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By MirandasDream
For Mrozu
Art by Backpagecomics 

Premise from Mrozu:

Linda and Denise to have nipples fusion with other conjoined girls, and that they would have difficulties or that they couldn't separate from each other.


Zola and Zuri:

Age: 25

Height: 5’11” 

The twins natural hair colour is blonde.

They don’t always get along, but their shared heart will always go to their two ‘boy’friends of Corza and Cecil. Zola is the more serious of the pair, and often gets tired of Zuri’s antics. Zuri equally just wants to have fun, and has a bit of a bleeding heart when she hears a sob story which gets them both into trouble. To say the two butt heads often would be a misunderstanding of their relationship, they love each other deeply and are ‘together for life’. The twins don’t remember much of their childhood outside of the orphanage they grew up at.

The twins have dated 3 other guys before Cecil. Each sis tried the “let’s go with this guy cause I like him and you just gotta give him a chance deal” but neither really enjoyed the idea cause only one sister liked each of the first two guys. Then they found a guy they both liked but intellectually and stamina wise (the girls possess the stamina and horny needs of two girls)! The last guy was nice enough but really couldn’t keep up with the girls like Cecil can and his double dick power! Plus he’s very agreeable and tends to say the right things to the girls

Denise and Linda:

32 and 27. 5’10” in their conjoined form. A pair of women who’ve been known to share more than a pair of sister’s probably should, when they hear the plan they can’t help but jump in too. They have a loving and caring mother who has been known to join in with them sometimes.


It should be noted, when dealing with Linda and Denise, that while they have a seemingly limitless supply of not just crazy goos, sprays and drinks, that having parties, even private parties, as Zola and Zuri would do from time to time, the inevitable response the next morning was ‘Shape changing goos and Alcohol shouldn’t mix!’

Though inevitably the next time they all got together, especially if there were no spare cocks around, that’s exactly what would happen.

It was during one such weekend, Cecil and Corza were at some sort of Vegas thing, while I’m sure we would have loved it, we didn’t have the spare funds to go along, that Denise and Linda had come over to keep us company. Company had turned to talking, talking had turned to drinking, and that’s where Zuri, my lovable, goofy twin, uttered what really should have been the first big warning sign that perhaps two beers per head was about four too many.

“Hey, what’s it like having four of those?” Zuri pointed our right hand at Denise and Linda.

As was their usual, Denise was drinking a typical long neck, and Linda was sipping wine from a thin flute. The women stopped and glanced down before Linda blinked up owlishly at my sister.


“No, no.” Zuri shook her head. “Nipples.”

Unlike my sister and I, Denise and Linda weren’t born in their current configuration. As mentioned above they had…. Come across? Created? You know, I’d never asked, but they had a chemical that allowed them to combine together, and one of the first things they’d done with it is combine themselves. Being a bit malleable at the point of conjoining, they’d arranged their boobs so that Denise’s right boob had been under Linda’s head, and Linda’s left had been under her own, reversing the arrangement with their second pair beneath.

The result was all four of their nips not matching either the boob next to it or beneath it, but the one crosswise from it. Despite being sisters, the size and general shape of their breasts being noticeably similar, their nipples visibly didn’t match, Denise’s having a larger areola and being paler, where as Linda’s were more tight and slightly darker, though Zuri and I had seen their breasts blown up to comical sizes and the nips were pretty similar then, at their ‘normal’ size, or rather the size nature had given them, they were markedly different.

I should have shushed my sister, I typically did but… well I was just a little drunk and honestly I kinda wanted to know too.

Linda started explaining, going into how have twice as many sensitive places resulted in such incredible sensations, cutely blushing as she did. Even a bit tipsy she was getting embarrassed. Funny as I’d once seen her go down on Cecil with Denise while taking all of Corza just to win a $$20 bet, sober. I have to admit I was getting a bit wet at her description, at the thought of having… well, too much to handle. In fact, I just had to speak up.

“Linda, stop, you’re getting us wet.” That last bit didn’t sound like me… nor did the giggle I followed it up by, but seriously, four beers was kinda too much for my inhibitions in the single body I shared with my horny twin.

