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(And Just a lot Closer)

By MirandasDream


“Hey Rich…” Nashwa smirked, drawing her neighbor’s eyes from his newest comic, across the left side of his yard to where his neighbor was making her way from her yard and stepping her strong legs across to his yard, his eyes trailing up to her body.

Her… very… nude… body…

Her labia… how turned on was she? Her labia were so plump, so full, he was worried what would happen if…

He shook his head. “Nash! Why are you… naked?”

“For me, sweetie.” His other next-door neighbor, Cleo, stepped into the other side of his yard from her own on the right. While she was a great deal tanner than Nashwa, due to her eastern heritage, she was every inch the woman, and every inch as naked.

The two women walked towards each other, their muscular legs scissoring up the distance until they stood, their shoulders a good foot apart, though Nashwa’s left, and Cleo’s right breast touched, their hard nipples seeming to duel each other as each woman breathed in an opposing pattern. Next to each other, it was impossible to tell that neither woman was over five feet tall and didn’t come up to Rich’s shoulder.

“Wh-why are you here? I mean, dressed… or not dressed… like that?”

“Well we can’t do our new trick clothed.” Cleo grinned cheekily, showing off the entire top row of her pearly white’s glistening in the sun.

“Well, we could, but it’d just destroy them.” Nashwa corrected with a smirk, leaning forward just slightly, her two heavy, firm breasts pulling into tight cleavage, while not moving away from Cleo’s right breast.

“Besides,” Cleo drew her left hand up her side, her fingers tracing over the six pack of abs nearly hidden by her own large breasts and hard nipples before resting her hand on her own shoulder briefly, and the drawing it out so that she was flexing her large bicep. “Are you really going to tell me you don’t prefer us like this?”

“But…” Rich bit his lip. He didn’t want to do anything to dissuade these two athletic, voluptuous women from their naked glory, but… “Don’t you think someone will call the cops?”

The two women grinned at each other before Nashwa responded, “how are they going to stop us?”

Before Rich could respond the two women leaned towards one another and did something he’d been dreaming of since he’d moved in between the two sex pots. Sliding a hand across each other’s hips, they pulled each other closer, their well-muscled arms rippling, veins standing out as their breasts, then their lips, mashed together.

Tighter, and rougher, the two women held each other as close as two women could, then a bit more… and a bit more. Rich could feel his cock, a cock that had been both a point of pride and pain in his life, grow down the length of his knee reaching shorts, and hoped the two women were too occupied to notice his cock was even longer.

He need not have worried, for the women’s eyes were lidded at best, and closed tight the rest. Their hands kept squeezing, tugging, and pulling each other closer… and tighter, until Rich had trouble telling where one woman began and the other ended… And then they went a step beyond even that.

They seemed to swell and grow until, with a slight pop, their mouths came apart and the two women panted in unison, and Rich had to push himself out of his lawn chair to really look at the two women.

Instead of Cleo and Nashwa there was now a single, if two headed, woman. Her gigantic, firm, basketball sized breasts were at head height. Her legs were gigantic, calves as ripe and ready to run as a pack of thoroughbred horses, thighs that could crush a man, leading up to a pussy that just begged for his cock, looking wet and hungry. Her ass was incredible he could see that back from the front.

What had been an amazing pair of six packs on each woman had combined into an inhuman and yet still incredibly feminine eight pack. On Nashwa’s head’s side, their right arm lifted up and cupped one huge sphere of tit, while Cleo’s head fixed Rich with a knowing smirk, the arm on her side lifting up to once again show off a bicep, now so much bigger it came past her chin in height.

“W-what happened to you two?”

“Fusion!” They gleefully replied, giving a slight shrug.

“Everything that makes two women awesome in one tight package.” Cleo added.

“More woman than I think anyone can handle.” Nashwa added, flexing the arm on her side. “I can’t wait to get even bigger.”


“What, didn’t we say?” Cleo began, their shared body taking a step towards Rich, their hips swinging wide and far.

“We want to get bigger.” Nash grinned as they leaned over, their huge spheres seeming even bigger as gravity did it’s best to affect them. With one hand, the one on Cleo’s side, they reached out and tugged his shorts down, revealing all eleven inches of thick cock. “And your cum is the best way to do it.”

“Oh wow… SO big, these balls.”

“Gotta get that cum!” Nashwa added before sharing a look with Cleo.

Kneeling down, the two women grasped his cock in Nash’s hand, as first Cleo, then Nash sucked him down their deep throats. Back and forth they traded him, while the other woman sucked on his balls, or nibbled her way back up the extra long cock before taking her turn. It became a race of hot potatoes, each woman doing her best with her turn to get his cum, but it was the blonde-haired Nashwa who won, swallowing over and over as Rich pumped what felt like a gallon of cum straight down her throat and into her and Cleo’s shared stomach.

