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Haha, ok, so just scribbled this out. Don't expect my usual va-va-voom. Just meant as a gag. Make sure you check out the PDF for some amazing art by backpagecomics.


Marina, pleased with her first bit of match making, quickly glanced around the party for anyone else that was missing a costume or otherwise breaking the rules… that she’d thought up… just now. Finding a distinct lack of rule breaking, Marina moved on to the next stage!

More realistic costumes.

First was the sex kitten. Marina did a quick mental check and found a young lady trying to branch out, recently dumped for not being adventurous enough. Well, Marina could help with that.

A swish, a flick, and those ears were more real. The young woman, one Catherine, reached up with one hand as she felt the cat ear costume piece atop her head turn into her honest to wow cat ears. The party was a bit louder, and yet she found she didn’t care. Her collar, once a sexy pit of a prop used in the bedroom, now became a much cuter cat style collar with a little medal defining how to pest care for her.

Which was to say, lots of strokes.

Her skin became covered in soft fur matching her short brown hair and she watched as her hands became clawed, her breasts became a bit plumper, a bit thankful it stayed at two, and a tail swished into view.

And that spot by the shrimp cocktails was looking mighty appetizing.

Sashaying away, Catherine swished by the witch who briefly considered gaining a familiar until she spotted…

The Yummy Mummy.

Much as the name described, she was the neighborhood ‘hot mom’, the so called ‘Stacey’s Mom’ that helped every teenager in the area decide if they were into women or not. She was dressed in what looked to be nothing but tissue paper but Marina was vaguely certain was a white unitard in strategic spots but otherwise matched her skin tone. The Milf was, in a word, delectable.

And Marina just couldn’t resist.

For the Yummy Mummy, she felt parts of her change, shift, stuff that shouldn’t have been stiff, well not for another five years anyway, became just that, while other things became softer, looser…


Full of… yummy smelling… Milk.

Popping one of her breasts free, it was held up to soft, plump lips, never mind her missing nose, and softly she did something she’d always wished to do.

She sucked from her own, large, heavy, milky breasts. Milky. As in Milk laden funbags, milk tanks, her own supply of life giving mama juice, the white nectar of life, baby juice, and best of all?

It was strawberry flavored.


And if she didn’t miss her guess, the other one… was chocolate.

Honest to mama, chocolate.

And she really wanted a taste.

Leaving Yummy Mummy to her just deserts, or would that be desserts since she was a mummy… Whatever. Marina instead focused on one of the couples in the group.

A blonde and brunette pair, one of whom every inch of her was a gothic beauty, from her pretty petticoats to her black outfit to her beautiful black hair to…

She wasn’t in costume, she was an actual goth, wasn’t she? Marina sighed and looked to her date.

Her date was the blondest, bustiest, dumbest looking cheerleader ever. At least she was in costume!

From the local college team.

That she was the right age for.

“Oh heck no! You come in costume or not at all! And since they’re clearly dating each other!” A flick and a swish… And a smirk.

“I’m sure they’ll love it!”


“Raven. The name of my soul is Raven. Don’t call me that.”

Candy, or Candice as insisting on real names seemed to be a thing at the moment, sighed and smacked her face, careful not mess up her makeup. She loved her twin sister, they’d shared a womb, shared bedrooms, and now shared an apartment, but their constant need to be opposites with no overlap was getting a bit too much.

They didn’t even look the same, they looked like the oddest couple of lesbians ever rather than the identical twins they were, and the fact the despite the fact that they were both bisexual didn’t seem to help with the delusion some people had about them.

In fact, the one time they’d told their dates that in reality they were twins, not just really close friends… the response had been closer to meeting someone who was dating their cousin rather than what it should have been, ‘oh cool’.

“Look, we have great tits, our butt could use some works, and there’s no reason for-”

And in a flash of light, two became one and then, slowly, Candy and Raven began pulling back apart down to what had become what could only be called a bodacious booty. Worse, Candy couldn’t quite tell where she began or Raven ended or… or…

“Did we just become Gimbos?” Raven/Candice asked Candy/Rachel.


“Goth bimbos.”

“Oh, like, yeah.”


Marina, once more happy at parring someone off decided that perhaps it was time to really go all out, really pair two people together that needed to be, that truly needed-

Ok so really it was more about the fact that they were arguing and had just spilled some of the free punch and getting along was definitely a lesson they needed.

A Flick. A swish. And…

“I can’t believe your whore self came in the same franken-babe costume as me!” Talinda, the shorter red headed woman shouted up at the taller, brunette woman and tried to tell herself that she wasn’t starting to fall into her eyes.

“Shut up, shorty. Doesn’t it itch being so short your pussy drags on the floor?” Kellika shouted back, desperately trying not to imagine going down on what she hoped was a pussy that tasted like cinnamon… and not carpet.

“You…. HO!”


And the punch was a lot quicker, a lot more mutual, and a lot harder than most people would have thought.

But no one thought it was so hard that both women would simply fall apart.

Carefully, both women’s friends gathered up their parts in a pile and started, bit by bit, putting the two women back together.

Sure some parts got lost, and the pair’s constant moaning and cajoling to touch or squeeze their disembodied parts was distracting.

So it came to nobodies surprise that they really only managed to get one body together so they simply sat both heads on top.

“Think we can learn to get along now?

They were pretty sure they could.

Marina had long since stopped paying attention as she came across something simply adorable. Someone who, if you put her in a velma sweater, with those glasses, she’d be every geeks wet dream.

Instead, she was standing in a tight cocktail dress that looked horribly uncomfortable, especially with how she was standing, fidgeting, trying to both pull the hem of the dress down, but also the top up at the same time. The fake, tan balloons didn’t seem to be helping either, and Marina seriously questioned the wisdom of using helium instead of hot air.

Though the glasses were cute, they really didn’t go with the outfit, and with a flick and a swish…

Teiko was having the worst time at this party, but her cousin, who’d come dressed as a franken-bimbo, had insisted that after being dumped that the best thing to do was to show up as sexy as possible, and use the next guy like a post stamp.

Which is to say, good for a lick but don’t bother the next day.

The ‘I’m a bimbo’ outfit just felt so out of place on her and she never knew whether she wanted to pull the dress up or down when she head a poomf noise. Glancing down, she saw that her left breast… and the balloon… had merged.

And with another poomf, so did her right. She grabbed with both hands and felt a moan gurgling up through her throat, as the sensitivity was as cranked as her balloon tits felt stretched. She realized that even her nipples were now nozzles.

Inch by inch she changed into what could only be called an inflatable bimbo, even her glasses popping off at one point as her hair, despite actually being long and blonde and naturally wavy took on a sheen that made it look more like a dyed do, or maybe a wig.

“Like, Tiki is so big and puffed.” Teiko, or, Tiki, found her speech changed. In fact, the more she thought about it… the less thinking seemed to be… as important as before. “Tiki needs to… To…”

“Hey sweety, that’s a great costume.” Said someone who she was mostly certain wasn’t her ex. “Want to peel the dress off and-”

“Yes please!”

Marina on the other hand was staring down a rather perplexed Blonde, Witch.

“Look, there can only be one witch here. Not a conjoined witch, not a witch and female warlock, none of that. One. Witch.”

“Well, what are you going to do about it?” The blonde had meant it as an honest question, but apparently the raven haired ravishing witch, Marina, took it as being a snot.

“Great Pumpkin comes to visit, Duh!” And with a swish, a flick, and the two women being suddenly pulled towards each other and the sound of a lot of pudding plopping against Pudding…

Well, here’s the post to instagram from later that night:



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