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by ViviDaze

editing by Miranda Stills

Silas, a young man of a mere twenty one years sat on a bench out in the quad on campus, reading through texts one would not normally find on any college student, as they graphically and directly explained an arcane skill known as Bio-Magic. Pondering exactly what he could with such powers, he was disturbed a group of people chattering around a girl. Standing up to get a better look, Silas saw one of the stars of campus wrestling team, Bella Tomm’s, showing off for others by lifting fellow students on each arm.   

Bella was a bit of a contradiction as far as muscle babe college girls were concerned. She had a sweet freckled face with golden hair pulled back in a ponytail and a red headband. She sported a wide yet womanly frame of toned muscle from top to toe.  Not only was she considered the strongest girl on campus but she was also the one with the biggest, most perfectly round ass perched atop two wonderfully large and toned thighs blending into the most amazingly muscled calves to complete the perfect legs.

Ever since getting his new bio magic, she’d been at the top of his list. Silas could easily give himself a huge cock to handle her, she was well known for being a bit of a size queen, but an ass that size needed something more to be worthy of it, and he wanted to do something really special.

In order to push his cock size bigger he’d learned a new spell that could manage something truly worthy of that fine ass, but required more… “mass” for it to work. Pondering how to solve that issue, Silas attention was drawn to a woman nearby learning on a tree. She was one of Bellas’s best friends, and a classmate of Silas, and he’d heard from a reliable source, the woman herself, how she’d like to tap that ass herself.

Winter Solas was writing in her journal looking as brooding and antisocial as ever.  Winter wasn’t the heavy weight that Bella was but instead she was a lean girl with dark lashes, brown hair streaked with the occasional blonde and was usually clad in dark, tight fitting clothing though often seen in shorts and boots to show off her long legs and equally impressive rear.  Despite being a loner and an attractive gothic beauty she did enjoy the company of the athletic Bella. Silas smiled, knowing the perfect and ironic twist for Bella… he would use her own best friend to fuck her fat ass!

Silas put his plan into motion by going to Winter’s dorm that night, under the pretense to show off a new ‘magic trick’ hew knew how to do. Silas’ bio magic worked in a variety of ways but had the limitation of him having to come in physical contact with the person. To help kick it off, Silas himself was letting loose by converting some of the extra weight on him into some extra length and width on his cock in the hopes it’d grab the goth’s attention. Not that she seemed to be needing much prompting as she had opened the door wearing a pair of ripped jean shorts that showed off her lithe lower frame with her ass nearly hanging out.

Before he knew it Silas had Winter on his lap with his cock deep inside her. She pressed her back to his as he cupped her small, wonderfully shaped breasts. As she bounced above him, Silas leaned forward and asked her a quick question.

“D-do you want to see a trick?”

“I th-think I am!” Winter moaned as she did a trick with her hips that made Silas feel like he was going to lose it.

“No, I’m a bio-mage and-”

“Oh fuck, Silas, just do whatever you want and fuck me!”

Needing no more encouragement, Silas clenched his muscles as he felt his cock expanding inside Winter, slowly filling her up. Winter kept moaning, bouncing harder and faster on Silas’ cock, loving how she felt as her insides changing and merging with him.

“Almost there Winter! Keep going!” Silas yelled as he finally released his hold on her pale little breasts and grabbed Winter’s hips tightly, shoving his cock harder into her.

Winter was shocked as she suddenly started drooling cum, noticing a moment later that her legs had begun fusing into Silas’ and her face becoming round and slick. She flashed him a smile, her black lipstick on her upper lip making it look almost like a sneer. Even as she was changing into his cock, the look she gave him told him she knew she was still in charge.

Silas could feel the warm buildup of cum bubbling from his heavy balls, now partly made of what was once Winter’s wonderfully pert ass. The cum boiled up and into Winter, her arms beginning to fuse to her sides and her legs melting away into Silas’, Winter finally gave one last scream through her lips of “oh God yes!” before even her face was a memory.

With a loud belching sound a gallon of cum shot from Winter’s mouth now turned into Silas’ slit at the end of his penis, spraying the wall of her room with his thick gobs of cum.  

