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By MirandasDream

As a Commission for Anarchyangel7


Tiffany helps Thom get used to his new body with some passionate lovemaking, possibly with his old body joining them. Thom and Tiffany want kids in the future, so Tiffany borrows Thom’s old body and impregnates both Thom and herself.



ティファニー in Japanese, moved to America at a young age. Cheerleader. Famous for her enormous breasts and athletic build. 5’9” 


Swapped bodies with a curvy goth. Is now a short, extremely curvy goth girl with massive breasts rivaling even his girlfriend’s pair, but with a huge ass to give her an extreme hourglass figure.

Goth Witch, BaeBee:

Her initials are B.B so everyone called her BeeBee. When she became a sexy gimbo the guys started calling her BaeBee (pronounced Baby) and the name stuck. Currently in Thom’s body. 6’ tall with a cock that reaches past his knee, as thick as his wrist and with a head bigger than his fist, and balls with nearly too much cum.


Tiffany had wasted no time in pulling me into a free bedroom and throwing my much shorter, curvy body on the bed before crawling on top of me, her enormous breasts rubbing first my plump legs and thick thighs, across a quivering pussy that was entirely new to me, across my pinched waist before landing heavily on my own tightly contained tits.

I was a guy not ten minutes ago, but all of her and my own combined softness was making me quickly forget what was so great about being a dude.

I quickly wrapped my arms around my sexy girlfriend, marveling at how my arms felt so soft and how muscular my cheerleader lover felt as my arms settled on her lower back, pulling us tighter and closer.

Our lips came together, and it was everything I’d hoped, so much softness, so plush. Everywhere I touched, everywhere I was, was nothing but soft, wonderful curves and feminine strength and power.

We were both in for another surprise when I pushed my tongue past my lips into Tiffany’s mouth, feeling my tongue stud grind against her own tongue and before I knew it was tickling the back of her throat. Tiff gasped and pulled back, looking down at me, with a look I couldn’t even describe. I could feel a few inches of tongue still poking out between my black painted lips, and blinked. “Is my tongue that long?”

“Uh, yes, Thom, I think you may have traded your super-sized cock for a tongue that knows all the tricks.” Tiffany blinked again and then her face moved into a hungry smile. “And I know just what to do with it!”

Before I could say no… or yes... her cheerleader skirt was flung away and her naked pussy, freshly shaven and smelling more than a little like vanilla and lavender, was against my chin and quite of its own accord the longest tongue I’d ever seen pushed out of my mouth to squirm and push deep into my Japanese girlfriend’s tight cunt, twisting and turning deeper and deeper into that wonderful, delicious bento box.

I don’t think I’ve ever made her cum as fast I did then, feeling her pussy clamp on my tongue as her athletic thighs clenched around my head and shoulders. My cheeks felt so soft! So different from the chiseled cheekbones I’d had all my life. I kept working my new tongue, flicking up and in, grinding against every spot I could and reaching so, so deep inside of her.

I was hitting spots that I knew only my mega cock ever had before, but I didn’t have it anymore, and wanted to show her that even in this ‘gimbo’ body I’d been swapped into thanks to that witch, BaeBee. I poured everything I had into eating my girlfriend out, showing her that I was still the caring and sympathetic lover I always was, with or without my manhood.

And from the sounds of it, Tiffany was loving every bit of it.

After about her third orgasm, she flopped onto her side, slightly away from me and facing the opposite direction. But… her pussy just looked so tasty I couldn’t resist. I turned onto my side and dived right in, licking up and down her slit, and paying special attention to her clit, loving how my lady shivered with every flick and touch. I’d always loved going down on my girl, and with this new tongue, I could do all the things I’d only dreamed of before.

And then something new happened…

I felt my skirt pulled away from my plump hips, flipped up around my stomach, and Tiffany plucking at my thigh, encouraging my legs to pull apart. Thinking I had an idea of what she had in mind, I spread my legs and was delighted to feel her own tongue on my very own sweet, wet pussy.

I’ll be one hundred percent honest with you, if BaeBee had burst into the room right then and asked to swap back, I’d have answered no!

“We’ve got to swap back!” The door slammed open with me chin deep in Tiffany, and her just as deep in my gothic and horny female body. I peaked around Tiff’s sexy perky ass, and could feel Tiff adjust to look up between my thighs, the horny slut still lapping away at my tasty pussy.

