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For dollopofdixie


James popped two quick jabs followed by a cross into his partner, Will’s, punch mitts. Will took every hit - despite being merely human - and barely rocked with the hits. He couldn’t help teasing his Dingo DNA infused lover, knowing it would only stir James up. Will loved watching his lover’s muscles flex under the skin and fur, eyeing how the veins rippled across the surface of his dingo body where the soft hairs were thinner. There were a handful of scars on his arms, and one across his belly; James had been through a lot in his life, and Will found every mark a memory - a passionate reminder that James was unlike anyone else, that his skin was none other than his.

James sent a punch that went wide and Will took advantage of the moment to swing behind his lover while capturing his arm. His hard cock pressed into James’ tight ass, through their gym outfits. They were mostly alone in the gym at the moment and both were panting in need for each other’s touch. They loved being close, but right now they needed to be closer.

“Want a shower?” Will whispered into the large dingo ears on James’ head, loving how they shivered and twitched as his words tickled them.

“Race you,” James whispered back, before darting out of Will’s grip.

“Oh you are ON.” Will threw his hands towards the ground, the punch mitts tossed off and hitting the floor with graceful and great force from the fling. Will flung himself forward after his lover, jumping over James’ own boxing gloves similarly tossed aside.

Will skirted around a corner to find James had already ducked into the showers, his boxing clothes tossed to a bench. Will carefully stripped off his own tight clothing, carefully getting the athletic shorts and easing his hot, hard, and sensitive nine inches of cock free and into the steaming hot air just outside the shower. He took his time, knowing James would be shivering in want and impatience.

Stepping into the shower naked, breathing hard from desire, Will grinned as he saw James’ equally naked body, water running down his firm, muscled back. With Will’s hard, thick cock swinging free he stepped up behind James and let his stiff shaft slide between James’ thigh. Will tickled the back of his lover’s ball sack with the tip of his dick. His arms encircled James’ chest and held him close as the two naturally synchronized their breathing, and kissed. They brought themselves so close, so hot, so passionately together it felt like at any moment the two men of steel might melt together.

Taking a half step forward, James bent forward and spread his cheeks slightly with both hands, looking over his right shoulder to give Will a hot look. 

“Stop trying to hit me and hit me.” He mimicked the mockery Will had hit him with earlier, and Will growled and pushed forward with his pelvis, his hands having fallen to James’ own hips when the dingo had stepped forward.

With one quick push the head of his cock popped past the sphincter. Both men gasped at the intrusion and for a moment simply savored the meeting of man and man in such a passionate and close way. His eyes fluttering in the shower water, Will held his ground until James couldn’t wait a moment more and pushed back, stuffing his ass with Will’s cock and making both men cry out.

“You want it hard?” Will growled.

“I want it hard and I want it right now.” James demanded back at his lover. “I’ll make you cum first.”

“Fuck, you damn dingo, I’m gonna coat your insides with cum, you wonderful man.”

“Prove it.” James smiled before groaning as Will began roughly fucking him in his tight ass.

Will wasted no time, he knew this wasn’t the main event and wanted to get his cum out. He knew he had the stamina for what would come next and needed to get to the main event. He let James squeeze his cock with his wonderfully muscular lower muscles before blowing his hot load inside James with all the passion he felt for his lover, hearing James cry out at the feeling and thanking Will.

Will eased out of James before moving to his knee and giving James’ puckered asshole a kiss of thanks before standing back up again and embarrassing the dingo. James kept his arms around his lover, holding the hug just a moment longer. “Mmmm but now I need to cum.”

“Oh do you?” Will smirked. “Wait. Right. Here.”

Stepping out of the shower room, he was gone for only a moment, coming back with a tube of cream in one hand. Squirting a healthy dollop of cream onto James’ hard and well sculpted ass, he began working the cream into those amazing buns, using both hands and his cock to hot dog the cream into the crack between them.

James began panting, more than even during the earlier sex session, moaning as he felt both of his buns begin to expand under his lover’s ministrations of his divine ass. Bigger and bigger they grew into a plump bubble butt that Will couldn’t help but spank just once, smacking both cheeks with his cock caught between them, and making a bit of precum splat out of James’ cock.

Will took that as his cue, and painted James’ shaft with a long line of cream, from base to tip. Then he grasped the thick dick with both hands and began stroking it slowly back and forth. Both men moaned as the cock, that great big thick cock, grew in Will’s strong grip. Will let go, much to the whimpered complaint of James, as it passed two feet in length. He then came back around and grasped both of James’ apricot sized balls.

James’ balls ballooned in size, becoming baseballs in seconds, then larger and larger, passing volleyballs and pulling at his digitigrade dingo legs. The balls were so heavy, so laden with gooey semen, James could feel it boiling inside.

“I need to cum!” James begged his lover, whose hands had slipped back up to the base of his cock.

“Not till I say you can.” Will nibbled one of the dingo’s ears. “Not till I make you!”

His hands spread up James’ chest, caressing it, and watched over James’ shoulder as the dingo’s chest swelled. The pectoral muscles groaned as his shoulders broadened. All over, James grew as Will worked more and more of the cream into his lover. Passing over seventeen feet in height, James began to outgrow the little shower room of the gym, his massive inflated muscles pushing at it from all angles, but it was his now 28-foot-long, 24 foot around, cock that crashed through a wall first, and out into the gym.

A few last-minute gym goers scrambled out of the way of the giant cock, one lucky guy being pushed out the front door by its lengthening mass, a wide grin splitting his face.

A few minutes later, a five hundred-foot-tall dingo man roared as he ripped through the ceiling, his cock swinging around destroying the rest of the now deserted gym. Thinking his lover was ready to let him cum, he looked across his broad shoulders, proportionately broader than he’d ever been before, and saw his lover hotdogging buns bigger than Will.

He wanted to call out to his lover, ask him to let him cum, beg him for release, but when he opened his mouth he could only moan as his 750-foot-long cock twitched and roared first to the right, whipping out buildings and bulging out to over a thousand feet before swinging back and taking out a city block. James gasped as he realized that he was now bigger than every building in the city, and I’m not even close to cumming yet!

He felt his ass plump even bigger, wider, the bubble butt growing even more and realized Will must have put more cream across his big fat ass. He felt his asshole opening and closing, as if begging a lover to enter him as his cock groaned and grew even bigger, his cock passing over ten miles in length, then twenty, then thirty. Bigger and fatter his cock grew beyond his control to stop it. Behind him his ass kept growing, dominating nearly every other feature as a perfect plump male ass.

It was four hundred miles across before his eyes were pulled back to his cock passing a thousand miles. He panted hard, wishing to the moon above that he could cum. His ass began to out balance him, pulling him backwards and his cock upwards, watching the redwood of a cock pass fifty thousand, up to a hundred thousand miles before feeling what was a limit in cock growth. Beneath and in front of him were his gigantic ass, and cum filled balls.

The whole time Will kept humping his ass, spreading more and more cream to give James the biggest ass on earth, rivaling the moon crusher James’ twin had used smash the moon not so long ago. He mentally commanded, demanded even, that James release here and now as the tube finally ran out of cream. James roared above him, orgasming as a fountain of cum shot out of the tip of the hundred and thirty-thousand-mile-long cock burst from the tip, first painting the surface of the moon with the initial load, and then a second, even more powerful burst shooting a hole THROUGH it, shattering the moon in the next several shots.

In his office, Doctor Thomas sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I specifically told Will not to use the whole tube on James. It’s going to take days to get the moon put back together now.”


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