Cleo couldn’t even pretend to pout at her loss, already feeling the cum being digested and absorbed into their body, instead grinning, and flexing her arm bigger as she looked at Rich. “Next round is mine.”

If Nashwa had something to add, it was lost in the sudden growth that hid the fused woman. Inch by inch their body became harder, tighter, bigger. Most of their growth was centered in their incredible legs, pushing them up to ten feet in height, and their pussy head height to Rich. Their breasts grew as well, each larger than a beach ball, with nipples bigger than most men’s cocks.

Rich didn’t resist the show, fully undressing, his large cock seemed to grow in sympathy to the woman, balls the size of cantaloupes refilling with cum and a cock over two foot in length and so thick most women would have run screaming.

Instead, it looked perfectly sized for the fusion in front of him.

And what a glorious fusion it was. The woman stood up and stretched, standing on tiptoes and reaching their arms far above their heads, flexing each individual muscle in their legs one at a time, straining to really show off their incredible legs.

“Wow, imagine if we’d had these back in gymnastics class?” Nashwa giggled, scissoring their legs back and forth as they minced across Rich’s yard. Rich felt a gasp come to his lips as they utterly destroyed his walk path that led to his door with their steps, the virile show of strength and size only adding to his erection.

Cleo just laughed at Nashwa’s remark, using both hands to heft their huge breasts. “If we’d had these, I doubt we’d have been in gymnastics.”

The fusion twisted at the hips suddenly, pirouetting on one foot in the middle of Rich’s driveway, their powerful foot carving a pothole directly into it. The turn was a full 360 followed by a little more so they were facing Rich again. Shooting a look deep into each other’s eyes, and giving one more squeeze to a pair of breasts so big, so dense, their fingers barely dented them, the two women began walking towards their big dicked man.

“Time to take your turn, lover.” Nashwa giggled as they knelt down, folding their heavenly legs under them as their huge breasts rested in their lap. They pulled Rich to them with their big powerful arms and fitted his cock in between their mega spheres, Cleo taking command as her mouth wrapped around the apple sized head of Rich’s cock.

While Cleo’s mouth was busy, Nashwa wasn’t going to let anything go. She began flirting outrageously with Rich, telling him how big and sexy he was, emphasizing how big and sexy they were, flexing their arms whenever Cleo wasn’t using them directly to stimulate his cock or their tits. She nibbled down his length and held his balls in her bare hands, marveling at just how big and huge those two coconuts were and letting him know it with every sexy word.

Rich wished he could have lasted longer, but Cleo’s oral skills and Nashwa’s verbal offensive was too much, and soon the women were facing an onslaught of their own, as Cleo gulped what had to be at least four gallons of cum, Nashwa gulping air to keep them both conscious as Rich’s orgasm lasted over a minute.

With more than a little bit of dizziness, Rich stumbled backward, careful not to squeeze his balls with his knees, his mind trying to grasp that this was his new reality.

And the women before him… in their fused together body, began moaning as if it hadn’t been Cleo’s mouth, but their shared pussy that had been wrapped around his orgasming cock. Before his shocked eyes, the two headed mass of tits and legs and arms and muscles began expanding, both the heads, the blonde and brunette, began howling to the moon as they grew in every direction, veins began springing up. Like the stitching on a baseball, it spread across their surface. Their breasts passed the size of any known orbs to use as comparison and became so big that Rich realized if they were hollow, he could standup in one and make a small living room in the other.

Their long-neglected arms weren’t forgotten, growing bigger, the veins popping up all over as the combined women began flexing their arms, their biceps growing larger, and larger, until they were higher than their heads.

Which was amazing, as Rich looked up… and up… and up… as the women stood to their full, combined height. Their arms, their biceps specifically, rose over twenty-five feet into the air. Their heads were only twenty-four. Nashwa and Cleo were so ecstatic they weren’t even speaking, just ear to ear smiles, mouths hanging open in happy shock. Their abs were nearly hidden behind tits so large relative to their torso, that their tits were brushing their hips. Their hips spread out nearly twice as wide as their shoulders, or tits as that was the widest part of their torso.

Rich had to think about that twice. A set of shoulders wide enough to support two heads wasn’t the wide spot on their torso, it was their tits.

Beyond their hips, stretched the widest, most muscled pair of thighs he’d ever seen. So big, so powerful, that the women were standing in an inverted V because that was the only wait to support themselves. Their calves were so covered in veins, reaching up into their thighs and abs, that they looked like a Japanese train route map. Rich marveled that he now no longer even came up to their knees, his neighbors were so tall.

“L-ladies?” He asked, and the two women suddenly started laughing. He looked up to their tits trying to understand why and realized he couldn’t see their faces past their tits, and consequently, they couldn’t see him either. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for round three, but as he looked down at his own massively ripped body, realizing by comparing to his porch he himself was now over seven feet tall, with a five foot long cock thicker than his own well muscled legs, with balls larger than the woman’s breasts after their first growth spurt… that if he wasn’t ready for it, his body was.


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