio when they got conjoined like this.

As long as their forarms, with heads as big as their fists, the duo grinned at the mouthwatering looks the trio of sex crazed singers gave them through glazed eyes. Coming at the trio from either side, the twins grinned at each other over the tops of the other twins heads and the cowgirl hat.

“They look like they’re still a bit unstable.” Airu mentioned, noting the changing skin color between the twins darker black, and Carol’s much paler tones.

“Oh, worried about making this a double decker sandwich?” Himiko teased, hefting her own tits, the equals to the trios merged pairs and sitting it atop Whitney’s single tit.

“We-we’ve never done that before.” Airu moaned as Carol’s hand on her side started stroking her length. “Ah! So good… We uh, might be getting in deep here.”

“Not as deep as we want you.” Carol moaned.

“Please… fuck us…” Shaniqua begged, her eyes glued on Airu’s.

“Our pussy needs your cocks so bad.” Whitney murmured, using both her and her twin’s hand on her side to pull Himiko closer. Carol’s hand on her side still working between their six legs on their merged pussy.

The cocky asian twins needed no extra encouragement and quickly helped heft the conjoined sandwiched trio up enough to start sliding both cocks into their merged pussy at once. The first foot of each woman’s cock went in easily, but after that it slowed down, the trio clamping down and crying out as they quickly orgasmed at the massive dual cocks stretching them out as they plunged into their depths.

The sex was rough, hard, and due in no small part to all present being part of the musical industry, rather in tune with one another as all five women in three bodies cried out and drove back and forth into one another, the mix and mass of limbs and tits and cock-stretched-pussy driving all of them over several peaks of pleasure and further up more, and filling their womb with a ball churning amount of cum, enough cum that their belly was starting to push outwards and not just from the ridculous amount of cum inside them.

With a five way scream, Airu and Himiko found themselves being pulled into the trios combined form, their own tits merging down to singles just like the twins and Carol before, though taking place in a single row under the trios original tits. Ten arms caressed and played with the five massive tits, all ten eyes growing wide at the conjoined cock that sprouted above their fused pussy, a single rod with two heads still leaking the cum that also filled their merged wombs.

A womb that even with five women sharing it, still bulged and lifted their five big tits and pushed their cock forward at a bit of an angle, their heavy quad balls in a single sac grinding against their tri-merged pussy.

“Oh fuck… that’s…” Himiko groaned.

“A lot of sensation to deal with.” Airu finished, blinking as she realized she’d synced up with her sister, much like Shaniqua and Whitney did when their quirk was active. They could barely see each other around the three women sandwiched between them but peeked around enough to try and get their bearings. Was this what the other pair of twins felt all the time? If so, they mentally agreed they liked the link up.

“Oh fuck that was just what we needed.” Whitney giggled lightly.

“Great way to shed some stress before a show.” Shaniqua agreed.

Their body tried to tug in three or so directions at once, but nothing happened.

“Huh?” Carol blinked, her green eyes snapping back into focus after what had been a mindblowing amount of sex. “Wait, we’re still conjoined?”

“Umm… shit.” Whitney’s yellow made up eyes blinked, briefly hiding her brown orbs. “We didn’t separate.”

“We’re stuck.” Shaniqua agreed after another tug in slightly different directions. “Fuck, we got knocked up!”

“What?!” Airu and Himiko shouted, all five wincing at the feeling of that many ears hitting at that high a volume. “We know Carol’s on the pill, why aren’t you two?”

“Uh, because we only fuck women?” Whitney rolled her eyes, before giving Himiko a peck on the cheek, finding her pout cute. “And usually just each other.”

“Being able to share sensations makes masturbation a very fun experience.” Shainqua said, Carol nodding as the two had done that for her a few times to get her to calm down. Ten years on stage and the blonde woman still got stage fright from time to time, and the ‘sync’ quirk and a quick double masturbation from the twins had always kept her nice and mellow. “Forget us on the pill, why weren’t you two wearing condoms?”

Airu and HImiko looked around the trio’s heads to stare wide eyed at each other before two hands, interestingly one of Carol’s and one of either Shaniqua or Whitney’s, smacked the outer asian twins foreheads.

“Forgot.” They said in unison.

“Well, looks like that’ll keep us together for the next nine months or so.” Carol didn’t seem as upset as the other four women attached to her thought she probably should have been, and the pairs of twins shared looks of wondering if it had set in for Carol yet, or if the blonde just didn’t get it.

Probably too kind a heart to ever be bothered, they all mentally agreed as best they could, knowing each other well enough to pick up on what the other heads were thinking.

“Oh!” Carol shouted, the other four women shrieking in surprise as their five titted, ten armed, ten legged, single torso, pussy and cocked (though double headed) body leaped to its many feet.

“Wh-what?!” Shaniqua looked at the crazy blonde who shared her body, and had been sharing her bed the last few years and two tours.

“That means our due date will be mother’s day! We’re total milfs now!”

… Ten hands came up to facepalm, most missing and smacking tits or cheeks, but the sentiment was felt, before all five women burst into laughter, wrapping all their arms around each other. They’d always been a team, and were happy to know they always would be now.

They just hoped their fans liked their new look.

~Happy Milf Day!


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