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The Congenies meet up with a slightly dumb girl who wishes to be smarter. Seeing them as a two headed genie she gets the idea two heads are better than one. She wishes she could be conjoined to the smartest girl in a private girls academy. Thinking she'll become smarter this way. Said smartest girl is a huge geek, shy and reclusive. She's sitting alone reading a  book when she feels her body widen and grow and clothes or school uniform change and grow an extra collar and watches a second head grow out to be the slightly dumb girl.

Contains: Conjoinment, a bimbo, implied incest of supernatural beings who don’t share genes as they don’t have genetics, and a lot of trust with a wish.

Author’s Note: Yes this story deviated from the above request, but sometimes, the characters in the story just pop out at me and ask if maybe, please, could the story go a different way.



Originally a genie bound to a bottle, and stuck with granting a minimum of three wishes, she found a ‘master’ who actually cared about her as a person. Afterwards, she’s not necessarily ‘free’ as she is less restricted to the rules than most.

Happy to be reunited with her sister, she doesn’t mind sharing with Conner, even if it is sharing her ‘boyfriend’, bottle and even body with her. She’s the kinder of the pair, but still enjoys really twisting a wish.

She’s 5’4” when she has legs, brunette with brown eyes and likes to wear green. She’s the bustier of the two, at a D-cup.

Combined, they’re two headed in a green with gold trim outfit, with C-cups.


Sister of Jennie, she’s the more lewd of the pair. Thanks to a wish by ‘boyfriend’, she and Jennie share a bottle and often times, a body from the shoulders down.

She’s also a big fan of nearly everything pop culture, even more so than her sister.

She usually uses a pink outfit with gold trim, but is fond of her sister’s general green look. She’s smaller as a B-cup typically, though often sports a matching D-cup to her sister, especially around their ‘boyfriend’.


Fin! The genie sisters’ ‘boyfriend’. A sweet, selfless and caring individual.


Her name means ‘seeker’. Hawaiian beauty, dyes her hair blonde. Is a bit well known for being the campus bicycle. Initially a bit short, by most standards, at 5’3”, she’s curvy all over, even her belly a smidge. Long auburn hair with often times flowers mixed in, leading to a nickname of ‘Blossom’.


Her name means ‘Beloved’ or ‘asked for’. She’s a mix of Swedish and Spanish heritage, is a bookish girl, who gets roped into a conjoinment with Kaimi. Tall thanks to the Swedish heritage, she’s rail thin. She has flowing brown hair, darker than Kaimi’s natural color, like a waterfall over her shoulders and often in front of her face, that she keeps in a side ponytail that she often works with her hands when she’s nervous. 


“You two, are, like, SO hawt.”

Conner looked to Jennie, who rolled her eyes but smiled kindly towards the blonde woman with pink lipstick.

“Uh, thanks,” Jennie smiled, feeling Conner arch their back a bit, so their nicely sized C-cups gave a light bounce. “Nothing compared to those boulders though!”

The woman, in her early twenties if the genie sisters had to hazard a guess - and they didn’t have to as they could see inside outside and through the vibrating strings that were her life - made the brazen move of reaching up and giving both her own large, head sized breasts a squeeze with both hands. Her blonde hair swished around her, one of the four blossom’s tangled there falling into her cleavage. “You think so? I’ve always wished they were bigger.”

Conner started to lift their right hand, the one on Jennie’s side before her sister fought it back down, “Well, we could definitely make that happen. How big are you wishing?”

“Oh, like, I wouldn’t want to waste a wish on that. I can make them bigger all on my lonesome.”

Lonesome… The sisters looked at each other. Lonesome was something genies intimately understood. Centuries, millennia even, might go by between a genie seeing anyone, let alone another genie. Thanks to a wish from Fin, the two genies never had to be alone ever again, something that they knew they would spend the rest of Fin’s life thanking him for.

Are you lonely?” Jennie asked carefully. The young woman, clearly a bit ditzy, hadn’t said she was, had just used the word as a turn of phrase, but the genie ability to see through the layers tipped her off that there was more to it.

“Only in my heart!” The young woman joked, and both genies felt a part of their own heart, the shared part, sink. “What I reallllly want is to be smarter. Add to my brain power.”

“What did you have in mind?” They genie sisters said in unison.

“Well, I love your look!” Kaimi reached up and gave genies’ breast a squeeze, winking at the pair. “I mean, like, hawt!”

“Thanks,” they replied, Jennie giving a kiss to the cheek to Conner, who gave a bawdy wink to the young woman.

“If I had twice the number of brains, I’d be, like, twice as smart, right?”

Conner was the first to reply, “Uh, are you wanting to duplicate your head?”

“No no, two of me would just make me trip over myself. How about my bestie, Querida?”

Sometimes with a wish a genie can use it’s miswording, or hesitance to really truly ask for what one wants, to avoid or twist a wish in a way more comical or interesting than the wisher intended. Sometimes it’s so direct that giving the wisher exactly what they wanted is just as fun.

And sometimes, a heart opens, and asks for exactly what it wants, and doesn’t care at all what the head knows is a good or bad idea. And a genie, let alone two, can’t bring themselves to twist it in any way.

“Ok, so the two of you on one body.” Jenny nodded, Conner biting her lip as she puzzled it out. “Who’s?”

“Hose?”  Kaimi tilted her head to the side and blinked.

Conner started laughing, while it was Jenny’s turn to bite her lip, trying to keep her laughter in. “No, I mean, do you want it to be more your body? Or this Querida’s?”

