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For DazeVivid


A group of adventurers realize they don’t have the power to fight a mighty Necromancer, but the party’s mage might have a solution, but everyone will have to get a little… or a lot closer.


Ombra – Mermaid: 

The sorcerous of the team. Bubbly, hyper and talkative. 

Black, Pink, Gray, slick skin. 

Zyka – Goliath: 

Rough, sarcastic and easily turned on. 

Gray Skinned, with black crystals coming out of her shoulders. Blue haired. Tattoos. 

Lily – Fairy: 

Blonde and Fair Skinned. 

Cuteness incarnate, but a closet freak who yells obscenities when excited. 

Kaz – Human: 

Straight forward, light hearted, but secretly domineering. 

Red Hair. 


“We’re not going to be able to beat him.” Zyka said, flicking her large, obsidian axe into the air and catching the impressive weapon again with her left hand as if it was little more than a twig, rather than an eighteen-pound monster of steel and iron-wood.

“Maybe if I had your size!” Lily giggled and Zyka turned her head away, trying to hide her expression. “I mean, can you imagine how awesome I’d be at your height? I mean, just look how sexy your height makes you!”

“Lily,” Zyka tried desperately to focus on her axe. “I’m not that sexy. I’m big and clumsy and-”

“You’re hot as hell and I want your fuckin’ bod!” Lily shouted, to Zyka’s ire and everyone else’s amusement.

“Well, it’s not impossible, winning I mean,” said Kaz, the only human of the group. He brushed a hand through his red hair before glancing around the campfire at the group who had become his family over the last few months. “We’ve faced difficult situations before! Remember that rock golem dragon we fought? We won that day.”

“And we’ll win this one too!” Lily, a tiny, pink-haired pixie, zipped around Kaz in a quick spiral. Her fair skin seeming to shine in the fire light as if she’d been covered in a light dusting of glitter. “Fuck yeah! We’ll kick their undead ass!”

Ombra tried to keep her giggles to a minimum as she lounged in her summoned bowl of eternally warm water. She failed utterly, and finally collapsed back into the water, her laughter turning into tinkling bubbles that burst effervescently on the water’s surface, releasing infectious laughter into the air. “I love you guys so much.”

“Well we’re not going to love the necromancer to death.” Zyka grumped, thunking her axe into a stump that had been a tree an hour ago until she’d cleaved it with a single swipe. Now the log was where Kaz sat while Lily zipped around his head. Zyka had claimed the stump for herself, using the axe’s handle as a rest for her hand, and the roughly hewn surface as a throne. Somehow, she looked regal despite the grit and grain and sharp edges she was made of.

Ombra swished around her bowl, moving faster and faster, her turns and twists swirling the black, pink and silvery gray colors that dominated her form until she seemed an odd rainbow. A hush fell over the others, hypnotized at her movements, knowing this was the mermaid’s version of pacing while she thought. Ombra had an idea, and no one, not the fierce Goliath Zyka, the flighty fairy Lily or the red headed human, Kaz, dared interrupt that process.

“LOVE THEM TO DEATH!” Ombra shouted suddenly, bursting from the conjured water in a surprisingly high leap, as if it were a canon and she’d been shot from it by her will of idea discovery alone. “That’s what we’ll do!”

“FUCK YEAH, MOTHER FUCKERS!” Lily burst out, surprising the rest of the group with the random obscenities the little fairy would drop whenever she got too excited. She turned a full-body pink as she realized she’d ‘done it again’ and flitted back to land on Kaz’s shoulder, who gave her a kind smile before turning his attention back on Ombra who had landed back in her bowl with ease.

“And how are we going to do that, Ombra?” Kaz asked, leaning forward with interest, though feeling a bit of teasing beckoning him. “Got a magic wand that’ll turn the Necromancer horny?”

“I don’t, but you do.” Ombra said with a knowing look before gesturing between Kaz’s legs with one hand. “Lily?”

“Yes, Ombra?” the little fairy flitted back to the lady of water.

