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Doubling Down on The Sexy

by Miranda Stills

editing and additional writing by Mistyf

For DanStanding

Word Count: 2771

Premise: A genie trying to over deliver on some wishes tries to give double what’s asked for. Contains Multi Breast, Genies, possible illegal use of drugs depending on your state or country of origin, a few bad puns, misunderstandings, magically created twins and conjoinment of course, ‘cause it’s me.


Mary Jane, she of the catholic school girl and curves and bare midriff, finished adjusting the last bit of tubing. “PERFECT!”

She wasn’t sure when she’d gotten into ‘recycling’ art into other things, neither of her trailer park parents had shown any creativity when she’d been around them, though she’d left years ago for college and, to be honest, college guys. Thanks to a college professor with a nice chin, and a nicer… grading curve, she’d found a love for repurposing antiques of lesser than worthless value into objects that fetched a higher price, like today’s project.

She popped her bubble gum, something she chewed and blew to keep her lips used to working, strong, and as a general nervous habit less annoying than tapping her foot or humming The Birthday Massacure, like her last two nights’ dates. But this, this would get her more than enough scratch to take care of any itch.

Stepping back, she admired what had been an far east oil burning lamp, possibly Japanese in origin, and grinned at the hidden spots that’d turn it into an incredibly classy looking Water Pipe that her upper crust alumni would happily pay far too much just to have one over on anyone who thought it was fine art and not a bong.

Taking a swallow of beer, she decided the evening needed something a bit more relaxing and a test run of her newest creation would suffice.

Afterwards, she’d wondered how much of what came next was her fault, and how much was the first few hits she took before a spiraling snake of smoke began puffing out of the mouth piece.

“Wow.” Mary Jane, at 28 years of age, had never seen this amount of smoke pour out of a repurposed Asian lamp in the shape of a Coral Snake, and certainly not at two thirty in the morning. She popped the bubble she was blowing as the billowing snake shaped smoke coalesced into a beautiful, lithe woman of asiatic descent, dressed in gauzy veils that did nothing to hide what Mary Jane admired as big suck-able nipples topping plump honey dew melons just begging for a good squeeze. “That was hot.”

“Thanks!” The genie preened a bit. “Few thousand years of practice. I am the Genie… oh wow, that doesn’t translate at all.”

“What?” Mary Jane popped another bubble, going a bit cross-eyed as she checked her nose for extra pink gooeyness.

“Oh, the lamp,” the genie gestured to the … “Is that a bong?”


“You’ve been smoking out of my lamp? No wonder I feel so… mellow!” The two women gave a giggle that made sense mostly just to them. “Mind if I take another hit?”

Mary Jane gestured, it was the genie’s home after all but frowned as the genie started coughing.

“Wow, that is really harsh. Here, a neck pop and…” with a not so subtle crack of her neck, the color and smell in the room changed before the genie took another long drag and moaned as she exhaled, puffing a smoke ring that’d make a caterpillar proud. “…I approve! Anyway, it translates my language into the language of my Master.”

“Oh!” Mary Jane sat up a bit too quickly, nearly popping out of her alter top. “Like the Tardis.”

“I didn’t think you’d be the type to watch sci-fi.”

“I didn’t think you’d get the BBC inside a bong.” Mary Jane stopped a moment. “No, wait actually that sounds about right. And yeah, I got stuck in this time loop of reliving Valentine’s Day where I kept getting stabbed through the heart until I fell in love with this geeky guy.”

“That sounds… misogynous.”

“I know, right? Dumped him right after. But I did get hooked on the Ponds!” Mary Jane grinned and dutifully fist bumped the genie. “So, what do I call you?”


“That’s… Spanish?” Mary Jane tilted a head at Coño’s nod. “So, what’s your name in English?”



“Hey, don’t talk, I’m not named after a flat, round-toed shoe for women and girls, with a single strap across the top.”

“What are you, a dictionary?” Mary Jane popped another bubble as Coño folded her arms.

“What’s your first wish?”

"I wish to be twice as sexy and sensual." Mary Jane stood and gestured at her body. “I mean, if you think you even can improve a body like this.”

“Oh, I’ve got skills you’ve never seen!” Coño flexed her arms before winding up for her wish granting method of choice. Cracking her knuckles. With a resounding, ear twisting series of cracks, she popped her knuckles on her right hand.

“That’s how you grant wishes? Cool.”

“Well, yeah, but I can only do it twice more. Hard on the joints.”

Mary Jane lost interest in what her genie was saying as her wonderful breasts began to feel fuller, heavier. Quickly unhooking her bra she let her hands glide up and over them, massaging breasts already half again bigger than how they started. “Grow babies, grow!”