In the doorway, silhouetted by the light from the hallway was none other than… well… me! BaeBee was standing there with a cock rising up to her chest and an angry red head. A memory burned through my brain of the first time Tiffany ever saw my cock, and I couldn’t help but laugh. I hadn’t thought it was funny at the time but now…

Nope, still too much baggage. Still wasn’t funny. My heart leaped into my throat as dozens of rejections and mocking teases at having too much of a good thing came to my brain.

It was, sadly, enough to pull me away from my incredible midnight dessert. 

“HEY! I’m not done yet!” Despite her words, I could tell perhaps four orgasms in under ten minutes was probably my lovely Tiffany’s limit.

And I hadn’t had any yet! I wanted my first female orgasm so bad.

And looking at my old cock wasn’t helping! I didn’t want a cock in me… did I? This gothic bimbo body was so confusing!

“Wh-what happened?” I asked in my high pitched, airheaded voice. I still wasn’t used to it.

“I just… I thought… If I had your big cock…” 

This time both me and Tiffany burst out laughing, and despite myself I did it for far too long.

“That bitches would line up?” Tiffany asked, finally pulling apart from me and giving up on the 69, or maybe just deciding that this conversation was more interesting. “I’ve had more than a few female friends bail on a threeway after looking upon the mighty club of… Baebee?”

“Uh, yeah, it's me.” I watched my body hold out his hand and Tiffany reached out and gave it a firm shake, my eyes watching as not just my massive cock, but Tiffany’s tits that had somehow popped free. Both gave a bounce in time with each other, cock and tits in perfect rhythm, nearly touching despite both of them being at arm’s length to each other.

“I’m Tiffany, Thom’s girlfriend.” Tiffany replied, letting her hands fall to her lap with a light slap, her tits bouncing again with the impact. Getting a concerned look from my old body, Tiff gave a little laugh and waved a hand dismissively, her tits swinging with the motion. “Oh don’t worry, I’m not jealous, I am bisexual, and honestly, I’m pretty happy with the swap. In fact…”

She leaned forward and I had to bite my lip as her nipples dug into her thighs as she smirked at my old body from under her bangs. If I still had a cock, it’d double in hardness. Well, BaeBee did have my cock and I watched with wide eyes as it throbbed thicker, a bit higher into the air, and the veins stood out in such a sharp relief and suddenly I could imagine my tongue stung running along the underside of it, or those thick veins grinding against every single part of my-


“In fact…” Tiffany said again, this time with her voice lower, hamming up her light accent just a bit. “I was wondering if you’d be willing to swap with me, and I’d be happy to show you just what that cock can do.”

I watched as the two seemed to sway for a second, and then my ever loving, sexy girlfriend, Tiffany looked at me with dark eyes and a light purple swirl. I looked from her to my old body and saw not my own blue eyes, but ones that looked remarkably like Tiffany’s lovely brown orbs, and realized the two had swapped. BaeBee was now in Tiffany’s body, and Tiffany was now in my body!

Tiff wasted no time in reaching down and grasping my cock with her left hand, I’d forgotten she was left handed, and gave my thick cock a couple strokes, grinning as she looked back and forth between us. “So, which of you sluts wants to take a ride first?”

Did I always sound so forceful? Or was it just how Tiffany sounded when she had a two-foot-long schlong? I don’t know, but a shiver went down my spine and I wanted so badly to volunteer, and so badly to just get back in my old body and leave all this behind.

“I thought I was getting the first ride on this train.” Tiffany, I mean, BaeBee in Tiffany’s body, interrupted and reached out to take ahold of my… Tiffany’s thick cock.

She pulled it towards her, trapping it between her large tits, using her hands to mash her big, firm boobs together on either side of Tiff’s cock. The juxtaposition of it all. Those firm large tits that used to be Tiffany’s pride and joy were wrapped around Tiffany’s cock, just like Tiffany had done so many times. I knew what Tiffany was feeling and yet… part of me wanted to be in Tiffany’s body right then, feeling that massive cock between my sensitive breasts.

I couldn’t help but squeeze my own massive tits, the equal to Tiffany’s old set in size, a tingle going straight to my pussy from doing it.

I watched as BaeBee slobbered all over that cock, using her soft pink tongue to get that big cock nice and lubed. All the while she squeezed her big tits and massaged that cock like a seasoned big tit pro, before Tiffany pushed her onto her back, leaving her pussy spread wide and ready and gosh was it wet.

