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This is just a bit of fun, maybe sexy, but not a sexfest. @backpagecomics drew the CUTEST image for it, so make sure to download the PDF and see it!


“I just wish we could get along better.”

Colleen winced at the sound of the greedy blonde’s wish. “Ugh, Honey, you know better than to make wishes like that around me.”

“I know, I know, the whole ‘descended from leprechauns’ thing, but I’ve made wishes around before and nothing’s happened.” Honey flipped her long blonde ponytail back over her shoulder and shrugged, her large round breasts bouncing in the wholly inadequate sports bra.

Colleen bit her lip and tried to keep her eyes on her co-teacher’s face… and failed. The two of them being bisexual after another of Honey’s flippant wishes about ‘more options on Saturday night’ had been one granted wish Colleen had more or less kept from her since the blonde hadn’t seemed to notice that they now ended up in each other’s bed as much as random guy’s.

Colleen instead shook her head and sat down in a folded leg yoga pose, her plump but tight ass making a nice heart shape look behind her as she arched her thin back and leaned backwards, thrusting her own perky and normally ‘large’ at a nice C chest forwards into the room. They were limbering up before the class they shared, and had just been arguing about what to teach. She coiled herself like a spring and leaped to a full standing position.

Colleen wasn’t as tall as the 5’9” sometimes lover, sometimes rival, Honey, but at 5’3” she was much taller than her mother, who was taller than her’s, and on and on back to their full blooded leprechaun ancestors.

She turned the stretch upward into a backbend and carefully walked her hands towards her legs until she was hanging onto her thighs and was literally sitting her ass on top of her head, looking up at the limber Blonde doing her own stretches.

Honey, as mentioned before, was tall for most women at 5’9”, and busty by nearly every standard at an H-cup, though she frequently talked about upgrading them even further than the 1000cc implants she’d already added to her chest.

Colleen hadn’t told her yet that a guy last St. Patty’s had made a stupid wish about preferring girls with natural chests that were somehow still supernaturally firm. If Honey went into a doctor who knew her medical history, they’d be in for quite a surprise.

While the blonde had exceptionally long legs, the one place she did seem to lack was her ass. Sure, it was cute and pert, but it wasn’t the well-muscled plump rear end that Colleen sported.

“It’s just…” Colleen did her best to stop admiring Honey’s lines and focus on what she was saying, “there’s been storms all day and the last thing I need is a rainbow pointing at the gym and having to fight off some idiot looking for gold.”

“You brought some of your doubloons here?” Honey suddenly piped up.

“Well, they’re shillings, but yeah.” Colleen did her best to shrug, which given the pretzel with her ass above her teakettle that she had tangled herself into, was an interesting site. “Why?”

Colleen was so focused on those bouncing boobs, Honey was nearly out of the room before she even realized the blonde was darting away. “Wait-NO!”

The crash that followed nearly shoved her own head up her ass, a favor she was planning to repay to Honey when she caught up to her.

It took longer than she expected to disentangle herself, but she hadn’t been concerned about Honey breaking into her locker, it had the standard turn dial combination lock on it and she didn’t think of Honey as much of a safe cracker.

Which was why she was utterly surprised upon rounding the corner of the locker room and seeing Honey happily holding one of the shillings while slamming Colleen’s locker shut.

“Wh-what? Why? HOW?” Colleen felt her jaw swing open, the shock freezing her in place.

“48, 28, 30, duh!” Honey shrugged, her chin almost vanishing into her cleavage with the motion, utterly distracting Colleen.

“How’d you know?”

“Why wouldn’t they be my measurements?” Honey tilted her head to the side, as if perplexed that Colleen’s combination would be anything OTHER than her own measurements.

“They could be my measurements in reverse.” Colleen groused, folding her arms, and fighting the itch inside her to pounce her friend, lover and rival all in one, and just stealing the coin back.

“Are they?” Honey’s eyes went wide. “Your ass is as big as my tits?”

“Well… yeah.” Colleen sighed, looking away from the blonde. “Ok, you know the rules, make your stupid wish and give me back the damn shilling.”

“Aaaaannnnyyyything?” Honey teased out, leaning forward and showing off what Colleen estimated was a mile and a half of cleavage, drawing a groan of desire from the auburn-haired women.

“No wishing for anything that isn’t fun, in a chaotic sense,” Colleen growled out, wanting to just leap forward and motorboat those…. And steal her gold back.

“Right, right. And the greedier the wish, the better it’s granted, right?” Honey tilted her head to the side and sucked on a single finger. She’d told Colleen once it was easier for her to think with something in her mouth.

“Right. A truly selfless wish is as worthless as gold plated tin when made with a leprechaun.” Colleen nodded.

“I’ve got it!” Honey shouted, startling Colleen with the suddenness of it.