“Oh, was that what you were thinking? Bigger?” Coño bit her plump, azure-hued bottom lip. “This… might not go well.”

“What?” Mary Jane blinked. It seemed like everything was going exactly how she wanted. Her tits were getting bigger, their jiggling volume growing far fuller than she had ever fathomed. Their increasingly incredible vastness already had them spilling from the bottom of her crop-top, the hem starting to bite into her expanding flesh. The tension almost made it look like she was sporting more than just one set of boobs. “Oh, Coño… they’re so big!”

“Just wait, I promise there's more...”

More? Oh, fuck yeah!” Mary Jane couldn't believe it. She was going to get even more busty! Would they… would they be larger than her head? Would they be visible from behind? Would they fill her lap? She had never wanted them even close to that size before, but her fantasy was running rampant--and she was loving every minute of the wild ride!

Between the blue smoke of Coño’s magically produced hash and the chain of vapor thickening and coiling around her warmer and warmer body, it felt like the space around her was becoming a sauna. Her breath was coming in heavy, labored gasps, the transforming woman breathing like she had been having sex for an hour. Each shuddering half-moan was pulling in more and more of the wonderfully tangy fog and the swelling blonde was sure it was heightening her sensations. Her existence as a whole had become so pleasurable that she was simply standing there, lost to the experience. 

“Uh… Earth to MJ?” 

Mary Jane paid the genie no mind as she began caressing her girls once more. Just the soft touch caused a head to toe throb which made her gasp and then moan. Cupping them more, feeling them overflowing her hands, was so intensely stimulating tjat she felt dizzy. 

Aided by Coño, she dropped to her couch. Acting as if the blissful moment of growth would continue until it overwhelmed her, the bulging blonde forced her hands to grip the futon’s sheet and contented herself with merely watching the jiggling spread of her tits. Thusly she clung to the edges of her mind in the sensual tempest, hoping to keep herself from having an orgasm so she could keep riding the high.

She was fascinated to see how big her nipples were becoming, their dark shapes stretching into more of a very fat tic-tac than the shape of a swelling dome. The rounded ends were growing so far apart that it felt like she had four nipples instead of just two. 

“Hmm,” Coño hummed, while floating over her shoulder. “I think that should be about it…”

Eager to see the new her, Mary Jane tugged at her shirt but could not slip her fingers between her overtaxed shirt and the growing dent in her curves. Much to her glee, there was soon a pop as the seam on the left side of her top came undone. The shirt retreated up her shelf-like bust and then, the reason for Coño’s unsure words when this all began sunk in when she realized the crease it her bust was not from the taut shirt.

“I told you this was probably not what you had in mind…”

Though she wanted to snap off a snarky reply, the crescendo of her transformation saw her wracked by pleasure and pushed a bit beyond words. The very busty blonde could only continue to watch as her magnificently mammoth mams finished dividing into a pair that were just as big as before and a second, identical, set just below them. There was even her lone freckle next to her right areola, twice over. 

For a moment, all she felt was shock and trembling pleasure. Sure she’d always wanted more tit than she or anyone else could handle, but four heavy breasts with nips that rivaled Coño’s was just too much. “I think... I’d like to file a complaint.”

“You would?” Coño chewed her lip, fearing for her future review rating. “Even though you clearly enjoyed that?”

“Well, yeah, but--Nevermind. I’m gonn--ah! cum instead.” Sliding off her plush sofa, Mary Jane dropped to her knees on her soft carpet and slid her hands across her quad breasts and over her thick  nipples which where now very effective pleasure buttons. Just teasing them, squishing them lightly between her knuckles was an orgasmic jolt which made all previous masturbation sessions obsolete. Even that one time with the busty redheaded exchange student to see who could-

“MJ? Did, uh, did you want me to do something?”

“J-j-just a minute,” Mary Jane stammered. Her tingling fingertips moved down and across newly developed abs which were so well defined that it felt like her muscles had muscles. She bit her lip as another wave of sensual stimulation infused her mind from her own hungry touch. Her gorgeous six pack tummy was not just sexy but that extra core strength was going to be necessary with being doubly topheavy. 

“Fuck,” she said between ragged gasps. “I am so cranked up by all this!”

“I was just about to say that you seemed to be enjoying your wish…”

Ignoring the undisguised mirth and more than a bit of desire in Coño’s voice, Mary Jane’s hands finalized their journey down her torso and slipped under the waistband of her cute plaid skirt. 

Her panting halted almost at once, when she screamed through her nose and flopped backwards against the carpeted floor. A booty twice as plump as before cushioned her short fall and the feeling of a firm spank across it only encouraged the orgasm along. It was a few minutes of shuddering, bucking, and twitching before she came down from another orgasmic high enough to speak again. “Coño?”

