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The so called ‘good twin’. Has a bit of a higher pitch than her goth twin. Has blonde hair that falls in rivulets around her face but for the most part is straight. She finds this hilarious whenever someone points it out, as she’s gay.

Often will pronounce things a bit off. I’ve added (brackets) and Underlining to denote what are just pronouncing, not dialogue.


Deeper voice than her ‘good twin’. Knows magic. Despite many attempts to get her hair to lay flat, it tends to spring up in odd angles often giving her the appearance of devil horns, accented by the fact that she has her hair Raven Black.

Also is straight, though she admits she can admire female beauty. “Sexuality is a spectrum!”


*A nock at the door.*

Angela: “Come innnn!” *with a sing song voice.*

Demonica: “Uh, hey sis.”

Angela: “Ugh, seriously?” *chucks a pillow, a soft thump as it hits the door.*

Demonica: “HEY! Don’t throw shit at me!”

Angela: “It was a pillow, get over it. In fact, get out!”

Demonica: “Oh, uh, right. Ummm...”

Angela: “Do you know how weird it is to have my bossy twin be all timid like this?”

Demonica: “Do you know how hard it is to see my ‘full of light twin’ be angry at me?”

Angela: “I... wow we have kinda switched things around, huh?”

Demonica: “Look, I’m sorry about earlier. Can we just... get together for a bit?”

Angela: “Well there is that party tonight? We were going to go in matching costumes, remember?”

Demonica: “Yeah, yeah, the angel and the devil costumes. On twins. Not gonna win any originality with that one.”

Angela: “Especially with the Romanian twins going as sexy catgirls.”

Demonica: “Ugh, ok, if we’re doing this, it’s go big or go home, right?”

Angela: “Right, so I was thinking... You know... bippity boppity?”

Demonica: “You... you want me to use my vast powers to make us win a cheap costume contest? You know I can’t use it to benefit myself.”

Angela: “You did want to make it up to me, didn’t you? I’d say if you use your powers so I win a contest you're not benefiting yourself, but I would forgive you.”

Demonica: “Ugh... ok, so what did you have in mind?”

Angela: “Umm... kind of a dichotomy thing?”

Demonica: “You... you’re kidding.”

Angela: “I’m not.”

Demonica: “We were literally just fighting.”

Angela: “Yup.”

Demonica: “And your idea of me making it up to you is to fuse our bodies together?”

Angela: “I’m thinking two heads, wide enough shoulders for both of us to turn and look at each other, play argue whenever anyone points out the aesthetic or us getting along, narrowing down to two dainty feet.”

Demonica: “Oh and let me guess-”

Unison: “Big boobs!”

Demonica: “Of course. Ugh. Why are you into boobs that much?”

Angela: “Because I’m the gay one?” *kind of a wheedling, nasal sound* “Plllllllease sis?”

Demonica: “We do it, we’re square?”

Angela: “We win and we’re square.”

Demonica: “Nope! No! Not going to hinge the spell on something like that.”

Angela: “Fine. Combo body to match the angel/devil aesthetic for the party and we’re cool.”

Demonica: “Ugh. …grrrr... It’s a good thing I love you.”

Angela: *giggling and a smooch* “Helps that I’m fucking hot too.”

Demonica: “We’re twins, twit.”

Angela: “Which just means we’re both fucking hot.”

Demonica: “Fiiiine. Ok, get the costumes ready, we’ll need to be wearing them during the fusion because I am NOT resewing those in under an hour.”

Angela, ecstatic: “You’re the best twin ever! Smooch smooch smooch!” *comical kissy noises, Demonica giggling*

Demonica: “Alright, alright!” *giggle again* “Meet in ten minutes?”

Angela: “It’s a date!”


Demonica: “Indagadavidaaaaa DONE!”

Angela: “Done?”

Demonica: “Uh... yeah?”

Angela: “But I don’t-”

Demonica: “Do I seriously need to grope our tits for you to notice?”

Angela: “OMGosh (Oh-em-gosh!) we’re huge!”

Demonica, a bit bashfully: “Uh, yeah, I mean, the extra mass had to go somewhere, and there was a sexy contest to win and-”

Angela: “But we had such cute little bewbs before! I know I said bigger, but I was thinking-”

Demonica, a bit angrily: “Well these are sexy costumes! It’s a sexy costume contest! And let’s be honest, that means sluts!”

Angela: “Well I’m combined with the biggest slut I know.”

Demonica: “You... YOU CUNT!”

Angela: “I think you mean OUR cunt, cunt!”

Demonica: “What are you on about?”

Angela: “If you were gonna inflate us like balloons, why not our sweet little ass? Every guy’s an ass man!”

Demonica: “How the fuck would I know! I like guys!”

