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Based on the awesome image above created by IdolMonkeh (and meant as a bit of fan fic for these two awesome laides, comes the first part of Potted Twins!


Isabella, flicked the screen, turning to the next page of her kindle book. A warm blush began creeping through her body and she gave a pleased sigh as she felt her pussy moisten and blood rush to her lower lips. The blush began to tan her cheeks as her needs began to overwhelm her usually unstoppable need to read. The book I’m reading isn’t THAT good, and why does my brain feel like-“ALICE!?!”

With a wet pot, their right breast popped free from Alice’s mouth, Alice giving a sheepish smile. Her right hand absently clinked their vape pen against the leg of the chaise, just out of sight of Izzy, “what!?”

“I thought you were playing the new Remix 10 on Mario?” Isabella gave a quick glance to their phone, then back to the breast on Alice’s side that currently had a hand toying with their nipple.

“I couldn’t help it! I was playing the game and then… this warm feeling started, and I…” Alice squinted at her twin. “Waaaait. What book are you reading?”

Now it was Isabella’s turn to look a bit sheepish. “A harem romance litRPG.”

“I don’t know whether to call you a slut or a nerd.”

“Call me horny and we’ll call it even!” Izzy grinned, wiggling her nose at her twin who wiggled right back at her, giving them both a giggle.

The two set their stuff aside, kindle beneath the vape pen.

“So, what do you want to do?” Alice stretched, feeling her twin match her in that special way they’d worked out so many moon and fish ago.

“I don’t know, what do you want to do?”

“Could do a ‘Netflix and chill’ with each other.” Alice posited.

“Na,” Isabella shifted her weight, feeling Alice match it as they positioned a bit better on the chaise lounge. “Nothing we haven’t seen before.”

“Well we are nekkid.” Alice wiggled her shoulder, making their breasts wobble.

“Not what I meant, sista’,” Izzy giggled, feeling the relaxing effects of the weed still in their system. “How about breaking out the Nintendo classic and work out some aggression on some Tektites?”

“What aggression? Alice giggled.

The two gave one last happy sigh and leaned their heads against one another, Alice’s hand moving over to play with the red stripe in Izzy’s hair, before their minds struck onto the same idea. 

“Or we could just masturbate and smoke more pot?” Alice offered, arching an eyebrow.

“Ugh, but the vibrators are in the other room.”

“We have HANDS!” The two looked at each other and burst out laughing.


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