“Can I guess that tonight you’re going to do your… usual thing?” The mermaid and fairy glanced to Kaz and then back to each other, both blushing.

“Wait, what usual thing?” Kaz blinked, looking back and forth from the ladies, even glancing over to Zyka, who shrugged.

“Kaz.” Lily blushed and flitted back to him. “I umm… ”

Kaz stared into the little fairy’s eyes. “What are you saying, Lily?”

The little fairy shivered when he used her name. It made her feel so much bigger than she was. “I’M HOT FOR YOUR FUCKIN’ COCK, OKAY?! So I… every night… When you fall asleep, I try and give you a… well… a hand job… only with my whole body. Since I’m… you know, the size of your hand.”

“Oh, Lily…” Kaz felt himself blush, and reached out to cup her in his hands. The little fairy looked up at him, she seemed even more fragile than normal, like a soap bubble that might pop with the lightest of touches. “You really didn’t have to wait for me to be asleep.”

Lily’s eyes went wide and she was up his face in a single moment, pressing her own tiny face against his lips with an ecstatic squeal before zipping around him in fast tight spiral that put Ombra’s earlier twists and turns to shame. Then she made a dive past  Kaz’s sword belt.

“Wait, now?”

“Fucking yes, now! We could die tonight motherfucker and I want to get laid before that!” She slipped her fingertips into the hem of his loose pants, and yanked them down and out of the way with a push of magic and fairy determination.

His cock, between the cold air, and heavy thoughts of the coming battle, was perhaps a third as hard as any present would have liked. The fairy quickly went to work, grinding her cute breasts, more than handfuls for her, less than a thimble full for anyone of a more ‘standard’ size.  Kaz bit his lip as the fairy worked her ‘womanly’ magic, his cock throbbing and twitching larger, thicker and harder as she performed what for her was a nightly ritual. Finally reaching some predetermined hardness, the fairy gave a cheer, earning mild applause from Ombra from her fish bowl, and a blushing, darting pair of eyes from Zyka, trying desperately both to look and to not look.

Kaz’s jaw fell open at the little fairy’s bold action.  His hard, thick cock was on display between his thighs, the throbbing limb showing all three women just how much he had to offer the fairy, and just how he needed this as badly as she did. Ombra licked over her own sharp teeth as Zyka slid a hand under her loincloth, trying to be somewhat discreet as her scent filled the air. She was amazed how big Kaz was, larger than any goliath cock I’ve ever seen! Her thought was interrupted as Kaz spoke up again.

“How, uh, how do you usually do this?” Earning a giggle from Lilly as she zipped back down to his cock.

“Not just this, but this time I’m going to finish!”

Her plan in motion, Ombra wove a spell into the air, surrounding first Lily, then Lily and Kaz, then Kaz, Lily and Zyka, before throwing a fourth and final spiraling spell around all four of them. All four felt a tingling deep inside them as the half-visible loops of magic encompassed the group, binding them closer, tighter, and together even more than their group dynamic already had.

A desire for Kaz above and beyond her own flooded Lily’s mind as she flitted down to his cock. Her outfit vanished as she flew,  like the last twinkles of twilight, before wrapping her entire body around his dick like she had night after night. Her breasts were crushed against the underside of the head of his cock even as she tangled a leg around his dick, squeezing him tight.

Kaz groaned in pleasure as his tiny lover ground her wet pussy against his bulging urethra shaft. Leaning forward, Lily kissed, and then full on made out with, the slit at the end of his cock, giggling with surprise when a pearl of precum burst all over her face. She quickly sucked it down, thrilled at making a part of him part of her.

She kept working him, driving him close to the edge, before she hesitated and then withdrew from his cock, looking up at Kaz with a silly grin. “And that's where I usually stop.”

“No wonder I wake up every morning hard as a rock.” Kaz smiled down at her before reaching out with both hands. “Want to go even further?”