Angela: “Gee, if only you had someone just like you but gay to ask! Like right next to you! Like a twin!”

Demonica: “How would you know what guys like!?”

Angela: “Because I like girls too!”

Demonica: “Not with your cock!”

Angela: “Ugh, why did I ever want this?”

Demonica: “I DON’T KNOW!”

*A moment of silence as the two stew.*

In unison: “I’m sorry.”

*startled laugh/giggle.*

Demonica: “Damnit we really are two peas in a pod, aren’t we?”

Angela: “Well we are now.” *giggle* “Ok but riddle me this. Did we get turned on by arguing? We’re sharing a pussy so don't lie.”

Demonica, again a bit bashful: “It's a turn on for me, ok?”

Angela, nonbelieving: “arguing.”

Demonica, haltingly: “Y-yeah.”

Angela, pushing a bit: “with a hot girl?”

Demonica, frustrated: “yes, can we just move on-.”

Angela, overlapping a bit with Demonica: “with me.”

Demonica, hesitating: “…y-yes.”

Angelica: “Specifically, me.”

Demonica, all in a rush: “By the nine hells yes! Ok? It's a thing for me. Like a fetish. I get catty with a hot girl, and you’re always around so it was always you, and whatever guy was looking at us would pick me over you and at some point it morphed into not even needing the guy to see it, just being bitches at each other was enough to get me hot and bothered!”

Angela: “Oohhhhoooo wow that's a special kind of-.”

Demonica, cutting her twin off: “And don’t even play the kink shame card because I can feel how turned on we’re getting and I can't believe YOUR kink is embarrassing me.”

Angela: “Well, you're hot when you get all embarrassed. It's not that weird.”

Demonica: “No, what's weird is the horniest I've been in months is when I'm sharing a pussy with me gay twin sister.”

Angela: “Mmm... I think I can help with that.”

Demonica: “I... oooh you’ve got good hands.”

*Kissing sounds*

Angela, little chirp as she quips: “That’s what she said!”

*More kissing sounds*

Demonica: “Ah... d-damn we’re sensitive.”

Angela: “The brush of an angel’s wing would set us off like this. Ah!”

*More desperate kissing*

Demonica: “Are we?”

Angela: “We’re... ah!”

*moaning as they cum.*

Demonica: “D-damn. Well that’s about 4 am.”

Angela: “Huh? It's like 6 pm?”

Demonica: “Ugh, nothing, air head.”

Angela: “Oh! That's a point, since you’re straight and I'm gay, are we bi?”

Demonica: “Uh, no. That's not how it works. I'm still straight, you’re still gay, we’re just both going to feel each other get turned on by different stuff than we’re used to.”

Angela, dawning realization: “Ohhh. Ok.” *a bit giddier* “Let’s look in the mirror, I wanna see how we turned out!”

*steps sound, implying high heels on hardwood floors*

Demonica: “Damn.”

Angela: “Heaven’s bells, look at us! If I wasn’t already gay, I think we could change my mind.”

Demonica: “I’m still straight, but this does make me feel a certain kind of way.”

Angela: “Like the first time we saw Shego?”

Unison: *double happy sigh* “Shego.”

Angela, a light giggle to her voice: “Ok ok, but why the hair?”

Demonica: “Oh, I thought the red streak in mine would go good with the whole red devil’s delight thing I had going.”

Angela: “I meant mine. My natur-”

Demonica, cutting her off. “You’re as naturally blonde as I am raven-black.”

Angela: “Fine, but I mean why does it turn green and go all tendrilly (Tendril – E)?”

Demonica: “Was shooting for a ‘garden of eden’ angel look.”

Angela: “That explains the flowers.”

Demonica, preening a bit: “I knew you’d like it.”

Angela, disdainful: “What I don’t like is the outfit. It looks like it was just scissored (Scis as in Scism, ore like iron ore, with a D on the end) in half and sewn together by someone who’d just been introduced to what a needle and thread was.”

Demonica, defensively: “Well I thought it’d make the costume more... You know, like this is all a trick and not-.”

Angela, cutting her off: “A magic trick?”

Demonica, grumbling a bit: “You’re turning us on again. Can we just get to the party?”

Angela: “Anything I should know before we head out?”

Demonica: “About the party?”

Angela: “About the spell!”

Demonica, hmming: “Nothing I can think of.”

Angela: “Obey-kabey (O. B. K. B.) ! Twins, HO!”

Demonica: “Don’t call us that!”

Angela, voice fading out with more steps: “But it’s truuuuuue!”

*Door slamming shut.*


Demonica, yawning.

Angela: “And you accuse me of not being a morning person.”

Demonica, nervous: “Huh? M-morning?”

