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Being a young, frustrated, teenager is always a hard thing. Being a scientist of the slightly unhinged sort… even more so. Being a bisexual woman on a farm in a conservative state? Well you were just asking for trouble.

Have Mae working on the farm was just the final clencher…

Mae was everything a budding young sexually ‘confused’ young lady wanted. Mae was big and burly, muscle in every bit of flesh her ill-fitting clothing would reveal. From her often in view midriff six pack, to arms that often needed Mae to just cut off her sleeves entirely in order to fit, to a pair of shoulders wider than most men, to calves that were just flat lickable, and her thighs….


Some people were into ass, some were into tits, some were even into lips or legs. But this budding young bisexual? She wanted nothing more than to dive between those thighs and lick at the wonderful honey pot she knew had to be between them.

Shaking her head she turned the final screw on the ‘gizmo’ she was working on. The Control. Not like a remote control, not like a video game controller, but THE Control. THE. Control. It would allow her to do anything. Well, anything her crazy brain had put together. But right now she knew she had three choices of what she could do.

One, she could test the remote. Mae seemed the obvious choice… She was working with the cows right now, and the idea of merging her with one of those big milky cows into a Humantaur featuring four of Mae’s amazing legs, a big milky udder and even bigger boobs than what Mae was already sporting.

Second, she could use it on herself, maybe copy that amazing physique of Mae onto herself. She’d still look like herself, but that amazing body would be all hers.

And C, She could maybe use it on her parents… They were really into riding horses lately, maybe some centaurs would spice up their life? Imagining her mother galloping across the field with a lower half replaced with a horse from the ‘shoulders’ down for a body. And her dad, in need of knee surgery, this might be a great way to replace that. It would be great to see him up and moving again.

Each idea had it’s appeal… and The Control could do it all.