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Written by Candlestick’s Dilemma

Proofing by Roxi!

It wasn’t often that Mira and Dixie went out, both being confirmed introverts, but for the pair of heartmates, an exception could be made for their girlfriend, Hitomi.

There was an art show the busty asian woman had been dying to go to, and she’d convinced the conjoined pair to come along during a titfuck, her jumbo sized J-cups wrapped around Mira and Dixie’s two-toned dick. She’d even managed to add in that they’d have to separate for the party, if only so she could see the pair in two different dresses, a mild fetish for her, while she got the pair of lovers to frost her titties. They’d try to complain that all had been cheating but lost the will to argue when Hitomi had broken out her tenta-cocks.

So instead, they’d found themselves absently looking at art while searching for their girlfriend, each fidgeting finding it strange to be in separate bodies from each other, and still stood next to one another out of habit and comfort more than anything else.

Mira was the first to spot their girlfriend, looking absolutely stunning in a red dress a playboy bunny or Jessica Rabbit would have blushed at. Giving her thick dicked heartmate a wink, Mira snuck over to Hitomi as quiet as a mouse, before sliding up behind her and letting her hands stroke all over Hitomi’s plump breasts.

Her dark haired asian lover gave a shriek of surprise for recognizing the hands, and then the blonde head peeking over her right shoulder, and leaned back into her, the two sharing a kiss, her curtain of dark hair and Mira’s blonde blending a bit as their lips met, before pulling back from one another’s bottomless need for more.

“You’re the best work of art in here.” Mira emphasized her point by giving both of Hitomi’s large breasts a squeeze, pushing her own substantial pair harder into Hitomi’s back, letting the other woman feel just how hard Mira’s nipples were.

Around the pair, numerous couples, all dressed just as fancy, found their eyes drawn to the pair more than any statue or painting as the women continued to make out.

Before all their eyes, Mira’s hips and Hitomi’s began blending together, four legs becoming two, both woman moaning aloud as two pussies become one very wet and hungry one, before diving back into each other’s mouths, each trying their best to tie the other’s tongue into a knot.

Not to be left out, Dixie approached her heartmate and their shared girlfriend, blushing at hte display. The pair sensed her before seeing her and couldn’t help but grin, knowing exactly what the young pink haired babe wanted.

“You two are so beautiful together.” Dixie gushed as more and more of the bustiest two women the pink haired hottie knew merged.

“Care to join this work of art?” Mira teased, their four arms squeezing and playing with Hitomi’s tits, Mira still leaning a bit over Hitomi’s shoulder, arms hooked under the Asian’s own slim limbs as their waistlines began sinking together.

Hitomi didn’t wait for Dixie to answer, already knowing her girlfriend inside and out, and quickly pulled Dixie forward, against her large breasts, and began molding the pink haired hottie into the large melons that brought her and her pair of lover’s such pleasure.

Not to be left out or forgotten, Mira pushed her own tits into Hitomi’s back, their torso’s blending and expanding Hitomi’s breasts even as Dixie melded into them, not that Dixie noticed, too enraptured with the loving massage Hitomi was giving her, folding and mixing the young lady into her mature tits, arms and legs quickly vanishing into the growing tits.

Somewhere in the molding together Mira’s arms and Hitomi’s met and blended, their shoulders quickly following and putting Mira’s head right next to her lover on the bustiest body in the hemisphere, only Dixie’s face and hair smiling up at them from their cleavage. Each woman, brunette and blonde, leaned forward and gave their pink haired lover one final kiss each before squeezing their huge tits together, fully absorbing Dixie into them, her consciousness spreading across both heavy tits, stirring and stroking the massive pair of tits, and leaving the pair panting and needing to touch their huge tits.

Glancing around, more to get their bearings than anything else, Mira and Hitomi were surprised to see the art party had been nearly cut in half. Some of these high and mighty rich people had snuck off to have their own ‘private art showings’ with each other, some had felt inspired and become their own works of art by blending with one another. A trio of skinny trophy wives had even gone so far as to blend into a tri-headed beauty with the combined curves and then some of a single hourglass shaped woman.

“So, glad we came out together?” Hitomi asked, her soft accent teasing Mira’s ears.

“Oh you know I love it when we all cum together.” Mira teased right back, feeling their heavy breasts give a little bounce. “And I can feel Dixie’s right there with us.”

“Just like she should be.” Hitomi purred, one hand giving a slight squeeze to the size of a massive breast. “Now, let’s see what the next room offers.”

“Hopefully it’s as good as this room.” Mira grinned before both women broke into titters of laughter, their high heels clicking on the marble floor as they left the room, the red dress of Hitomi and Mira’s little black number having blended into a beautiful crimson that shone in the museum lights, drawing everyone’s attention as they left.

And one young painter quickly sketched out an idea on their sketch pad. When next the trio visited the museum, they’d be surprised to see one more work of art they’d inspired as well.