I’d just been face first in that honey pot a few minutes ago, and yet even I had to admit it was even wetter now. I leaned forward and licked my lips, once more surprised at the tongue stud there and how it felt against my sensitive and soft lips, and had to stop myself from leaning over and running my long tongue along that thick monster.

I held myself back as Tiffany leaned forward ever so slightly, a skill she’d learned from lots of trial and error between the two of us, that first you had to tease the lips, which she did expertly, holding onto her cock at the halfway point. And then gave the lightest of thrusts, just enough to pop the first size head into BaeBee’s pussy, spreading those lips so wide and drawing a loud moan from the goth-turned-busty-Japanese-Cheerleader.

I squeezed one of my own breasts, popping it free from the corset it had been supported by, and gave the nipple a tug, as my fingers dug into my own pussy, imagining what it’d feel like to have that cock stretching my own pussy.

Tiffany, ever the big cock expert, knew to wait and let BaeBee adjust to the intruder before moving on, which only took a minute before BaeBee raised her hips, urgently trying to push the monster deeper into her. Tiffany took her que, and exquisitely slowly, began to penetrate into what had been her own pussy. The more BaeBee begged for her to go faster, the slower Tiffany went.

“Please, please just fill up my tight cunt!”

“No, no, no, my little china doll.” Tiffany teased and I rolled my eye, knowing how much it annoyed her when someone else called her that. “It’s so good for you when I go slow, and so very good for me.”

And so she kept at it, using her extra height and strength I didn’t know my old body had, to give BaeBee one of the slowest, hottest fucks I’ve ever seen, and if you’d asked me right then, I couldn’t have told you which of those two people I’d rather have been, the one with the cock, or the one getting stuffed with cock.

I was really starting to lean towards the female body…

When Tiffany finished, BaeBee had come at least twice, as was relatively normal for Tiffany’s body and my cock.

Could I even claim them as that any more?

It took a few minutes but slowly BaeBee sat herself up on her elbows and smiled at that massive cock and then up at Tiffany, “that… was amazing.”

“I knew you’d love it.” Tiffany reached up and flicked one of her old nipples, sending a delightful shiver down BaeBee’s new body. “I know that body so well.”

“T-then let’s make the footing a little more even for round two.” BaeBee panted, glancing at me still in her old body.

“Oh, how’s that?”

“Mmmm… a quick shuffle.” She made a triangle motion, showing Tiffany what she had in mind and earning a very quick and eager nod from the other woman… man… I mean, Tiffany was in my male body at the time and… Oh whatever.

With a spell that felt quite a bit different from the slow slip slide the first transfer had been, or maybe after an hour of fucking, watching sex, and masturbating a new female body, I just wasn’t as drunk anymore, I felt myself slip out of BaeBee’s original body and blinked as I looked down at a very similarly sized, but otherwise completely new set of tits.

I was in Tiffany’s body.

Glancing up, I saw my old male body now had dark eyes with purple swirls, and realized BaeBee was back in her first steal of the night, me. And by process of elimination…

A quick peak confirmed that Tiffany was exploring her gimbo body curves, really admiring having such a large ass compared to her own much more perky and athletic one.

Honestly, I was undecided on which I liked better. Maybe if I had a cock…

My thought process was derailed as BaeBee took a step towards the gimbo in her own male body, her thick cock, still wet with cheerleader juices from the body she’d been in just a moment ago. The witch swung her cock around until it was right at Tiffany’s black painted lips. With a solid thump, she drummed the cock with two quick taps against the big gimbo tits and smirked as Tiffany tried to process what was happening.

She wasn’t used to having an airhead brain yet, I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Come on,” BaeBee’s use of the male voice wasn’t as deep as when Tiffany had it, and had a slight beg to it that I really hoped wasn’t in my speech pattern when it had been my body. “Can I… please try it out on you?”

“Uh, like, sure!” Tiffany’s slight accent mixed with the gimbo airy high pitched squeak had me squirming on the bed and I could see how it made BaeBee’s cock throb. With a practiced ease, Tiffany leaned forward and sucked far more of the head into her mouth than she’d ever fit in her cheerleader body and I watched in amazement as that amazing, long tongue snaked out and started licking and coiling around the shaft.

I couldn’t let that go, that was supposed to be my cock! I leaned over and… and started sucking on BaeBee’s balls. Just the way I knew her male body liked.

Between me and my girlfriend, we had BaeBee begging to just fuck one of us, but we refused. A playful look on Tiffany that I knew all too well was all I needed to know to play along. We both let BaeBee’s cock and balls pop free of our mouths and just when she was about to protest, mashed all four of our naked tits together, with BaeBee’s cock at the center.