“Why stop there?” Denise grinned and leaned forward, their four breasts, already showing a mile of double cleavage in their unbuttoned top, simply spilled forward, breaking through what remained and showing that at some point the sisters had ditched what I’ve seen to be a very complicated bra. Maybe even before they came over? I wasn’t sure.

Not intending to show off her breasts, or, knowing Denise, not just show off those quad-boobs, Denise was rooting through their purse while Denise went crimson at how she’d not just been expounding about nips and how great having four of them were, but had made her besties hot at the fact. She finished her wine in a gulp and sat her flute aside, Denise taking over her hand just after to help dig through their purse before they pulled out a little spray bottle clearly marked ‘beta, test sample’.

Without asking, Denise rarely did anyway, and only in public did I object, the sisters pulled up our tanktop, revealing our own firm, young breasts, sans bra, doing a wonderful little drop and bounce into view. We helped the girls free our arms of the top, sitting our unfinished beers to the side first. Soon, all four of us had all six of our breasts out in the open.

“Look, it’s a meeting of the great big titty committee.” Zuri giggled, shrugging our shoulders with a slight arch to our back to make our two lovely boobies give a bounce. Denise and Linda matched it by using their arms to corral and squeeze all four breasts together, making the nipples pop out, as they swayed their shoulders and carressed the underside of their lower two breasts, my eyes glued to the small waves that passed through their skin at the motion.

“So, just wanting to see us topless,” I started, gesturing to the small spray bottle, “or are you going to use us as your cute lil guinea pigs?”

The two looked at the bottle, Linda with just a bit of fret, Denise with her nearly trademarked lopsided smirk. Before either of them could say anything, their left hand of its seeming own accord turned the bottle towards us and in rapid succession gave each of our firm tits a spritz.

It was cool, and made our nipples harden instantly. I gave a soft coo at the feeling, being reminded of one time Cecil had rubbed an ice cube all over our body on a hot day before fucking us silly. Zuri gave a little squeak, and we started to reach for our breasts before our hands were quickly slapped away by the sisters. We looked up at them in surprise and they gave a shrug.

“Haven’t tested this before, and if it works like the others… well…” Denise shrugged again.

“You’re a bit malleable in the inbetween state, and you don’t want your hands and boobs to fuse together, right?” Linda finished, giving an apologetic smile.

We nodded vigorously to that, when we suddenly felt a bit more jiggle up front then we were used to. We looked down and together gave a loud gasp as our breasts began to swell.

Quickly we surpassed even Denise and Linda’s heavy top two pairs, and for a moment I was concerned that we’d basically just been given some new variant of their Breast Expansion formula. I’d seen the two after they’d dosed themselves with “Got Milk!” and I’d kinda wondered what Zuri and I would taste like but I hadn’t been so curious to ask for a dose ourselves at the time. Now, as our nipples expanded, I was concerned that my dear sister and I were being turned into milk tanks!

Instead, something completely different happened. As our nipples reached a point of nearly doubling in size, they instead split apart and doubled in number. Again, visions of having four nipples on each breasts and Denise laughing uproariously about ‘having udders’ as we started dribbling milk popped into my brain before being filed away as ‘maybe for April Fools on Zuri’ as our breasts followed suit, soon leaving us with exactly what we’d asked about.

Four breasts, each with her own nipple.

At first I couldn’t do anything but reach up from our lap, where the sisters had sat our hands, and finding surprisingly nearby our firm lower tits. Zuri gave them a slight squeeze, the feel of just how firm and plump they were, just like our original two pairs, driving excitement to our heart, and a fire into our pussy that I didn’t think we had in us for something like this.

Our four nipples instantly hardened, pulling a gasps from our lips, and drawing our eyes up to Denise and Linda.

“You like?” Denise grinned at me.

“I… We hope it isn’t too much.” Linda hesitantly apologized.

Instead of answering, Zuri and I leaped across the couch and crashed, tits first, into the sisters’ own quad pair, four hard little nipples digging into four mismatched nipples, as our lips found theirs. I’d kissed Denise on a few occasions, but almost always to get Cecil or Corza, or some fusion involving Corza’s sister, riled up. Once or twice it was a bit more of a ‘sister’s in womanhood’ kiss to show care and concern for a dear friend who was struggling in life.