Ombra fluttered her fishy tail and bit her lip as Kaz gently caressed Lily’s back, feeling his touch on her fins as much as Lily felt it on her wings. Zyka hissed as Kaz gently spread Lily’s legs, spreading her own in sympathy. Kaz placed her on the top of his cock, Lily’s tiny pussy was no bigger than the slit from which all men fountained life.

The little fairy looked up into the human man’s eyes, bit her lip, and nodded once, sharply, so that he could tell from where he was so high above her.

Not as gently as he would have liked, not as hard as Zyka would have wanted to see, not as slow as Ombra wished, but exactly the way Lily wanted, he pulled the little fairy down by her ankles, stuffing a cock as long, no, LONGER than her torso, inside of her. True to her kind, and thanks to a little fairy and mer-magic, her body stretched over Kaz’s thick cock.

The little fairy cried out in pain, pleasure, and delight as Kaz took control. She used her hands to fondle her breasts even as Kaz wrapped a hand around her cock filled belly, and began moving her up and down, a perfect fairy cock sleeve to work out what had been months of sexual frustration for Kaz, stuck in a party of lovely women.

Lily felt every inch, every vein, every ridge of his cock, even as her brains became nothing but the words “Kaz” “Cock” and “FUCK” over and over again, blending together as Kaz got faster and faster, the stretching of her body feeling incredible as she pulled tight every time he stroked into her, deeper and farther than before, until it felt like his cock was about to pop out of her mouth and absorb her, utterly.

Then they felt it. They all felt it. It was like all three women, and even Kaz if he was honest, had been feeling Lily stretching her pussy out further than any sentient woman could, like she was fucking a mighty oak tree, and now they all felt a rumbling, a boiling feeling deep in… they weren’t sure, but Kaz knew. Those were his balls and he was about to explode.

In a sudden quick motion, much rougher than he’d intended to be with the tiny winged woman, Kaz shoved her down hard on his cock, sheathing every last inch inside her and felt his balls explode, sending what was proportionately gallons of cum inside of her, enough to make the little woman pop like the cum balloon she was quickly becoming.

Lily tried to hold back, tried to hold it a moment longer, but found there was nothing, nothing, she could do to stop the onslaught of cum, and rolled her head back, mouth opened wide as cum blasted forth from inside of her, spurting out over Kaz’s naked legs.

And all too soon, the orgasm was over. Kaz breathed a sigh of relief, and reached down to his lover to pull her off his surprisingly only slightly softened cock, only to find a few things wrong.

The first of which was, Lily was nowhere to be seen. Kaz fluttered his wings in frustration. Tucking his strawberry blonde hair behind his pointy ears. Being half fairy was so difficult sometimes, and why was his cock so much bigger, nearly double its original size. It was so big it nearly touched his…

His… Her… Breasts. Kazly gasped, a dainty hand with  callused fingers, coming to her lips as she looked from first Zyka, who’s jaw hung open in equal shock, to Ombra, who was grinning for all she was worth.

“I’m… I’m both of us.” Kazly stated, one hand going to her breast, to give it a gentle squeeze, that Kaz-part of their mind rejoicing at finally being able to hold Lily’s tits like this. Their other hand gently stroked their half-hard cock, Lily’s half of her mind crowing to finally be on equal footing to her lover, even if they were now sharing, well, everything, even a mind. Even a…

Deep inside of herself, Kazly could still sense the separation between Kaz and Lily, but it was so little, so minor… and realized this was their souls, the two souls that made up the shared mind and fused body.

A fairy was flying around an open, endless field. No matter which direction she turned, there was just more and more field, more open sky, and deep deep grass that wanted to cut at her wings, leaving her no place to land that she could take off from again. She felt so tired, so lost, everywhere she looked was-

And then there was this small village. It was empty, so empty, so devoid of life, but it was someplace, a single, true change to focus on in the middle of the field. The fairy flew into it, desperate for anything different, anything new. She knew it couldn’t be here, it was impossible, but here it was. Empty and devoid of life.


