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The Succubus' Spell Book

By Miranda Stills


A pair of Lesbian lovers, one the descendant of a succubus, the other from a nymph, cast a spell to get even closer as lovers when Lilith's sister’s meddling gets in the way.


After having brushed her hair, Lilith picked out a likely strand and twisted it together with one of her girlfriend, Claire’s, who sat across from Lilith in the spell circle, nude, flushed with excitement.

“Do you think this will work?” Claire tapped her chin with her fingers, “combine our bodies, I mean?”

Lilith nodded her head, biting her lip and trying to concentrate with her lover being so distractingly sexy. “Yeah, it's my mom's spell book from when she was still a succubae, and I'm half succubus so it should work.”

“Well, give me 24 access to that puss.” The half nymph girl gave her the hungriest look she’d ever seen outside of a starved vampire.

Lilith intoned the spell and in a flash of light, and a delighted orgasmic screamed from her lover, the circled filled with a swirl of incense filled smoke and their forms vanished.

When the smoke cleared, there was Claire, her vibrant blonde lover, descendent of nymphs. And next to her, on a shared set of shoulders, above a body that was everything amazing about both of their bodies was a face she saw in the mirror every morning.

There was just one problem, Lilith was still sitting across from her girlfriend.

“Lilith?” The lovely reflection blinked her dark, smoldering eyes and tucked her brunette hair behind her ears.

“Stella?” It clicked for Lilith in that simple physical gesture. How the spell had come apart, who was sharing her lover’s shoulders, everything. “You borrowed my brush!”

“Like a day or two ago, yeah. When I came over and…” It clicked for Stella, Lilith’s twin sister, too. “Oops.”

“I'll say,” Claire rolled her eyes, but smiled. Lilith's girlfriend had always been a go with the flow kind of girl, maybe the nymph in her ancestry was a water nymph? Lilith’s musings were drawn to her lover’s… and sister’s, nipples, and how her hands were toying with them. “So, should have asked before, but how do we separate?”

Both Lilith and Stella rolled their eyes in an identical, good natured fashion, and in unison said, “blondes!”

“Hey!” Claire giggled, “Stella, you’re half blonde now.”

“Only in my clearly, cleanly, shaved pussy.” Their left hand drifted down from their tight, hard nipples to caress their smooth, plump, juicy lips.

Damn did Lilith want to dive straight in, even if that pussy was 50% identical to hers, and she’d be making her sister cum her brains out with her deft, amazing tongue, and-

Ahem,” Her lover and sister both cleared their throat, drawing Lilith’s attention back to their faces by bringing their left hand up to their lips before licking their fingers cling. Those conjoined minxes!

“So how do we separate.” Stella shot her sister a look that just screamed how much she was going to tease her twin for being turned on at her own sister.

“Oh, just wait for the spell to run out. Given how much power it took to cast the spell, probably about an hour.”

“Well that's how we undo it.” Claire arched an eyebrow, before winking at her body partner, “so how do we make this permanent?

“Oh,” Lilith scratched her chin, “all three of us need to cum. The spell caster as 'payment’, since it’s a succubus spell. And those it's cast upon need to cum, to show its desired by those that received it and they’ll enjoy it.”

“That explains the toys,” Stella deadpanned as she glanced around the room.

“No, her room always looks like this.” Claire shrugged their shared shoulders. “So an hour of boredom or…”

“I don't mind if you don't mind.” Stella taped her chin, a thinking gesture the Claire did that apparently her lover’s twin had picked up upon merging bodies with her.

“What are you two talking about?” Lilith blinked, not quite following the conversation.

Slowly, sensuously, the conjoined body of her lover and twin sister leaned forward and crawled access the circle to her, gently pushing her down and spreading her legs apart, “oh!”


An hour later, the trio were panting in a tangled heap as they all came down from their marathon naughty, incestuous, sex act. Lilith gave a shuddering breath of pure contentedness.

“Don't have enough for another round?” Stella licked one of her twins nipples, sending a shiver of delight down her spine.

“You two are having just too much fun conjoined together,” Lilith stroked both their heads with love filling her heart, “I've got to try this!”

“That's an idea,” Stella sat their body up and looked out of the corner of her eye at Claire, “so body mate, got a twin I can make my twin get cozy with?”

“Well no,” Claire tapped her chin. “But I do have a bisexual cousin who looks a lot like me that says she would go fully gay if she got you both. But why? Ohhhh!”

“Blondes!” Both brunette rolled their eyes, smiling.


Misty F.

Loved seeing this premise find legs n.n