Silas, given the release he’d needed since he’d first begun his plan that afternoon, fell back exhausted a smile from ear to ear as his hand drifted over the length of his massive cock. His mind wandered, feeling the weight his new two and a half feet of Winter-cock, thicker than his leg and still dripping with cum.

He’d done it… he was able to merge Winter into his own body, creating a giant dick worthy of Bella’s giant ass.  In the back of his head he could feel Winter’s consciousness in total ecstasy, and realized with a start just how into it his body partner was. Winter loved being just his cock, and he could feel it returning to hardness. A few more orgasms and the magic that had merged her into his cock would run out. He had to work quickly before the merging would wear off!

Despite his haste, Silas still took about thirty minutes before he could find sweatpants large enough to cover his “Winter cock” among her clothing, surprised to find her offering advice in a kind of haphazard, image only way that left him confused more than guided, before driving over to the campus’ Twenty-Four hour gym.  

Bella was almost ALWAYS at the gym, and the combined schedule of Silas’ observations and Winter knowing her best friend all but confirmed that even though it was now Three AM on a Wednesday, Bella would be there, so Silas was banking on nobody else being there to witness what was about to happen.

Sure enough as soon as Silas walked in, he found the coast was clear except for a single sleepy person working the front desk. Making a quick decision, he slipped by the slowly nodding attendant and at Winter’s prompting, headed to the weights room in the back.

As Silas walked through the gym, he bit his lip, feeling Winter-Cock grinding against the soft interior of her own sweatpants. She was unbearably turned on by the combination of being nothing more than a man’s cock, and by just who she was going to be used on, that wonderful, amazing ass of Bella.

As they walked, he could hear Bella’s familiar grunting coming from the personal weight room for the powerlifters. She was working her biceps, doing curls as Silas walked in, a quick coughing clear of his throat on his part making her glance up for a moment then a double take turning into a stare as she noticed his bulging left leg.

“Whoa …now that’s one impressive thigh muscle! But why workout only one?” she laughed as she sat down a weight and walked over to the bio-mage. 

Silas lifted his muscular “leg” on the bench, wondering if she was either teasing him, or if she was flirting that hard when he hadn’t even tried, just like what had happened with Winter. “You’d be surprised, care for a closer look?”

Bella started feeling along the ‘leg’ cooing at how hard it was, how veiny it was, until Silas lowered his pants to reveal his third leg already getting erect. Bella was speechless as she slowly caressed it, feeling it getting harder and hotter.  

Before Silas could make another witty remark, Bella couldn’t contain herself and shoved the head of the cock into her mouth causing Silas to shudder with delight. Some part of him delighted that in her own way, Bella was now making out with her best friend, and he could feel inside him that Winter was loving every moment of this crazy cock filled fantasy.

Bella kept slurping and gagging trying to get the whole cock down her throat. Her strength caught Silas off guard as she grabbed his ass and started forcing his cock deeper down her throat! Silas couldn’t believe Bella was shoving so much of his thick cock in and out of her mouth, relaxing her throat muscles and slobbering all over it as almost half of his thick Winter-meat was engulfed in Bella’s amazing throat.  Silas could feel the cum filling his giant cock until finally it poured loads down into Bella’s stomach causing her impressive abs to bulge until she shoved Silas back vomiting some of the cum but keeping a surprising amount of it inside of her now slight belly.  Silas fell on his ass at the sudden release, almost hitting himself as his cock snapped back at him, still erect and spraying some cum on his hair.  

Before Silas could recover Bella had already moved above him, her shorts off and showing her amazingly toned and large legs curving up into the biggest ass and hips that college had ever seen.

“Now let’s get that big piece in me!” With Silas’ cock pointed upward, Bella started squatting on it, stretching her asshole inch by exquisite inch as it went up into her.  She kept grunting with every squat pushing more and more into herself.

However, upon hitting an impasse, she frowned as she visually measured the pale cock and realized she could barely get a third of it into her. Standing up, she moaned briefly as the monster of man meat came free with a wet pop before she walked off to get something, leaving the flustered bio-mage alone for a moment.