She could hear a boy crying. No, not a boy, a young man, not yet old enough for his first beard, too old to see with innocence anymore. She fluttered to him, shocked to see something else impossible. He was the size of a fairy.

No, wait… that was wrong. Everything was her size. The doors, the tables, all of it was perfect for a fairy to sit at… or had she grown bigger? She knew human workmanship as intimately as anyone could from a life time of seeing it on a massive scale, and this was all human!

But then the strange thoughts were gone, and she was to the boy, her hands softly on his cheeks, his flaming red hair hiding his eyes, but not his tears as he looked through his bangs to her.

What’s wrong? But she already knew.

They’re gone. They’re all gone… And then they were both crying, and holding onto each other, desperate to never let go, to never be alone again, and that if they were lost, to be able to trust in one another to steady them, a hand to steady them in the dark, a point of reference in an endless waves of grass.

And then they were kissing… moving together in a way no mortal bodies could, bits of who and what they were mixing and blending and-

She blushed and moaned as she realized what the souls were doing. They were fucking, If you could call the roiling tempest of emotion and sensation such a thing.

Zyka reached out a hand towards the human fairy-hybrid, a word of concern on her lips.  Lily’s impulsive nature and Kaz’s light hearted desire to never see a frown on Zyka’s lovely, hard face pushed Kazly into the air, her arms wrapping around the larger woman’s neck even as her own lips met the goliath’s, mashing them together.

Concern and worry were forgotten as Zyka fell back, more in surprise than actual physical effort on behalf of Kazly. Even so, she found herself powerless in the enthusiastic embrace. Her back was against a tree as the woman who had been Kaz and Lily held her there, her hard cock throbbing against Zyka’s well-muscled stomach as the kiss deepened.

Zyka let out a sigh she had been holding for what felt like a lifetime, her arms moving to hold Kazly to her. She took care not to crush her best friends rolled into one, or damage her sexy wings, and in that moment of hesitation, Kazly broke off the kiss and zipped just out of her grasp.

Zyka slid down to the ground at her lover’s urging, her head still against the tree behind her, but the rest of her laid out like a pile of gray colored treasure. With a flick of Lily’s embiggened knives, Kazly removed what little clothing the big goliath barbarian possessed.

Hanging on to the obsidian crystals coming out of Zyka’s shoulder, Kazly plunged her cock between the mighty tits pointing to the sky like stone mountains coming out of the plains of Zyka’s well packed abs.

Each thrust was a delight for both women, and for the watching mermaid too, the bond from earlier between the group letting them sense and feel each other’s pleasure grown even stronger since Kaz and Lily’s fusion. Inside Kazly her two halves hugged closer and tighter and closer, delighting in the mismatched feeling of Kaz’s cock thrusting between Zyka’s womanly curves, and Lily delighting at feeling her breasts bounce and sharing every shivering shimmy with Kaz in their body together, even as their souls wrapped tighter and tighter together, thrusting in and out of each other and melding just as much as their shared cock was doing with Zyka’s tits.

The size felt so good too. Kazly was bigger than either of the two people who had made her, vastly larger than the fairy had ever dreamed of being, and being above and atop the goliath Zyka was a dream come true. I’ve never felt so powerful! Kazly crowed in her mind, loving how amazing being atop the larger woman made her feel.

Zyka opened her mouth, at first to say something, to try and take control of the situation, but instead finding her mouth filled with cock, her eyes rolling back and moaning as she tasted something she’d been wishing for since the moment she’d first laid eyes on Kaz, his cock. She found the taste and smell everything she wanted and more. Kazly’s cock smelled of the road and masculine sweat, of the cum so recently flooding Lily the fairy, but also smelled of sunlight and juice fresh from a fairy’s pussy. Zyka moaned as she realized the truth, it wasn’t just Kaz’s cock, but Lily’s too, her body suffusing it and the rest of the form she now shared with the human cleric.