And I couldn’t tell you what felt better, the pressure, the softness of Tiffany’s tits against my firmer pair, our nipples grinding against each other and digging into one another’s areola, or that throbbing hot cock caught between our tits.

We didn’t even try working in unison, simply grinding our tits together and mashing them around BaeBee’s hard cock, any stimulation was good stimulation and us two sluts knew it, guiding him closer and closer to orgasm until finally he blew one of the largest loads I’ve ever seen come out of that cock up into the air like a lewd fountain, splashing all over our naked tits.

We went to town, kissing and licking and sucking the cum off our tits and each other’s faces. I was so into it I hadn’t even realized I was once again in the gimbo body until BaeBee pushed me flat on the bed and laid her huge cock at my entrance, I bit my lip, glanced to Tiffany who was back in her cheerleader body, openly masturbating as she watched us. She nodded eagerly at a questioning look I sent her way, and I nodded to BaeBee who, just as she’d experienced when it had been Tiffany in the male body, pushed just the head in after a gentle bit of cock teasing to my outer lips first, gosh I was feeling so discombobulated.

I’ve never wanted anything as bad as I wanted that cock inside me right then. At some point, I think when Tiffany had been in it, the gimbo body had shed it’s corset and I was now utterly naked. It took both of my hands to hang on to my massive, soft pillowy tits, and BaeBee clung to my hips, her cock relentlessly pushing into me.

My whole body was quaking. It had never taken a cock like this and was trembling with the effort and desire to have more of it.

Soon the first foot of cock was inside me and I felt like I’d become the Zen-master of BaeBee’s cock, knowing every inch, every vein, every bump and ridge in a way I had NEVER known it as just normal big cocked Thom. No, now I was just a horny slut in an airhead busty goth body and I just needed more of that cock!

Unable to hold back, BaeBee made a rookie mistake and pulled out just a quarter of inch, making me feel like my slutty pussy was being turned inside out. My legs spasmed and I hooked them behind his back, and pulled him hard back towards me, cramming the last foot of cock back into my tight pussy in one go, screaming so loud, and so high pitched, that I don’t think anyone but dogs heard me.

And then… and then I felt BaeBee cum inside me, and I honestly felt my belly swell a bit with the load! It was so big! I squealed and…

Well, honestly I passed out for a bit.

Maybe just blacked out, as I didn’t so much as come awake as… sorta came back to myself a few minutes later.

And ‘by come back to myself’ I mean I was in the slutty, Asian cheerleader body and as I rolled my head to the right, I saw something absolutely wonderful.

Tiffany’s brown eyes shined behind the male body’s bangs, as she plowed into BaeBee, finally back in her own gimbo body. Was giving all these wonderful little squeaks and squeals, so beautifully high pitched while Tiffany grunted a monologue with each thrust.

“See? See what I’m doing you horny slut. This is what you did wrong. This is how you fuck a pussy with a big cock! This is how you do it you fucking cunt!” Wow Tiffany liked being a forceful guy.

I couldn’t help but masturbate in my horny cheerleader body, watching in delight what Tiffany had just experienced when she had been back in this body a few minutes ago, that of her boyfriend and some slutty goth chic fucking in front of her and God it made me horny.

And when they came, so did I.

Ohh it was so good, one of the best nights of my life to date.

Finally Tiffany sat down on the bed and looked winded, the male body, despite having incredible stamina was finally done for the night and Tiffany was feeling it. “So, uh… wow.”

“Like, yeah.” BaeBee giggled and made a quick swizzle motion with her fingers, and suddenly I was back in that oversexed gimbo body, twice as full as cum as when I’d started and honestly, I couldn’t be happier. “Ha, there we go!”

BaeBee admired the dark skin tone of the cheerleader body and smiled up at Tiffany who crawled over to her and kissed her hard, and I just had to pinch my nipples and moan. How had I not noticed the gimbo body’s nipples were pierced? What a welcome surprise.

“Mind if we sort this out in the morning?” Tiffany yawned and started to fall asleep in a way I knew all too well. BaeBee and my eyes met and we rolled them in unison.


“Don’t I know it.” I giggled as the first rough snores of Tiffany started coming out. At least she snored quietly in this male body. “But yeah, in the morning, we talk, ok?”

BaeBee nodded and cozied up to Tiffany, me spooning from behind and all three of us just becoming a sexy tangle of limbs.

What a night…



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