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After a chance meeting in a bar, a gorgon daughter and a Fury debate putting their powers and charms ‘all in one basket’. Contains conjoinment, NBM / Natural Body Magic, winged ladies who like whips, and a budding romance Sappho would have approved of.



Fury. Soft purple wings. Soft purple hair and purple eyes. Otherwise pale skin. Her nose twitches when she’s upset. Very thin, fit body.

She has trouble expressing her emotions, and the type of thing she punishes ‘kills of passion’ makes her shy away from anything too emotional.


Gorgon sister. In life she was famous for having a rather plush body. Thicc. She was beheaded after a goddess offered a boon for taking out a gorgon sister. Now in Hades, she is without the body that brought her so much pleasure and trouble, simply a floating head. Her hair is brown and in thick rivulets that are somewhat reminiscent of snakes.


Greta sighed and took another sip of Roman wine through a straw. She didn’t have the coin for the good stuff, Greek wine, and didn’t really have a way to earn more.

Since she didn’t have a body.

She tended to just float around Hades these days, not looking dissimilar to the Dullahan knights but, again, no body. She couldn’t tell if it had been part of her punishment or if it had been some sort of divine joke that she was forever without the thing that had gotten her in so much trouble in life.

And brought her so much joy.

She wrinkled her nose at the taste and glanced around the bar, hoping to find someone to talk to. She saw a few other Gorgons, several of them simply floating heads like her. After Medusa, the most famous of their family, it had become a bit of a theme.

Arachne gave her a slight wave. Greta politely nodded back but didn’t move over to her. The mother of all spiders was a good friend to the Gorgon Clan but talking with her when she was a bit drunk tended to just turn into how the gods wronged them both respectively, and that wasn’t what Greta was looking for tonight.

Honestly, she was hoping someone cute would come over and-

And what? She didn’t have... any of the parts necessary. Some of her sisters were ‘head sexual’ and while she had to admit, sometimes just thinking was enough to get her going, and her lips had become... embarrassingly sensitive... she missed some of the other bits....

Most of the other bits...

All the other bits...

“So...” A voice like a dagger being slid across leather caressed Greta’s ear. “What’s a cute gal like you doing here?”

Greta turned her head, and found a beautiful, if battle worn, woman. A fury, judging from the leathery purple wings and ever-present whip, along with a gorgeous form fitting outfit in leather.

“oh! Uh. H-hi!” Greta blushed. The fury was beautiful in a very athletic way. She made Greta feel a certain kind of way, like when Artemis would stop through on a trip to talk to some of her favorite hunters who’d passed on, or her Aunt and Uncle. “I’m Greta.”

“Erin.” The fury had the sense to not offer her hand to shake to someone without hands, a gesture that Greta appreciated. So many of the denizens of Hades didn’t seem to get that.

“T-to what do I owe the honor?”

“Oh!” The Fury looked to her glass, something Greta was vaguely certain was Scotch on the Rocks. “So... I was wondering if you'd be my wing girl?”

Greta blinked. Was this a joke on ‘bring an ugly girl so you look prettier’ or...? Deciding to give Erin the benefit of the doubt for two reasons. One, she was hot. Two, Erin didn’t quite strike her as being that oblivious after not offering her a handshake on meeting. “What did you have in mind?”

“Well... I think the one I like is into curvier women.” Erin gestured down at her lack of a bust with one hand while taking another swish of her drink. “And I heard that in life, you were one of the curviest around?”

Greta nodded along, following the thought. “Wanting to borrow my old body? Well, it’s yours if you can find it. I can’t, and couldn’t do anything with it even if I-”

“NO!” Erin broke in quickly, and Greta had to admit that when a Fury wanted your attention, you and everyone in the nearby vicinity paid attention. Erin noticed everyone pausing as well and gave a slight blush of embarrassment before everyone went back to doing what they were doing. “That’s not what I meant. See, I recently picked up an alchemist who died trying to make a love potion.”


“Aphrodite.” Erin nodded. So many alchemists seemed to miss that the Goddess of Love wasn’t going to just let some mortal summon love from a bottle. “Anyway, in exchange for not torturing them soon, they gave me a recipe.”