And all of it only made the goliath wetter. She wanted desperately to reach down to her pussy and give it the attention it was demanding of the woman, but she was unwilling to let go of her tits and the trap that so snuggly held Kazly’s cock on it’s way to her lips.

The human and fairy hybrid wasted no time, working harder and faster until she lost control, reaching out with both hands to hang onto Zyka’s head as she plunged as much of the cock as she could, a good foot of cock still contained in gray tits as the rest vanished between Zyka’s lips. Zyka opened her eyes wide as she watched Kazly’s cock actually bulge with the huge blast of cum erupting from within her and pulsing down her length and into Zyka’s mouth.

Zyka felt her eyes roll back as she swallowed, and swallowed, and swallowed, before she couldn’t handle anymore and more than a little blew out of her nose and around the cock in her mouth before Kazly finally relented her cocky assault.

Kazly fell backwards, her human-fairy body going limp from the sheer energy she’d poured into the orgasm and if it hadn’t been for Zyka’s quick, large hands, the fusion of Kaz and Lily might have fallen directly into the fire.

Instead, Zyka laid her lover next to the fire, gently, watching Kazly shiver in delight and anticipation, her cock still as hard as ever. Zyka stood to her full height, and marveled that even with Kazly laying down, her erection reached  high enough to press against Zyka’s glistening pussy.

A memory flitted through Zyka’s mind, of herself attempting to awkwardly flirt with Kaz, and having it sound more like she was threatening to smash his face in. Instead of fear, having him smile up at her and open his mouth when instead Lily had zipped in front of her and asked ‘Is every part of you hard, or is that fucking wet pussy I can smell from here soft?’ At the time Zyka had been so embarrassed she hadn’t thought about that it might be anything other than the little fairy cock blocking her from what was obviously a hard and horny human.

Now, as she looked at the fusion of Kaz and Lily and the hard throbbing cock they shared as Kazly. How she bit her lip like Lily would when she thought hard, how she peeked out of her bangs like Kaz, that not only was this really both of them together, that it was perhaps that ‘is your pussy soft?’ dig hadn’t been mean at all, but Lily reaching out through her own backwards, flighty way. If they’d asked, would Ombra have fused fairy and goliath together and let the woman resulting make her own attempt at Kaz’s heart?

And then all such musing was lost as Kazly thrust ever so lightly with her curvy hips, and the cock that had waited so patiently, that was everything Zyka had ever dreamed, pushed up. Of its own accord, her hungry pussy gobbled the apple sized head of Kazly’s dick with no effort.

Wait, that wasn’t quite true. She’d been so wet, so cock hungry, that it took a moment to register that her pussy lips had just stretched further than the one or two fingers she’d ever used before, and all in one go.

Just as she felt tears start to well up in eyes that had never before let them fall, she felt Kazly grip her thighs. Looking down past her own gray breasts, and saw the love in Kazly’s eyes, not just everything Kaz or Lily had, but a combined care for her teammate, lover, and companion. Kazly was holding back, concern written all over her face. Zyka blinked her eyes repeatedly, reaching up with one hand to wipe a single wet tear away before nodding her head once, to let her lover know she was ok.

“Ok, Kazly, my little lover, I’m going to snu snu you so hard you’re going to cum your brains out. You are my first, and I couldn’t have dreamed of it going better than this.” Zyka smiled, blinking away the last of her tears. Reaching up, she put both her hands behind her head and began truly riding the huge cock, doing squat after squat, each time going down further, taking more of the monster cock into herself.

Beneath her, Kazly moaned, her head shaking back and forth as so much of her cock was taken into the giant woman, gripped perfectly by the most intimate muscle Zyka had.

Above Kazly, Zyka struggled with this cock more than any weapon she’d ever fought before, stretching and pulsing inside of her. Every extra inch in her was a burning stretch and a rumble within her as organs moved out of the way, her stone skin stretching as she consumed more and more inside of her.

