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Story Contains: Conjoinment, conjoined MILFs, conjoined female and trans females who love each other very much, tentacles that end in cocks (tenta-cocks), misuse of 20 somethings in schoolgirl skirts. PROPER use of 20 somethings in schoolgirl skirts. Flagrant Females Flirting Flamboyantly.


Maria and Julila looked at each other before glancing around the long banquet hall they were in. Around them were easily a hundred women, some with extras like themselves, some without, but something that the pair of MILFs agreed on is that they were all gorgeous.

In one corner was a pair of women, one black with gorgeous long hair, the other her mirror with a light tan, but all the same proportions, clearly hand crafted that way. What was surprising was that each woman had an extra head, not identical to her own, but each other’s, with the left half of her body matching the other woman’s. It apparently was a new change for the pair of pairs, and they seemed rather ecstatic. Julia and Maria whispered to each other if it was a pair of twins who’d swapped, or a set of women who had doubled up and now had traded heads and left sides.

In another area a beautiful asian woman with breasts even bigger than Julia and Maria’s was holding court, a bevy of women obviously in their late 20s, most with breasts in the same size range as Maria and Jula had originally sported separately, but none held a candle to their current massive mama milkers, let alone the babe in the center of them. The busty woman herself was a shock to behold, instead of a lower half, she had a mess of tentacles that each ended in cocks, and many of the young women around her were clearly trying to coax the cocks to do something rather lewd to them.

In fact, glancing around the party, they noticed that a great deal of the women there had paired off, or more, having small orgies unto themselves. Some, the ones that could anyway, seemed to be enjoying new transformations or conjoinments, letting Maria and Julia enjoy the vicarious thought of what it would be like to perhaps find a red head and become the full package, but the duo agreed they’d struck gold when they found one another, and doubted lightning would strike twice so easily.

They’d had a few women appraoch them, some just to meet and greet and obviously do a bit of networking, Julia grinning and Maria kicking herself as the twins’ advice to have business cards with their contact details, and on the back a few ‘quick links’ to some of their vids incase the person hadn’t seen their vids, or couldn’t place the names with the faces after a night of drinking and sex, both of which seemed an obvious pitfall of a convention like this.

What the twins hadn’t prepared them for, was the number of fangirls they’d have come up to them, excited to meet the world famous Marshmallow MILFs, who in their first vid had worn a strapon made from all three cocks of their twin daughters’s two boyfriends, and used it to fuck said twins on camera. The twins hadn’t told their mothers at the time they were being recorded, and they had well over 8 million views before the mature women had found out.

Since then, they’d made a number of videos, some guest starring the twins who had created their own channel shortly after the success, some guest starring the boys, who had apparently decided to stay conjoined with their three cocks somehow tangled together into an even bigger, ribbed cocked, but their most frequently posted videos was just the MILFs themselves, enjoying their sweet body, both literally and figuratively, as they still retained the sweet taste of marshmallow when licked.

They’d even ranked high enough to enjoy an invite to the end of year Cam-Girl Private Hall. There’d been an award ceremony at some point but what everyone waited for was the end of year ‘sexiest of all’ orgies so that’s what the convention had boiled down to long since.

As the pair of MILFs glanced around the room, partly to watch the craziness and bod-mods and fun quirks on display, they caught a late entry at the double doors that led to the hall.

Stepping through the doors was a blue haired woman, not quite long enough to cover her eyes, and the sides shaved up to the top of the head, giving the appearance of a shaggy mohawk that was no longer standing up. To her left, sharing her shoulders, was a paler woman with pink hair, the right side of her hair shaved down to just a light fuzz, that was also pink. Their body seemed divided down the center, the left half bearing Pinky’s skin tone, while the other side sported the blue-nette’s darker tan. Their breasts were plump, a bit bigger than their heads, and had just enough jiggle that every step they took was a treat.

And they had four legs, so that was a lot of steeping. One set of hips was spponed up behind the front set, and given how they were walking, Maria and Julia had the distinct expression that their back set of legs had a cock big enough and long enough that the pair was essentially fucking themselves with every step.

And having seen their videos, the Marshmallow MILFs were quite familiar with Mira and Dixie’s Heartmate anatomy, and that was exactly what was happening to the pair, both women feeling their cock stretching a lovely pussy especially made for that cock, and the pussy itself, stretched so perfectly over a lovely cock. They’d also seen enough videos of the pair of Heartmates to know they could swap them around, having the cock in front, or even condensing down to one pair of hips that shared both sets of genitalia.

But right now they were in that gorgeous, double hipped, self fucking form and were clearly queens in their element as woman after woman approached and gushed before retreating before the pair. The bluenette was lovingly flirting with each while Dixie was blushing and several young women were gushing right back.

The pair briefly flirted next to and with the earlier mentioned tenta-cock queen, who Maria and Julia noted had moved on to absolutely ravaging the group of fangirls in schoolgirl skirts around her. A true testament to Ms. Tenta-cocks professionalism was the calm conversation she was having with the Heartmates, while all around her, a half dozen or so women were cumming their brains out on her cocks.

