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Author's notes:

So this will be a bit odd. The conjoinment is in the final part, and I've been writing this while I'm sick, so I'm going to post all the bits throughout the week so we can get to the CJ before Sunday. I'm still recovering from the current plague so forgive me.


“Holy blown out flip flops!” Alex brushed her short blue hair out of her eye and so she could focus on both. On the master, or as it was her mom’s, Mistress’ bedroom, on the King sized bed, was a bodysuit, and a deluxe one at that.

Bodysuits, something new on the market, would let a person climb into it, and take on the preset proportions and shape, even skin-tone of the suit. While some even had a head to let you fully take on the appearance of your chosen bodysuit, this one was simply from the neck down. Biting her lip, Alex glanced down at her own rail thin body and then at the empty bodysuit.

It wouldn’t hurt to just… put it for a bit, right?

Tugging at the neck hole, Alex was amazed as it stretched out, large enough for… well, even a woman as large as whoever the skin had been based on.

Or, and a shiver ran up her spine as Alex thought about it, made FROM.

More than a few women wanted to be immortalized with the incredible figures they’d worked all their life on, and had undergone the transformation into a bodysuit, letting their form become the body of whoever wished to wear them, feeling every bit of joy and pleasure their body could while controlled by someone who would adore having their body as their own.

But looking at the lack of a head, Alex felt relatively certain this wasn’t one of THOSE suits. Alex shook her head once to clear it and focus again on her goal, trying out the huge bimbo of a body her mom had purchased, Alex assumed for herself. Alex couldn’t imagine her mother wanting to look like a bimbo quite as badly as Alex dreamed of, and the only other person in the house, her fraternal twin brother Sam, was… well… male.

Though even she had to admit that in the right makeup, and a nice dress, Sam made a hell of a woman, especially with his cute butt.

But still, a big bimbo body for a boy? No way!


Right. It had to be a present from her mom for Alex. Poor, skinny, bimbo body obsessed Alex.

With the decision made up in her mind, Alex quickly slid into the bodysuit one leg at a time. The experience was… surreal. Watching her skinny chicken legs slip inside of, and be replaced with, the sensation and reality of plump, thicc legs. Next was the hips, and Alex bit her lips as her own wet pussy was replaced with a plump pair of lips, engorged and so horny they felt like they were vibrating. What’s worse (or better, as Alex thought about it), was that the pussy itself felt… ribbed.

Even walking around was going to make her cum! If the pussy hadn’t come pre-lubed, she’d have been dripping at that thought alone.

Working the hips up, Alex groaned as she felt her little butt fill the incredible, huge ass. Like two pillows had been welded to hips far wider than she was used to. Working it up further, Alex was shocked as her already skinny waist compressed with little to no discomfort to a pinched, wasp waist that emphasized her large hips and ass even more.

Finally was the last part, the biggest part, in her mind. The breasts.

Slipping her arms in first, Alex blinked and flexed her new hands, looking at the long, almost debilitating fake nails that came with it. Perhaps the whole bimbo thing was getting to her as her first thought was ‘how will I work my phone to post pics to ‘gram with that?’ before shaking her head, she didn’t even have a ‘gram account. Shifting her shoulders around, she hefted the huge latex orbs, before wiggling deeper into the suit and feeling it snap up over shoulders, the little buds she had feeling like they were suddenly over taken and blossomed into two wet balloons filled with pudding the size of beach balls, and not dissimilarly shaped than the water play equipment.

Reaching up with her long nailed fingers, she carefully adjusted the neck hole, before reaching out and snagging the accompanying choker. Buckling it in place, she gasped at the wording written on it, “Snap my Choker” before biting a thin lip and turning to the full size mirror her mother kept near the closet.

The site that greeted her was that of the biggest, most inflated bimbo she’d ever seen. Even the images she’d commissioned to have ‘shopped of herself to have her face on various big boob models couldn’t complete with tits like these, or the sheer feeling of really, truly having massive tits tugging at her back muscles and collarbones, back muscles suddenly much stronger than the meager ones she’d worked out for so far in in her life. Nor did any of those pictures have an over inflated ass like her’s, each cheek so tight that a shelf formed behind her.

Further, her feet seemed to be trapped in a permanent arch, only forcing her calf muscles and legs to make her perky ass stand out even more, and forcing Alex to not so much walk, as Mince her way over to the mirror on the balls of her feet. The strange decision to have feet like this didn’t click for Alex until her eyes fell on her mom’s large collection of high heels. Of course, a bimbo wouldn’t wear anything less.

Stepping into a shiny red pair, Alex was nearly driven to her knees, the feeling of being in heels, like she belonged, some part of her brain told her, was nearly an orgasmic experience in the most literal of senses. Stepping back in front of the mirror was more an act of desperation than will power, the need to simply take this body to the bed and fully enjoy it was overwhelming.

Any sense of resolve was swept away the moment Alex saw her own cute face perched atop the body she’d always desired, in tight high heels and a pussy that was practically weeping with need. She took one long lingering look in the mirror before diving onto the bed, not caring that her knees were hanging off before starting to eagerly explore her sexy, round, bimbo body, to several orgasms.

It was nearly two hours later that she heard a click from downstairs and a call from her brother, Sam, in his pitched girly voice calling out that he was home.

As badly as Alex wanted to continue, she didn’t want to get caught in the sexy bodysuit by her brother, at least not before her mother did the proper thing and actually gave it to her.

Nearly tearing the choker off, she yanked the bodysuit off her and climbed out, her legs shaking at the workout she’d put her body through, even if it had been the bodysuit and not her own. She tossed the bodysuit onto the bed, yanking the bed sheets this way and that before snatching up her pile of clothes and scuffed tennis shoes and dived out of the room just as Sam cleared the stairs in his slow climb up the stairs.

With a shouted greeting over her shoulder, she ran her nude butt away from him and into her own room.


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