“I’ve… I’ve never felt so… so full, so… complete!” Zyka moaned, earning a giggle from Ombra who was still in her summoned water bowl, watching and fingering her own pussy, her fishy tail swishing her in lazy circles as she kept an eye on Zyka and Kazly.

“Getting… close, baby!” Kazly panted between Zyka’s squats. “Gonna, cum, so, much!”

“Yes, yes my little Kazly, give me everything you’ve got, all of it!” She picked up her squats, snu-snuing the hell out of the human-fairy. She could feel Kazly tensing beneath her, and gasped aloud as she dropped her legs all the way down, and finally felt her well-muscled ass smack Kazly’s thighs, and felt the blast of cum go straight from her balls and up her bulging cock into Zyka’s hungry pussy.

The onslaught of cum felt like even more than before, some part of Zyka proud that her pussy was even better than her breasts at milking cum out of her lover, and there was so much! Pulse after pulse into Zyka’s hungry pussy, gobbling and guzzling all the cum into herself, everything Kazly had to give, wanting it all, everything she had.


And… She fell onto her ass, blinking as she finally came down from her orgasmic blast. Cumming always felt soooo good and having this big cock felt great but, why had the cock pulled out of her…

Wait… that wasn’t right.

Where was her lover?

Kazykly glanced to her left and right, fluttering her crystal fairy wings to pull herself to her feet, ever careful not to touch them against the black crystals that grew out of her pale purple shoulders. Her massive cock bobbed, all five foot of it, thicker than her own thighs, dancing as the seven-foot-tall woman came to her full, massive height, her large feet landing with a thump as she gave a quick stretch to her wound tight muscles.

Her arms were big and muscular, with powerful hands flowing in wider and broader shoulders than Zyka had ever possessed, flowing a thickly corded muscled neck for her lovely head and face. Her features were light and fairy like, but with the strong lines of a warrior hardened by battle, battles she was born to fight. Beneath that were two round, perky breasts, each as large… no… larger than her own head. Her waist was as wide as Kaz’s shoulders had been, but still narrower than her hips, giving her an hourglass shape that even Lily would have been jealous of had she not been such an essential part of it, but packed with muscle. A core of power that was centered over her own feminine core.

Her hips spread so wide and perfect, she loved resting her… axe? Staff? Or… was it hanging her daggers from? She shook her head briefly as memories rattle around and fit into place. She reached down with one callused hand and felt the ‘velvet wrapped in steel’ length of her cock, stroking it briefly as she flexed her powerfully built thighs, thick cords of muscle standing out as she took a step towards the only other member of her party, the mer-mage, Ombra.

Inside of her, her mind was awash with sensation, Zyka felt like no matter which way she turned was a set of lips kissing against hers, Kaz’s, Lily’s, Kazly’s, and… and a fourth set… that was… her’s? No it was… It was Zyka’s, lips, not her’s. And Zyka was kissing her so passionately. She loved all three of them so much, sharing them with each other and herself, and being made of them.

Deep down, down further than her consciousness, mixed and shared thing that it was, past a heart that beat together and alone all at once, down past every unconscious desire and wish, and even past every survival instinct. Down and down, there was a small goliath girl, just of age, crying alone in the woods, clothes barely covering her newly grown womanly curves. This is where her soul had been hurt nearly a decade ago, and here it was still chained, alone and weeping, forever certain that every person she loved would be taken from her, just like…

Zyka’s thoughts trailed off as a young fairy, somehow as tall as her, with small perky tits, and burning so bright she shone like a small sun from her curve, rushed up to her and wrapped her in a warm hug, like standing in the summer sun after a long winter.

She’d come down a path that Zyka somehow knew hadn’t been there before. It had run through a town, a small town that Zyka was sure the fairy had never been to before and instead was lost to time in a way even her own hometown hadn’t suffered, and from it, walking that same path through the open field/forest, a path that had never lead from that town, was a young man with butterfly like wings made of the thinnest of sunlight and all the colors of the rainbow.

