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Part 1 is here. 

Chapter 2 

Rich had had an interesting day to the say the least. First his two next door neighbors on either side had fused into one muscular, curvy, busty two headed woman who’d proceeded to suck his cock and grow from his cum. Now she, or was it they, as both their heads were still there and as talkative as ever, was over thirty feet tall and he had a cock just begging for another round with the lovely woman… 

Only they were so busy flexing and marveling at their muscles and chattering at each other his five foot long cock was feeling a bit neglected, and he was sure if he could tear his eyes away from their flexing muscles, he knew he’d find his balls had grown even larger and were probably turning an irrational color of blue. 

And it was at this moment that he noticed his female neighbor from across the street had come outside. 

He looked up at the gigantic, muscled, curvy goddess and noted her nudity and felt his hands run down to his massive cock and remembered just how naked he was as well. 

Of course this was how his day would continue. 

Kandra, the aging thirty something ran her fingers through her long brown hair and cast a sidelong look at the Latina college student working in her yard. Some part of wanted to scream that a Hispanic woman working for a white woman just wasn’t… 

But then she reminded herself that Daniella’s mother was Kandra’s boss, and this was supporting the young woman start her first business of lawn beautification. 

Not that Kandra was sure what that meant or how that was different from landscaping, but it seemed to involve a lot of carefully placed flowers… and rocks… 

She had to admit it did look a lot better. 

“M-miss-?” Daniella piped up, drawing Kandra’s attention away from the small waterfall the young Latina had installed just today. 

“Daniella,” Kandra carefully made the Y sound in what she hoped was the right spot of the young woman’s name. “I’ve told you before, just call me Kandra. We’re just two women after all.” 

“Yes, Miss,” Kandra rolled her eyes but smiled as Daniella stuck to her guns. “But… is that normal?” 

Kandra turned her attention across the street to where the trim young woman had her eyes glued, and saw all three of her neighbors, Mira and Judy… and that handsome, scrumptious Rich that Daniella and her had admired several times over a couple glasses of ‘mostly’ alcohol free lemonade. 

But instead of the normal three musketeers, she saw a gorgeous, muscular woman with two heads, and an easy ten feet in height. They were flexing and showing off for Rich who looked ready to fuck the blonde and brunette’s heads right off their shared body. 

“W-what? How’d that happen?” 

Daniella gave a half shrug, “they were naked… and horny… and they just sort of… snuggled hard.” 

“Snuggled… hard?” Kandra cast a glance to the young woman, her mind wondering just what they’d look like if they merged like Mira and Judy had. Her big soft curves and Danilla’s slim body… 

The young woman nodded, her hand idly playing with the strap to her halter top. “And... kissed so very passionately.” 

“H-how passionately?” Kandra felt her own sundress start to slide off her shoulders. I mean, she thought to herself, if those two can be nude... 

“This passionately, miss.” Daniella let her halter top fall to her hips and pushed Kandra’s sundress fully off her shoulders. Their lips came together in an instant, just as passionately held together as Kandra’s soft white tits and Daniella’s own sun kissed brown orbs. The two women, so different in age, were so similar in cup size, they wanted to see what else was similar. 

Daniella’s cut off jeans and the soft cotton panties of Kandra fell away, leaving the two women nude, Daniella’s fantastic legs from long days of bending and squatting in this yard or that perfectly contrasted the well matured pussy and plump ass of Kandra, the two women pulling each other’s hips so close they could feel the heat of each other’s pussy. 

“Oh, Daniella...” 

“Yes, miss?” 

“We... we can’t do this...” Kandra panted. “I’m old enough to-” 

“Your lips say no, but you’re hugging me so tightly, miss.” Daniella fixed her with such a knowing smile. “In fact, I think we can get... even... closer.” 

Their kissing resuming, the two women pulled tighter... and closer... and tighter... and with a pop, the two women came together, in both meanings of the word. They shared their first orgasm as their two bodies became one. 

Towering over ten feet tall, the new woman gasped at her body, her two heads looking to each other in a bit shock. 


“Si, Mami?” 

“What happened to us?” 

“We got even closer, Mami.” Their hands reached up and fondled their massive breasts, a testament to just how much tit-flesh the busty Kandra and Daniella had been. They filled their own hands full, and with a gentle squeeze, they were shocked at just how full and firm their gentle, milky hangers were. They both moaned as their strong hands squeezed their sensitive breasts, their fingers sinking in just a bit. “Closer, and so much bustier.” 

“And more than a little stronger, senorita.” Kandra grinned, flexing the arm on Daniella’s side, the younger woman gasping at the bulging muscles. “I think all those years in the gym have mixed well with-.” 

Daniella cut her off by lifting a tit and sucking hard on a nipple, rewarding herself with milk. “so creamy!” 

“Oh Daniella!” Kandra moaned, blushing hard. “We, we can’t! I'm old enough to be your…” 

She blinked hard, looking into Daniella's mature face. “What happened to you?” 

“We meet in the middle, Mami.” Daniella kissed Kandra hard while giving their big tits a hard squeeze, milk spraying as their legs trembled. “Now we can be together?” 

“oh yes, baby. Together and…” Kandra cut herself off by going in for another kiss. “let's head to my backyard. I had some ideas about some things we can…do back there.” 

“Si, Mami!” 

And with that, the tall, busty, two headed woman moved to the backyard for some one on one time. 



Are there pictures to go with this