As Silas looked around in a bit of a daze, his Winter-cock was still strong and throbbing… aaaand sending mental images of Bella’s amazing ass into Silas’ brain rapidfire like she was mentally still fucking Bella. Bella returned carrying a barbell with 300 lbs of weight, the bar bending over her broad shoulders.

Once more, she squatted on the dick, now with the added weight of the massive barbell pushing her just as massive ass harder down onto the equally massive cock. Silas watched, sweating, as the leg sized dick slowly disappeared into Bella’s ass, passing where it had gone before on the first thrust. Bella screamed and grunted as she furiously began squatting over and over on the “Winter-cock”, Winter squealing inside of Silas’ mind at how amazing it felt to be used in such a way by her own best friend.

Each time Bella would take it deeper and deeper until finally her legs buckled under the 300 lbs of weight and she dropped completely, engulfing the whole dick with a slurp inside that perfect ass! She gasped as the cock pushed up into her abs causing her stomach to bulge with Silas’ manhood. She stared in shock as her own perfect tummy was distended so far, it actually pushed against her tits. Silas clenched his teeth as he felt her ass muscles tighten all around him as an anal orgasm ripped through his blonde conquest.

With a final gasp, Bella fell forward onto her own amazing tits, dropping the weights as years of instinct told her to do, and passed out. Her forward movement was enough to lift Silas as her tight ass tugged him forward. Silas looked at his thick cock surrounded by all that ass meat and grabbed handfuls of her plump cheeks and began shoving in and out, feeling her muscles massaging him all over even in her unconscious state.

“This really is the perfect ass.” Silas moaned, even as Winter-Cock sent him the same thoughts and images, spurning him to fuck her best friend with her own body-turned-cock harder and faster.

As sweat soaked them both, Bella woke up, grabbing Silas’ arms and aiding him in shoving deeper inside her.  Silas could again feel his monster cock swell up one final time before emptying gallon after gallon of cum up Bella’s ass, and this time there was nowhere to go but inside the blonde freckled beauty.

Silas could feel no end to the thick stream pouring from him, and mentally begged Winter to hold back, but she was having none of that, and emptying every bit of their balls into her friend. As he watched Bella’s stomach swell filling her to the brim, He knew there was no changing Winter’s mind and he couldn’t help but send a mental tease to Winter, though got only ‘cocky’ thoughts back like ‘ass’ and ‘cum’.

As the seemingly endless stream bowed to physics, Silas tried pulling himself out of her but Bella’s ass muscles were clenching too tightly.  His muscle bound butt lover kept moaning at the warmth flowing through her until she began coughing. She cover her mouth and whiped her head around to look at Silas in surprise, who matched her in shock as cum poured from her nostrils first and then her mouth all over the gym floor. They looked at each other with briefly wide eyes as they realized that that Silad had well and truly filled her up.

Silas finally “popped” free, falling backwards and revealing Bella’s gaping asshole, finally letting cum freely flow out, painting the back of Bella’s thighs as a final spurt or two splattered over that perfect ass from Winter-cock.

Silas simply laid back, exhausted in a pool of sweat and cum as his giant cock began twitching and shifting, turning back into the beautiful, though unconscious, body of Winter, covered head to toe in cum and Bella’s anal juices.

Meanwhile Bella lay passed out in a puddle of cum, ass up, cum pouring from both her mouth and asshole.

“Now THAT was a workout!” Silas grinned to himself, and looked at how close Winter was on her side to Bella’s asshole and had a brief, if somewhat teasing, thank you for the two ladies who had just given him the night of his life.


Bella came to about an hour later, noting that despite her sudden ‘booty call’ lover, Silas, had vanished but had covered in a warm and fuzzy towel. “That wonderful man, I’ll have to-”

She paused as shifting her plump, if muscular, thighs she felt what clearly felt like a third leg between her normal two. Pulling back the towel, she felt her jaw fall open as a stirring in her mind signaled the awakening passenger inside her.

Winter, for her part, decided she was quite happy to become Bella’s thick and wonderful cock, and couldn’t wait for Bella to use her.