“Y-yes, Mary Jane?”

“Do I have two Coños?”

“No, just me.” Coño had the good sense to look a bit bashful upon the withering glare Mary Jane shot her. “Not what you meant?”

Fumbling with the zipper instead of replying, Mary Jane finally got the skirt off over her doubly plump rear end. Hooking a thumb into her panties and tugging down, the blonde pointed between her legs at her far plusher pussy mound. “I have two pussies, Coño! Two! What do I do with that?”

“Keep one young and tight for your forties?”

“No, no, no! This… this is not what I meant when I said twice as sexy and sensual! I wish this was all as it should be… on a normal body!”

Coño dutifully cracked the knuckles on her opposite hand and Mary Jane coughed as she was surrounded by bong smoke.

“Puff puff pass, Mary Jane. Don’t choke.” Coño joked as the smoke cleared.

Mary Jane cleared her throat and admired her body. Her breasts were again back to a single, dramatically larger pair and her vagina was back to only one… in a manner of speaking. “Uh, Coño?”


“Who’s she?” Mary Jane pointed at herself, or rather, Mary Janes pointed at each other.

“Well you had double, you wished for it all to be on a normal body, so I made an extra-.” The two gals were completing a quick fantasy of kissing herself before Coño continued. They released after two very long minutes of moaning, grinning that they’d managed to swap gum. Each blew and popped a bubble at the other.

They looked down and enjoyed how their four big, bra-less breasts smished against each other, and giggled a bit again as they mashed them together a few times before fully stepping away from each other.


“Well… No.” One of the Mary Jane’s frowned.

“Definitely no, there can't be two of me! How would anyone know who is who? These were such wasted wishes. I just wish you'd split the difference and make us one very busty single, combined body!”

“Well, if you’re sure.” Coño slipped out of her sandals and cracked her toe knuckles, needing to use both feet to get sufficient noise to make the wish granting happen.

“Well, before we never see each other again, wanna make out some more!?”

Mary Jane grinned at her twin and opened her arms, phone ready for a quick selfie and giggling a bit as she saw her twin holding the same phone, case and all. The two smooshed their faces side by side and grinned for the camera as the magic took hold.

They felt their bodies start to melt together, and shared a quick passionate kiss, their second of the evening, but the first that included a pic for Instagram. Their arms around each other’s shoulders sank into each other’s torso’s and both women moaned as they felt shared sensation spread through their sexy bodies, content that finally a wish was going to go right.

Although, Mary Jane did feel a bit worried when, after the arms between them faded away, a new pair grew from each other’s sides. 

“Uh,” she began, before their inner breasts squished together. This time the mounds of sensitive flesh pushed into each other hard enough that the distance between them evaporated. With all of that pleasure being wired to both minds, Mary and Jane experienced the first two of what became a long series of twin orgasms. The throbbing, tingling euphoria rang louder and louder through every inch of their merging body as their two hearts beat next to each other. Finally the two breasts merged into one. It was bigger than either of their outer ones by a wide margin, but showed no sign of shrinking just as the outer two showed no sign of growing--and their upper bodies stopped getting closer.

The conjoined women hardly had time to worry about that as, like a zipper being drawn, the rest of them began to meld into one body. Two six packs of abs became (twelve? Nine huge muscles?) and M-plus-J trembled their way through their fifth and sixth orgasms. At this point, they were fairly certain this haze of pleasure would never end.

Hips that had grown twice as big earlier, now pushed into each other to form an equally overly large butt cheek between two normally-sized ones. From there, their inner legs condensed down to a single one, giving them a thigh that was less the athletic sexy Mary Jane was used to do and more in the ‘thicc’ category. At least it matched the ass it was attached to?

It took a minute to be certain they weren’t changing further.

“Uh, Coño?”

“Dammit, did I still get it wrong?”

“Well, I hate to complain…” Mary bit a lip from her spot on the right side of her shoulders and looked at her twin on the left, “Well, no, I love complaining, but I’m not sure this really works with the look I was going for.”

“I dunno, Mary, I think we look amazing and, with four arms, I can think of all sorts of fun we can have together.” Jane grinned at her twin sister, their four arms slowly, sensually stroked down their body.

“Ok, yeah,” Mary rolled her eyes in a bit of exasperation at herself, but smiled, feeling both their pussies start to build to their… their… she’d actually lost count how many orgasms she’d/they’d had. “I guess we can make this work.

“SWEETO BURRITO!” Coño threw her hands into the air before flopping onto the couch with a laugh. “You two have fun, I’m gonna catch up on the lady Doctor.”

Mary and Jane were a bit too preoccupied to respond.