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This is an initial draft of a story I'm working on. Hope you guys enjoy!


Whoever said the sexiest thing a woman can do for herself is be confident had never met Scarlet Jones. Her parents had always made sure she had absolute confidence in herself, the mantra she woke up with every morning and went to bed with every night was; “I’m smart, I’m beautiful, people like me.”

And for the most part, it was true.

Of course, the real reason it worked, which she didn’t find out until a rather embarrassing senior prom, was that she was a shape shifter. She’d been a bit envious about one of the top-heavy gals from school and how much better she filled out the same dress Scarlet had picked out.

She missed that dress… Her growing breasts had thoroughly obliterated the top.

That was years ago. Today…

Today she was just late for work.

“And Megan, that’s why I think we need to get the Clarkson’s on board with the new fall lineup. It’s for plus size women but as we head into the holiday season-”

Poor Megan, that very same rival at Prom, had been her friend for years and assistant for even longer. Which is part of why she was so upset that Megan had tried to step in front of her as they walked through the door.

To say both women were ‘hippy’ was an understatement. Both women had ass for days, and a matching set of plump, heavy breasts that after much cajoling, Megan had as much on display as Scarlet Jones was rocking. What Megan didn’t have were shapeshifting powers that suddenly sprung up into self-preservation mode for Scarlet Jones.

Suddenly Scarlet felt her body become elastic, stretchy, pushing into Megan’s body, hugging her every curve and then becoming part of her every curve, and with a sudden gasp and stumbled step, boss and secretary became a single, overly curvaceous woman. She gasped and held a hand up to her face.

B-boss? Did we just?

Yes, Megan. I uh… damn. Do you always feel so fucking horny?

Only when I’m near you and-

Both mental voices went silent as the newly merged body blushed demurely.

S-since when?

Their body started moving forward, Scarlet’s need to get work done and Megan’s desire to have her boss on schedule merging just as perfectly as their body had.

Since you kissed my cousin in junior high.

The memory immediately popped into their shared brain, from both points of view to create a single, almost three-dimensional image of Scarlet pushing her soft lips into a blonde girl’s with pink highlights, both women a bit shocked at the sudden kiss, before Pinky pulled Scarlet closer to her and fell deeper into the kiss. What Scarlet hadn’t known was that Megan was standing just a few feet away, hand still raised to call out to her cousin, stopped in shock.

I was so jealous.

I know that… now. I can feel what you felt.

And I can feel what that kiss was like… oh wow… she was so soft!

And her tongue, Scarlet felt their shared face smile, waving a soft hello to a surprised but unconcerned coworker. I could dance with that all day-


Megan, we’re sharing a pussy, you can just call me Scarlet.

At the word, pussy, both women felt the shared, hungry, pussy flutter as if it was pulling an invisible cock into its hot, wet depths. Scarlet/Megan bit their bottom lip before walking a little more hurriedly into their shared office.

Scarlet didn’t want to set at her desk just head, but Megan quickly dropped their shared, curvy ass into her chair.

Why is your chair so much more comfortable?

Megan ignored her and pulled open a drawer, riffling through it.

You don’t!

I… I don’t… I chickened out and took it back home.

Moons ago, a gag gift exchange on April Fools had nearly resulted in someone being fired when Megan had been given a large dildo. As thick as her wrist and as long as her forearm, she’d simply shoved it in a drawer and now both women groaned in frustration that it wasn’t there.

I can’t believe you took it home.

I can’t believe we wanted to masturbate at work!

The woman sat in the chair fidgeting.

Have you ever- Both women began and suddenly their shared mouth utterly failed at keeping their laughter inside.

Ok, ok, you first then me. Scarlet offered.

Ok, so remember when Mr. Thompson came in with his new wife?

Which one, the red head or the- Scarlet gasped as her mind filled with the bubble headed blonde with her large, fake breasts. Suddenly she was a passenger in Megan’s memory of her own body, running back to the office, and diving a hand beneath her skirt. There was a soft knock and she jerked her hand away before the blonde stuck her head in. Megan couldn’t quite remember what was said, and the next thing Scarlet could see in the memory was the blonde between Megan’s plump thighs, licking away at Megan’s hot pussy.

The two women gasped aloud and shuddered in their body, the shared memory of the squealing orgasm filling their mind and pussy with sensation.

What came next were a dozen memories tossed back and forth, office quickies, quiet masturbations. One-time Scarlet had held a meeting with a vibrator on, set to trigger on Megan’s voice, so every time the quiet young woman had spoken up, Scarlet had been rewarded with a hot buzz between her legs.

Oh Scarlet… please, there’s something you can do?

Wh-what? Scarlet felt like she was on the edge of something amazing.

Y-you’re a shapeshifter, right?

Of, fuck, course!

Then give us a cock so we can cum!

Could she? Scarlet blinked before their shared body suddenly squealed as from her pussy burst a sudden, thick cock. It was everything in size and shape that Megan remembered of her dildo, and all the sensation that only woman who’d grown her own cock like Scarlet could imagine.

Is that for… us?

Scarlet sucked in a deep breath. “Yes.”


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