“Q-baby? I…” Kaimi blinked and then started clapping and dancing around, her incredible ass jiggling and bouncing about. “I’ve got it! I know just what to do!”

“Wh-what?” Jenny giggled, watching the curvy women wobble even as she felt her shared loins warming thanks to Conner enjoying the view… and if she was honest, herself too.

“We should go ask her!”


One would think seeing a floating, two headed genie, her tail poking out of a bottle, would be the most attention getting thing, but instead most eyes were drawn to Kaimi, a sexy blonde woman with no less than three blossoms tucked into her long hair, two yellow and one red, singing a crazy song to herself about being a sexy two headed babe with ‘really big brains!’ Emphasizing that point by bouncing her tits, which snuggly held the bottle of the genies in her cleavage, much to the two headed genies’ delight.

They found Querida in the library, after several false starts of the dorm room, two parties, a diner which may or may not have been because Kaimi was hungry and had forgotten what they were doing, and one smoothie stand which she was almost sure Q-baby used to work at.

But yes, the library had meant success.

Querida, her nose buried in a book, had heard her roommate, ‘bestie’, and all around life nuisance before she saw the flighty airhead. A call of “QQQQQQ-BABY!” shouted across the library followed by no less than a half dozen “Shhhhhh”s, all of which went unheeded as Kaimi shouted in excitement at spotting her roommate. At this point a long Baywatch jog began towards her, Kaimi nearly smacking her own chin with her tits, and the bottle between them.

Wait, bottle? Querida blinked and suddenly noticed the pair of brunette genies - or was it a single two headed genie? - floating along beside and slightly behind her roommate.

“Uh, Kaimi, who are they?”

“They’re genies!” Kaimi made her way around the table before hugging Querida tight, her own large soft breasts crushing against the flat surface of Querida’s chest, bringing an uncomfortable blush to the shy young woman. “And I found you!”

“Yes, you found me.” Querida looked around briefly before gathering her books up under the withering look of two different librarians. “Ok, can we head back to our dorm room and talk about this?”

“Oh, yes, please!” Kaimi clapped. “We need to sort out some stuff before I wish us together in one body!”


“Like theirs!”


Trying to ask Kaimi along the way for details had gone about as well as any of Querida’s past attempts at getting the flighty, eternally horny woman to explain anything to her, and the genies had been equally as oblique, only stating that whatever the holder of the bottle said, goes.

Upon getting to the dorm room, and each woman sitting on each other’s bed - as was the two women’s habit - Kaimi spilled her plan, laying out her desire to share a body with Querida, ‘double her brain power’ by adding the much more bookish Querida in, and offering in return everything she was to her roommate.

The other woman alternated between fury, exasperation, and more than a little blushing.

Finally, Kaimi stood, and pushed the genies’ bottle into the startled woman’s hand, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“The wish is yours. I, like, want to share my life, my body, my everything with you, but it’s yours.”


“The wish, and everything else I am.” With that, Kaimi stood and in a moment was gone, outside the door and down the hallway.

“I-I don’t.” Querida shook her head back and forth, her long straight hair swaying. “I don’t understand.”

“She just gave you her everything, Q-baby.” Conner winked.

“You love her, don’t you?” Jenny’s question hadn’t been out of the blue, the two genie sisters had been watching Querida, not just her actions and touches here and there, but the cosmic strings that ran through her. They knew where ‘fate’ would lead her, drawing her away from the love of her life, forever breaking her, embittering her to a world that really needed her compassion, love, and that lovely brain.

But if instead…

“Say it,” the genie sisters’ voices blended together, seeming more than stereo, reaching down into Querida’s heart and tugging at strings she’d never felt touched before. “Say your wish, the wish from down here, deep inside…”


“So, did it turn out ok?” Fin said in between long licks, from one end of his girlfriends’ shared, magical pussy to the other, up to the two headed clit that was the top of their pussy, making both women scream through their nose at the tight, hot orgasm that rolled through them.

“Well duh, all wishes turn out ‘ok’ in the end, whether they like it or not.” Conner said through panting breaths, feeling another orgasm following the last as Fin licked again.

He nibbled their clit just right, making Jenny give a squeak as Conner’s head rolled back, “Y-yes. She wished that most wonderfully perfect of wishes, that someone else get what they want in just the way would make them happiest. So few actually think to wish that way.”

“No, sis, plenty think to wish that way. Nobody trusts to give the bottle and the wish away to get it.” Conner corrected before her eyes rolled up as they both gave another orgasmic squeal at their boyfriend’s clever tongue work.

“So… how do they look?” Fin asked, giving another lick, swirling his tongue just the way he knew they loved at the midpoint.

“Oh you’ll get to see shortly.” Jenny breathily answered, biting her lip as he worked. The image of the women played through her mind, their three large breasts, even bigger than what Kaimi had sported before, high and tight and fit for fun. A pair of hips that’d destroy the hip huggers Kaimi had painted on before, the trim stomach and abs Kaimi had always tried and failed to gain and Querida had been born with, and the two heads, far enough away to kiss, close enough to snuggle each other, and the smiles that flowed straight from their hearts, beating right next to each other in their shared chest. “They’re coming over.”


“Yeah, we told them how great your cock is, that’s why you’re on tongue duty. They can’t wait to share a ride!” Conner added before the two women lost all cohesion, dissolving into one more orgasm and so much smoky horny genie-ness.

Fin sighed and looked down. Ah well, he wasn’t going to say no after all.
