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 And here's the silly script I wrote for this audio.

Ever been of two minds about something? Well I'm of two minds about everything! And then one morning… I really was! 


“About time, sleepy head!” *Giggle* 

“Huh, what? Oh! Oh my!” 

“Yup, you finally got your head to yourself sweetheart.” 

“Yeah but not my shoulders.” 

“I think the upgrades make up for it. Look down, babe.” 

“Wow look at those!” 

“*Ahem* Yes they are rather nice.” 

“Nice? I think we've doubled in size!” 

“Big enough to play with, for sure.” 

“Big enough to… share?” 

“With you? Always!” 

*Kissing noses* 

“I'd say you kiss amazingly, but that would be-” 

“A bit like patting yourself on the back?” 

“*Giggle* uh, yeah.” *Softer kisses* “oh! What’s honey going to think?” 

“I think we’re not the only one's who doubled up.” 


*Door opening* 


*Zipper being opened* 

Both heads, slightly out of sync: “OH, HONEY!” 




Ever gonna be a story for this?


Love this. The voice actress is perfect and I love the touch of narcissistic humour