This wasn’t one of those kisses. This was a kiss of thanks, of passion and of ‘could you please put those two heads to work sucking our two new nips’. I’m not sure if all that was conveyed in the deep, passionate, and with more than a bit of tongue, brain swirling kiss, but I hoped.

Zuri was giving the same to Linda, the goof and the brains always seeming to find a passionate ground to stand on together, and i’d wondered more than once if perhaps the two wouldn’t have a thing if it hadn’t been for Zuri being with me and Linda all but permanently sharing a body with Denise, but wasting time on what ifs wasn’t what this moment was for. I could feel Zuri’s tongue doing it’s best to tie a knot with Linda’s talented tongue, and I knew Denise could feel it too, as she grinned in our kiss.

We pulled apart slightly, all four of us smiling in our own unique ways at one another before Denise spoke up.

“Linda, should we show these two just how fun it is to have two hands toying with two nipples just the way they like while two mouths suck our other two nipples just the way they want?”

Linda couldn’t help but grin too, a full smile compared to Denise’s lopsided one, it showed how similar the two sisters really were. “I mean, they’ve done it for us so many times, how could we not?”

To say Zuri and I were thrilled at the prospect was undeniable.

But then Zuri had to go and say something to break to the mood.

“Wait, let’s get a camera set up so Cecil and Corza can watch this later!”

Ok, so wasn’t a major mood break, but Linda and Denise did break out into laughter at that, and being so closely snuggled together, I could swear I felt their laugh not just in their own breasts, but all four of Zuri and my tits too.

Ignoring it, I turned my head and gave Zuri a look, who blushed and shrugged our shoulders, a new feeling with all four of our breasts subtly moving with it. “What? I thought they’d like it.”

“Nothing wrong with always thinking of your lovers’ pleasure even during your own.” Denise murmured, giving Lidna a knowing look, the blonde blushing and nodding along with her sister’s statement.

As Zuri and I turned to get one of our cams set up, Denise and Linda gave a yipe and were pulled forward towards us. All that uncoordinated and surprised mass hitting us was enough to send us tumbling backwards and off the couch. However instead of plopping us out from under Denise and Lidna, there was a brief tugging sensation in our nipples and suddenly Linda and Denise gave a second yipe and were once more on top of us.

“Hey, get off!” I snapped, giving the sisters a shove.

“Trying!” Denise snapped back, putting a hand on first the rug, and the other on our shoulder to shove up and away from us. That same heavy tug in all four nipples happened, the look of shock in Denise’s eyes, all I could really see at that moment as my eyes were locked on her’s, told me she felt it too before she and Linda gave a yipe and collapsed back on top of us.

It took a minute, and more than a bit of shoving, each one resulting in more tugging in our nipples before the four of us were sitting up again, and looking down at our nipples.

All eight of them.

Four belonging to Zuri and I, two of Denise’s and two of Linda’s. Somehow, the very tip of each of the sisters nips had fused with the very tip of all four of Zuri and mine.

We took an involuntary step back, I honestly couldn’t say if it was Zuri or I who did it,but it really didn’t matter. What did matter was that it made all four nips stretch out, sending a buzz of pain and pleasure right down to our pussy, as we could feel not just own own four nipples, but somehow we could also feel translated into our body Linda and Denise’s as well!

And from their expressions, I was sure they could feel it too.

Denise responded by her and Linda taking their own step back as we steadied ourselves, stretching our big, sensitive nips even more, driving another spike of pain and pleasure through all eight nips and straight to our pussies, each of us giving a squeal or muffled scream in response.

Our eyes met, and together we all yanked back at once, Zuri and my’s nipples pulled tight, each teased in a slightly different way as we tried to lean away from Denise and Linda. Their nipples were so different from the one just next to it that it misfired in our brains as we tried to keep up how this one was pulled harder than that one, how this nipple was nearly engulfed by one of Denise’s, and that one was nearly swallowing up one of Linda’s, all stuck tight.

No matter how we tugged and pulled, nothing seemed to change, only sending tight, stretched signals of rapturous pain to all four of us. It was like being a piano, played by someone just mashing all 8 keys here and there and making our tight strings sing.