Please be a three-day orgy in bed together, please be a three-day orgy in bed together, please be a three-day orgy in bed together. Colleen made her own silent wish. Sure, it’d be three days stuck with the dumb, selfish blonde, but then again, part of the young Irish woman was really drawn to exactly those qualities about her… hair as blonde as blonde as gold…

“I wish…”  Honey frowned, rolled her head side to side as if trying to rattle her brain around to really get the thought ready, like melting butter on a hot pan. “That we’d merge our bodies together to be the best of both of us, but like still have our heads separate enough we could kiss.”

“Ugh, you can’t use qualifiers! It’s only going to listen to the first half of that wi-” Colleen wanted to run.

Instead, the two women were drawn together, Colleen’s top vanishing as she watched Honey’s tight yoga pants poof out of existence. She felt her hands drawn forward to a point and like a swimmer, felt herself ‘dive’ into Honey’s honey pot, feeling Honey’s leg somehow dive into her own shoulders.

This is it. Colleen felt herself, her top half anyway, turn to mush and start to slowly vanish into the horny blonde, Honey crowing as her own pussy dissolved to be replaced by Colleen’s own well-groomed muff. I’m just going to be nothing but her hips from now on. This stupid, selfish…

Any further thoughts she had vanished along with her upper half inside of Honey, her hips twisting and spinning around and around, turning this way and that until instead of two half naked women somehow impossibly pulling into each other, there was a single dressed woman, her tits barely contained in a too small sports top, and an ass stretching yoga pants to their limit trying to get her bearings after being the center of a flesh whirlwind.

Honey lifted her hands and looked at them, glancing down at her naked feet, and deciding she liked the blend of her own deep tan and Colleen’s pale skin to something a bit in-between. She flicked her hair forward, seeing she had kept her own blonde hair, tugging at the waistband of her yoga pants and peaking inside, having to twist her torso a bit to see around her large breasts and frowning as her carpets and drapes no longer matched.

“Oh well, I usually kept it shaved anyway. What do you think, Colleen?”

No answer. Honey looked left and right, and only then did she realize that she was alone in the staff locker room, and felt selfish desire building up inside of herself.

With a deep frown, Honey glared at the coin, giving it a shake, and tilting her head to the right, pointing to the spot just left of her neck on her shoulders. Whether the coin, or the magic of chaos, or whatever, just bent to the stubborn will of the blonde woman or not was hard to tell, but even though the magic was ‘done’, it started up again and Colleen’s head popped up out of Honey’s shoulders, even as the blonde slid a bit to the right to make room.

“G-gosh.” Colleen gasped as she popped back into existence. “I thought I was going to just be your puss and ass for the rest of our existence.”

Honey gave her a peck on the cheek. Not quite the distance to share lip to lip, but it was chaos magic after all. “Awww, I’d never leave a girl hanging. Plus, if you were, I’d promise to feed you cock ever day if you were.”

“P-promise to do that anyway?” Colleen felt herself asking, quite in spite of herself. Jeeze, was Honey always this horny? Or was this their sexuality combined?

Honey gave a high-pitched squeal and giggled, “you are such a slut! But yes, DP all around, slut!”

“Only because I’m added to you.” Colleen rolled her eyes but gave her new body partner a loving smile even as their pussy tingled. “So, what next?”

“Another wish, duh!”

Another wish? What more could you want?” Please don’t say to separate…

“I can’t decide.” Honey said as Colleen felt her…. Their… arms reach out for her locker again. “Either bigger T&A or…”

She stopped as she fumbled with the lock, Colleen intentionally making it a little difficult for the clumsy blonde.


“Or you know Vakina?”

“The tall, raven-haired bitch with the incredible arms and abs?” Colleen felt her eyes glaze a bit as she had a sudden thought of licking all over those toned abs and, then those strong arm grabbing her by the hair and forcing her into her pussy to-

“Yeah!” Honey cheered, both in agreement of Colleen, and at getting the locker open. She dropped the shilling she wished on, as promised, back in the small pile that had been a tidy stack when she’d first found them, and quickly snatched another. “We’d make a great threesome!”

Colleen groaned at the thought… both in more than a little sexual frustration, the idea of all three of them arguing, fighting, being selfish, and at just how sexy their combined bodies would look, and feel was just too enticing… and at just how one track her blonde lover and now body partner was. “Honey, stop and think a minute. Let’s… work out how our body works the way it is, first.” Colleen forced them to let go of the shilling, bring a sexy pout her way from Honey.

“But…” Honey started to say before Colleen fixed her with a look.

“Besides, we’re gonna be late for class, and we’ve got to start our stretches all over again.”

“YAY! Stretchies!” and the locker was slammed shut, and Colleen breathed a sigh of relief before her eyes were drawn to the hypnotic jiggle her new tits made as Honey bounced them back to class. “I’m sure we’ll be able to do all sorts of poses now!”

Colleen sighed but smiled, it was going to be a wonderfully frustrating and selfish life, and she was going to love every shared minute of it.



Dan Standing

Really loved EVERYTHING about this!