Before Zyka’s soul knew it, she was in another hug with the man, a human male, wisdom in his eyes that went against the youth on his face, scars long hidden across his back and chest seemed to melt away in the fairy’s light as he reached out and encompassed them both with his arms.

Zyka sobbed, openly, finally together, and feeling that truly she was with someone, more than one, who’d never leave her. The forest melted away for Zyka, as the path through a field and small town fell away for her two soul lovers, as the trio pulled tighter and closer, three souls made two, made one, made whole and yet…

And yet…

Kazykly stroked her big cock and looked to Ombra, smiling as Ombra seemed to fight her own instincts to hide from the hugely built woman and dive straight at that massive cock that looked custom made for the mer-mage.

“You knew this would happen.” She didn’t ask it as a question, her wisdom stat was too high.

Ombra shook her head no. “Only hoped. Wished… I…. you’re so beautiful.”

Kazykly stepped up her bowl and reached in, lifting the mer-mage so they were face to face, delighting at the power and strength and size she now had over the heavy hitting magic user of their group. “I’m going to fuck you, now, Ombra, and I’m not sure when or if I will ever stop.”

“P-please do. Please fuck me, Kazykly, harder than you have ever fucked anyone ever.”

“Even myself?”

“At least twice as hard as all of that combined.”

“Combined.” Kazykly giggled, an infectious thing. “Fuck yeah, my lil cum-fish-stick.”

The goliath futa fairy spun the mer-mage around so the lovely, fish woman’s mouth was drooling over her huge, throbbing cock. Even with her fused mind, Kazykly knew this was a moment all of her had been waiting for, and wasted no time forcing every inch of her cock past Ombra's lips, sharp teeth meant for snatching fish didn't even dent the skin of Kazykly's mighty manhood.

Inch by inch the fused woman forced her cock deeper into the mer-mage, delighting in her size, until it's incredible length was entirely contained within the mischievous spell slinger. Adjusting her grip, Kazykly put her hands on Ombra’s hips, amazed at how small the other woman was, not as proportionately disproportionate as Lily had been to Kaz, cock sleeve to cock, and yet just as tight.

She felt deep inside of herself, the three souls, already so close to being two when she first fused, were mashing together, swirling around and through each other. Every doubt, every bit of pain and fear was being pushed away as every dark corner of their souls were being filled with each other's light.

Outside of her, Kazykly tightened her grip and began thrusting her hips, driving feet of cock back and forth through Ombra. The mage was lost in a sea of cock, holding her breath as the meaty monster plunged up and down her throat, truly fucking the monster with her entire esophagus.

She wove a final spell, wondering if this was really the best idea, feeling the balls that were smacking her chin begin growing, getting fuller and tighter as she summoned more and more cum into them. She tried to pull the spell back, but instead, her throat felt the sudden pulse, and Ombra lost it, her body clenching down the length of the invader.

Kazykly felt what the mage was doing, and after a brief moment of open-eyed shock, snapped her eyes shut and moaned aloud, feeling it turn into a yell and finally a roar as she came, and came, and came!

It took the goliath, human, fairy hybrid a moment to come down from her orgasm induced brain spinning high. Kazykly put a hand to her chest, feeling her three souls, her one soul, now so blended she truly felt together and alone without every being lonely at the same time. She smiled down at the cum drunk and dazed fishy lover and scooped her up with both hands, carefully sliding her off her cock first, but enjoying how her muscles rippled as she moved the mermaid around with ease.

“Ready for round two, lover?”

“Yes, Kazykly. Please, fuck me.”

The amazon sized futa fairy fusion flipped the flippered magic flinging mermaid mage around, so that Ombra now faced upwards, face and boobs pointed to the night sky as the rosy fingers of dawn began smoothing out the stars from the curtain of dreams. Her glistening, wet pussy pointed directly at Kazykly, and the fused futa woman didn’t hesitate.