“Oh?” Greta could feel her interest peeking out. Something that could... regenerate a body for the dead?

“Yeah, pretty simple.” Erin nonchalantly swirled her drink before taking one last swig, finishing it off. “I fit your head on my shoulders, we each take a gulp of a mixture of hydra blood cut with ambrosia, and you’ll become a second head for me, and my body... our body since it will be a minor fusion and it will be kind of a blend of both of ours. It’s temporary, and we’ll split back apart after a day or so but... ya down?”

Greta was.


Greta glanced around Erin’s place in a tucked away corner of Asphodel Meadows, an apartment complex in Hades. She was a bit shocked as it was both way better than the one bedroom she shared with a few roommates and other headless floaters, and way smaller than she’d think a Fury would have. The walls had various whips hanging up, a few keepsakes that she recognized as belonging previously to some epic heroes, and a rather large bookshelf.

Along with a table with a single, glittering potion with swirls of gold and red.

“Is- is that-?”

“Yeah.” Erin flicked it with a finger, and Greta was fascinated when the color changed briefly from the red to the same vivid purple of Erin’s wings, hair and eyes, and the gorgon realized that was probably the color of Erin’s soul. “Want to... just hop into it?”

“S-sure.” Greta floated over to Erin, rising up as she went to head height. “Umm... does it matter what side I’m on your body?”

Our body.” Erin emphasized. “And no, I’m ambidextrous.”

“Well... I used to be left-handed, so mind if I take the left side?”

Rather than answer, Erin unhooked her padded leather corset and released her modest bust, bringing a blush to Greta’s floating face who quickly looked away. Erin laughed upon noticing and reached out to pull Greta’s head towards her. “Greta, I know we just met, but seriously, nothing to be embarrassed about here. We’re about to share all this.”

“I-I know. I just...” Greta blushed and tried to both look at Erin, and not look at her.

Erin adjusted her grip, turning Greta to face the same direction as her, leaning her own head to the right and gently pushing the floating gorgon head to float next to her own head, carefully sweeping Greta’s hair back over her left shoulder, and flipping her own longish hair, usually up in a bun, over her right head, Greta noticing for the first time that Erin had pointed ears.

Pausing to scoop up the potion and uncork it, Erin raised it to her lips before pausing to look over at Greta. “Last chance to back out?”

“N-no.” Greta shook her head, blushing. “Ready to go.”

Each woman took a quick swallow, Erin first, then Greta, and afterwards Greta set the bottle back on the table, before corking it, pausing a moment later to look at her hands. “I... I did that... I DID THAT!”

“You did.” Erin gave a soft laugh, something akin to a sword sliding home in a scabbard. “Yes, you did. It feels really odd to not be in control of my limbs.”

“You can’t control them?” Greta turned her head to Erin, both hands rushing to her mouth to cover her gasp. “I’m so sorry!”

Erin’s lips quirked in a smile, and the hands at Gerta’s mouth quickly gave a quick pinch to each of Greta’s cheeks. “Shared, remember?”

“Oh, right.” Greta felt her cheeks warm and a tingle in her heart, I have a heart again! at Erin’s teasing. “So, uh, what next?”

“Next, the ambrosia should kick in and sort of...” Their right hand made a swishing movement in the air, and Greta couldn’t tell if it was Erin talking with her hands, or if it was Greta urging Erin on, and she’d forgotten how to control her body language. “Mix our essences together, which will change our physical forms to match.”

“Wait, both our forms?” Greta started to ask before she felt her blood begin to boil.

The two women wrapped their arms around their torso, giving a soft moan. To Greta it felt like fire was pumping through her heart, to Erin it was like green venom was empowering her as it pumped through their veins. Outwardly, Erin’s purple wings turned darker and gained green veins, scales forming along the thicker parts. Their arms grew larger, stronger as the power of two women was compacted in one set of arms, but also gained a supple roundness that Erin had never possessed before and Greta dearly missed.