Angela: “Uh, yeah? Sun’s out, birds are shining-”

Demonica, more panicked: “Why are we still sharing a body?”

Angela: “Because you cast a spell so we could win a costume contest, duh. We lost btw (Bee-Tea-Dubs). The Romanian Twins doubled up too, had twice as many boobies and milk and-.”

Demonica, panicking a bit more: “No you twit, the spell was supposed to wear off around 4am and split us back apart!”

Angela: “Oh that’s not good.”

Demonica, screeching a bit, starting to ramble: “NOT GOOD?! I’m stuck with a twit for a body partner and she thinks it’s not good! What did we even do to... ohhhhh no. We didn’t.”

Angela, innocently, falsely innocently: “What didn’t?”

Demonica, dangerous anger creeping into her voice: “Sister dear... did you fuck some guy after we got into the punch?”

Angela, even more innocent: “Of course not, sister dear.”

Demonica, a little more desperately: “A... a girl? Did we have sex with a girl?”

Angela: “What’s this have to do with-?”

Demonica: “JUST TELL ME!”

Angela: “We did not have sex with a girl.”

Demonica: “Ugh than something must have gone wrong with the spell. I need to-.”

Angela: “Why are you so worried about us having sex?”

Demonica, at the end trailing off before the “what”: “Because it’s a lust goddess’ spell. It kinda runs on orgasms. The more we have, the longer it last, the... what?”

Angela, anger rising: “Why wouldn’t you tell me that?! I even specifically asked you if I needed to know about something like that?”

Demonica: “Because we have not only DIFFERENT taste in partners but completely incompatible... Ohhhh damn.”

Angela: “Starting to remember?”

Demonica: “Indiana Jane?”

Angela: “Y-yeah. That brother sister combo we’d been crushing on? Apparently, they used a little magic themselves and fused fully and put on an ‘almost’ gender swapped Indiana Jones costume.”

Demonica, moaning into a hand: “Your only boy crush.”

Angela: “Yup.”

Demonica: “Then we fucked them in the bathroom.”

Angela, chirping a bit: “against the sink and again in the shower.”

Demonica: “Twice in the shower.”

Angela: “The hallway.”

Demonica: “In the kitchen, bent over the counter.”

Angela: “Outside by the bushes.”

Demonica: “While waiting for an uber.”

Angela: “In the uber. We tipped well.”

Demonica: “In the driveway.”

Angela: “On the doorstep.”

Demonica, groaning again: “Did we fuck the entire night?”

Angela: “No.”

Demonica: “Oh thank-”

Angela, cutting her off: “We fucked the whole next day too.”

*Moment of silence.*

Demonica, deadpan: “...what?”

Angela: “It’s Sunday.”

Demonica, a bit high pitched, approaching Angela's level: “The party was Thursday!”

Angela: “Yup.” *giggle*

Demonica, grousing a bit: “And what are you so happy about?”

Angela: “I figure either you know a way to undo this, or you don't and there's nothing we can do, so why worry?”

Demonica, hesitating, incredulous: “…you loveable bimbo.”

Angela, sing song: “takes one to know one!” *back to her normal flighty voice* “So how about it, sis? Any way out?”

Demonica: “Let me… do a little math… carry the one… oh.”

Angela: “So how long are we a BoGo offer on sluts?”

Demonica: “Gimme a sec... Carry the other one... Oh... Oh my… 10.”

Angela: “10 days? Without sex, we can-.”

Demonica, cutting her sister off: “No.”

Angela: “Oh! I mean, 10 weeks will be rough but-.”

Demonica, cutting her off again: “10 months...”

Angela, long pause: “...oh.... Well that's not happening.”

Demonica: “Yeah.” *Sigh* “We fuck waaaay too much. We... What are you doing?”

Angela: “Uh, we’ve spent the last few minutes with you arguing with me and me embarrassing you, so we’re doubly horny, and I want my morning masturbation, duh.”

Demonica: “We literally just talked about this!”

Angela: “Yeah and we clearly aren't separating, like ever. If a day or two of debauchery was enough for that, by the end of ten months we’ll be stuck for the next two hundred years, so why cut back?”

Demonica: “Ugh! It's a good thing you're fucking hot.”

*Kissing sounds building to both of them in a double orgasm*

Angela: “I think.” *Pant* “It's ‘we’.”

Demonica: “We,” *pant*, “what?”

Angela: “We'refucking hot.”

Demonica: “Oh, shut up you twat and kiss me some more.”

Angela: “Ok but does this mean we're bi?”

Demonica with a brief hesitation: “...No, you're still gay, and I'm apparently a narcissistic bitch. Now shut up and kiss me, it's my turn for a morning orgasm.”

*Both have Naughty giggles.*



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