Moving away, the Heartmates and Marshmallow MILFs soon found themselves face to face to face to face, and before any could really gather what was going on, much flirting and mutual admiration.

“Why, hello there.” Mira leaned forward, giving a long look up and down the MILFs’ curvy, mature bodies.

“Are you the Marshmallow MILFs? We've seen your videos like a hundred times!” Dixie gushed, earning a sharp look from her Heartmate.

“R-really?” Maria leaned forward, feeling their heavy breast swing a bit in the tight fitting dress, Julia joining in a second later.

“O-oh my! A hundred?”

Dixie nodded her head vigorously while her Heratmate facepalmed, “are the red headed twins really your daughters?”

“Dixie! Silly girl!” Mira interrupted, bringing a chuckle to the MILFs.


“Yes they really are.” Julia giggled. “Mine biologically, but we’ve both claimed them.”

“To let you in on a real secret,” Maria grinned, glancing around to add to it. “One of their boyfriends is biologically my son too.”

The pair of Heartmates both gasped, grinning or giggling respectively. “So naughty!”

One of the MILF’s arms, the one on Maria’s side stroking up Dixie’s side’s arm. “We've caught a few of your videos too.” Maria added, Julia nodding before adding in a question of her own.

“Do you ever do any... private performances?”

“We've got a hotel room in the Executive Suite.” Mira grinned sidelong at her Heartmate.

“I'll call Hitomi over.” Dixie added.


What came next was a private orgy that MILFs had only dreamed of before. After crashing through the Executive Suite’s doors, Hitomi the Tenta-cock monster grinning and closing it behind her while the Heartmates and Marshmallow MILFs grinded against each other, let the foursome have some fun while she enjoyed watching, her own tentacocks caressing her more human curves, one or two brave tentacocks even slipping between her lips.

As she watched, the Heartmates swapped their cock to their front hips, and the Marshmallow MILFs lovingly went down on the pair, grinning over the two toned girly cock the pair of Heartmates shared. Once the pair of MILFs had the Heartmates nice and riled up, they bent over the bed, their arms bracing themselves against while the Heartmates grabbed their hips, plowing into the MILFs with all the thrust two sets of hips and four legs could offer, quickly riding the pair through their first orgasm of the night, the Heartmate’s own following a moment later.

Hitomi found herself getting riled up just watching and quickly dived in, surrounding the four women in two bodies with tenta-cocks, before pulling Dixie and Mira apapart, leaving Mira the bluenette with the cock, and Dixie with a cute, wet pussy that Hitomi quickly pushed into, Mira getting more than a few in various fun places.

The Marshmallow MILFs weren’t forgotten either, lifted up into the air by Hitomi’s Tenta-Cocks, and having every mouth and any other extra hole they had filled with her various and many phallic and prehensile bits, several wrapping around and weaving through their two heavy tits, pulling them tight.

After she’d had a bit of fun, HItomi released them, letting the pair of MILFs dive face first into Dixie’s lovely puss while Mira plowed into them from behind with her now ‘sole-use’ cock, quickly pushing herself over the edge of a rather femme male orgasm as the MILFs screamed in delight into Dixie’s orgasming pussy.

Hitomi having regained her strength, quickly scooped all four women up again, pulling them tightly together, Mira and Dixie on either side of the Marshmallow MILFs. The tighter she pulled, the more the Heartmate’s own quirks kicked in, letting them sink into the MILFs, creating a four headed, even bustier, four legged combination of the Heartmate’s usually form, and the MILFs. The four women were nearly babbling in over stimulation as Hitomi quickly attacked all the extras the four-some now shared, especially the two pussies and girly cock.

And so the night wore on, until for the MILFs it all faded to white.


Upon waking, the two MILFs found themselves alone, not just in their conjoined body, still happily cheek to cheek, but alone in the hotel suite. There was a cute note with three different handwriting styles on it, which Julia and Maria quickly sorted into Mira’s straightforward slashes, Hitomi’s broken flowy lines, and Dixie’s girly cursive.

Mira: “Hey sexies, sorry for leaving but you two just looked so cute sleeping we couldn’t wake ya.”

Hitomi: “Your pleasure was delightful to taste, and I look forward to the chance to sample you once more.”

Dixie: “If you want to watch our streams later today, you’ll see some vids you two inspired in us!”

Mira: “We’ll make sure to give you a shout-out or two as it goes on, nothing beats a live threeway-fucking.”

Hitomi: “Please, reach out to us later, we would be happy to share a free sub to each of our streams if you’d like to enjoya  deluxe package with us.”

Dixie: “Oh! And if you would like, we’d love to team up on stream with you some time! I mean, if you want.”

The pair of MILFs grinned to each other as they carefully refolded the note and sat it atop their dress, leaning back on the bed, catching thier heavy breasts with both hands.

It had been quite a night, and one heck of an opening for the new year. They couldn’t wait to see what the next year, and the next holiday, would bring.


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