Further down, their thighs thickened, and grew in sensitivity, to the point where even taking a step forward made the two women who shared them tremble with pleasure. Their calves grew more defined, beautiful pillars of feminine power. Their hips pulled apart, spreading from something that even Erin had to admit were more mannish hips, to wide hips that were meant to be hung on to during sex, and could capture the gaze of any mortal as they swished across a room.

Their abs changed little, already Erin’s pride and adding Greta’s well worked Core muscles for carrying a heavy bust only enhanced what they had to offer. Their torso strengthened front to back as well, for similar reasons, their shoulders spreading a bit to better hold the two heads atop it, Greta finding herself no longer an afterthought addon to their left shoulder, but an equal to Erin, sharing half the shoulder space.

Next came what Greta had been missing most in death, and Erin all her long immortal life, a pair of breasts inflating larger, plumper with every passing second. The two women gasping and finding their hands inexplicably drawn to what was already perk C cups, if the ancient Greeks used things such as bras or sizing.

Quickly the surpassed pomegranates in size, and Erin felt her joy and her grin growing right along with her and Greta’s mammary glands as they surpassed any fruits, she was familiar with and lewdly passed the size of their own heads. “They’re so... BIG!”

Greta panted as their hands roamed their expanse, perfectly knowing how to tease them in just the way she’d known in life, but also dancing around her nipples and tweaking them just so in a way that made her tremble in a completely new way, and with a start she realized it was what her hands knew about Erin’s contribution of sensitive, big suckable nipples to their form. “Mmmm... and mine were even bigger before Hermes collected my spirit.

Erin looked at her with huge eyes as she tried to possess that image, their hands absently squeezing their breasts against their ribs, the large pillowy masses pushing up nearly to their chin. “Wow, I don’t think I’d even know what to do with all that.”

“Maybe we need to figure out what to do with all this, first?” Greta felt herself purring, finally feeling on proper footing with the fury. If battle and using her words like whips was Erin’s wheelhouse, being a walking, horny creature meant for orgasms was Greta’s and she eagerly retook that crown. “Because we’ve got these big sensitive tits, and I think the last bit of us is about to mix.”

“L-last bit?” Erin bit her lip and Greta blinked as she realized she could feel that too.

“Our pussy.” Greta purred. “Can you feel our lower lips inflating, engorging, growing plumper and wetter?”

Their left hand crept down to across their incredibly toned abs, muscles so defined and tense that Erin was sure they could bend steel, to their tight waist and a pussy so hungry it seemed to almost suck first one, then two fingers straight in, both women cooing and purring as they explored their inner walls, their clit swelling and growing tightly in sensitivity as the joint of their thumb found it and gave it a gentle caress, nearly driving the two women over the edge. Sliding their fingers almost out, Erin quickly pushed four fingers straight back in... at least she thought it was her, the Gorgon sister seemed much more acquainted with this plush wonder then she did, all four fingers pushing inside in a sudden squelch noise pushing both women into their first orgasm of what felt like should soon be many.

And both women promptly found out two things, Erin liked to bite her lip when she orgasmed to the point of drawing blood, and Greta was a screamer.

Coming down from that high, but feeling another building soon, Erin turned, her eyes fluttering back open to look at her body mate. “That's... rather nice.”

Greta blushed, feeling a bit bashful even after what she just shared with the purple haired fury. “Happy to share what I have. So, when do we head out to woo this crush of yours?”

“Oh, uh...” Erin’s eyes searched around the room, before falling on her discarded corset and attached skirt. “Actually, I just thought of a problem.”


“There's no way I have anything that’ll fit this form.” Erin’s right hand, their right hand, she mentally corrected, groped their right breast before reaching over to hold both tits together in the crook of their arm. She debated when she should let Greta know that apparently sharing essences together had given Greta her ancestress, Medusa’s, famous snake hair and reptilian eyes, both of which were things that the Fury found delectably cute and apparently the Gorgon hadn’t noticed yet. “And besides... don’t you want to explore it a little more first?”

Yes, Greta really, really did.



Roxil Aeon

Yeyeyeyeye, I love this~<3