We paused for a moment, all of us trying to catch our breath, followed by Denise and Linda now doing their best to separate us, stretching our nipples to out as first Linda’s side, then Denise, then back again would try and pull away from Zuri and I.

I didn’t know what to do, try and match their sequence? That would just pull us on top of the determined women. Be their counterpoint? I think that might simply rip either our, or the sisters’, breasts right off.

Instead, we just dug our heels in and tried to hang on for the ride Denise and Linda were giving us. Back and forth, first our left two nipples and Denise’s top tit, and Linda’s bottom one, then our right two, pulled deliciously tight by Linda’s top and Denise’s bottom. Everything felt so incredible, so tight, so odd and out there.

Was this what fetishist felt when they looked at us? So different and weird but so fucking, pussy tinglingly good? I had no idea and honestly, I didn’t have the braincells left to pull it all together as it all became too much and all four women from their two wonderful pussies well and truly came our fucking brains out.

“So…” Denise said after a brief pause. “I can kind of see three options here.”

“Is one of them you spritzing us with some of that ‘undo’ stuff you guys have.” I hadn’t really meant it as a question as it was the obvious answer.

“Uh, didn’t bring any.” Linda admitted, suddenly finding the tops of our tits more interesting rather than Zuri or my eyes.

“Ok, then what have ya got?” Zuri asked, blinking. I couldn’t tell if she was fucking with them or honestly didn’t mind the realization that Denise had sprayed us with something with no ability to undo it later if it did something crazy… which it had!

“Well, option one,” Denise leaned their shoulders back, bringing a sharp gasp to us all and what I could smell was a sharp rise in arousal in both our pussies. “We can keep this up until we separate or do something else to get apart.”

“Yeah, I don’t really see that happening.” I replied, Zuri reaching forward to ‘twang’ one of the tight nipples, the top left one she shared with Linda, though the nipple in question was original Denise’s fused with ours.

“What else you got?” Zuri asked, looking between the pair of sisters.

Linda looked to Denise who shrugged, letting her blonde sister answer. “Um, we could just stay like this until Corza or Cecil get back and send them over to our place to get some.”

“Tempting…” I replied. It really was… a weekend of nipple tugging with every movement and what I was very sure was quickly tipping to be nearly non-stop sex the whole time really did sound like fun, but the practicalities like how to shower, or even go to the bathroom like this convinced me not to accept this option. “What was the third idea?”

This time there was an even longer pause while Denise and Linda looked at each other hard. Cecil theorized that once that Zuri and I must have an unconscious way of talking that lets us impart whole huge concepts in order for our body to work in response to two brains telling it what to do. I have no idea if that was actually a thing, as i had no idea how normal one headed people got around having never experienced that before, but watching the two of them now, I wondered if maybe the pair of sisters hadn’t worked out something like that.

Then Denise did something stupid and leaned over towards the couch wher their forgotten purse lay. We both gave a startled shout as all eight nipples were again tugged tight before pinwheeling our arms and going tit first into the sisters and collapsing in a heap next to the couch.

Denise held up the purse with a shouted, ‘got it!’ a moment later like that undid the pussy tingling misadventure we’d just had.

“How do you two manage to function when you move?” I couldn’t help but ask as Zuri gave a laugh at the whole thing, and the four of us arranged ourselves into a sitting position, our legs tangled around each other’s hips, the heat of their pussy mingling with our own, and three of our hands, mine and Zuri’s along with the one on Linda’ side caressing each other while Denise fished something out of their purse.

“Well, the answer to that actually brings up option 3.” Denise replied, holding up a small vial I’d seen the girls use more than once. “Want to find out?”

It was… their fusion potion.

“I think… four heads on one body might be a bit much.”

“We were thinking…” Linda blushed. “Of getting a bit closer than that.”

“Full merger, down to just two heads.” Densie added.

“Me and you, Zuri.” Linda continued.

“And you and me, Zola.” Denise leaned forward and gave me a kiss, one I found myself returning.

“So…” Linda blushed as she pulled out of her own kiss with Zuri.

“Want to get a lot closer for the weekend?”

Well of course we said yes!

But that’s something that ‘we’ will tell you about another time.

Zolise and Linuri, signing out for now.



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