Kazykly thrust hard into her lover, the mermaid watching open mouth as her tight belly bulged around the massive cock entering her. Even with her stretchy biology, meant to hold thousands of eggs at a time, and more than a little water magic around her body to push herself to newer heights of stretchiness, she knew she was at her limits with this mammoth bit of meat.

Ombra’s head fell back mouth open in a scream of pleasure and pain as Kazykly flapped her crystal fairy wings, lifting the amazon and her cock-sleeve-mermaid off the ground and into the air. The higher they rose, the faster they fucked, Ombra not even able to pull together a conscious thought as her lover, creation, and fusion of all her best friends fucked her harder and faster with each passing second.

Ombra could feel every vein of Kazykly’s cock, every ridge and bump! Could feel the massive cum filled balls bounce against her! Could feel the powerful hands holding so gently and yet so forcefully. Could feel the pull of the magic spells she’d cast pulling them closer and closer together! And most of all, she could feel the orgasm coming.

Not her own, she had been cumming somewhat regularly since Kaz and Lily had first started fucking, wishing it was her stretched out on that cock, even more so when Kazly and Zyka had begun their love making, and had been cumming non-stop since Kazykly had begun stretching her out. No, it was a rumbling deep inside her three-to-one lover that she knew would bring this night to a close. And she wanted it, bad.

Just before the sun peeked over the horizon, lover and cock-sleeve came one final time and the final spell circle tightened. With the dawn a new woman was created, slowly fluttering on fairy wings as fish fins flapped and warmed themselves in the first rays of morning light.

Kazy-kombly settled to the ground, her hands moving all over her body. She cast a quick spell and a vertical pool of water appeared, the surface mirror smooth and that’s just how she used it. Her hands glided over her thighs and cupped the heavy balls and massive cock with it’s huge bulge in the middle, moaning as bit of precum dripped from the tip. It felt like so much of Ombra had been absorbed directly into her man-meat and she loved that thought.

Her hips and legs were wide, something she both delighted in, not just having a womanly set of hips, but having legs at all, though she’d had them all her three lifetimes and… oh.


Her hand came to her chest and she felt what was happening inside of her.

A soul, a single drop of water in the ocean, slowly sinking into an abyss she couldn’t swim out of. She tried desperately, but she was alone, forever alone, forever sinking farther and father into a crushing depth. She closed her eyes, knowing the darkness was swallowing her and nothing she did could-

A hand grabbed hers, and… and the mermaid felt herself being pulled up, but also felt like she also a powerful goliath barbarian, pulling a friend from a cliff, and a fairy, fluttering her wings as hard as she could against the wind, determined to save her friend from a hurricane wind, and a human who would never let a friend be in pain, rushing the mermaid from a huge burning house.

Together, together, they pulled each other out of their own darkness’s, out of each other’s eternal solitude. Instead of lonely suns that occasionally saw other stars passing by in a swirling galaxy, they were now four suns, in an eternal dance together, drawing closer… closer… and…

Suddenly Kaz was kissing Ombra, and Ombra-Lily was fluttering on the wind while Kazyka was fucking them wonderfully, and laughing as they rose in the air. Kazly was fluttering around a Zymbra who was laughing and trying desperately to catch the human-fairy and suck her cock, and a thousand other configurations and fusions and percentages as all of them drew together, fucking and loving, and caring for each other as four souls drew together, four lights in the dark becoming one, and becoming brighter for it.

Kazy-kombly laughed aloud and squeezed her tits, loving how all four of her felt together. She fluttered her wings, amazed that with only a touch of mer-fairy magic she was able to lift goliath-human body with fish scales and a surprising fairy daintiness with a minimal effort.

“Now…” She paused, loving the sound of her own voice. She reached out and paused, her smile growing as she scooped up her weapon, baring a giant axe head with a serrated edge like Lily’s daggers on one side, but the handle clearly a fusion of Ombra’s mage staff and Kaz’s clerical one, baring the likenesses of each other’s pantheon. It was truly a blessed weapon made for the woman she now was. “Now, we’re ready for that necromancer!” 



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