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Hey everyone, Kuso here with another exciting dev update for URAGONER! Remember those cool new characters and visual novel rigs we showed you last time? This time we're taking things up a notch and diving deep into the game's combat system, introducing you to a new roster of fighters, both friendly and fierce.

Meet the Squad:

  • Kormi, the Cat-eared Drone Operator: Don't let the adorable ears fool you, Kormi's a whirlwind on the battlefield. She packs a mean rifle, but her true power lies in her drone companions. Buff allies, debuff enemies, and rain down fire support – Kormi's got your back (and flanks)!

  • Max, the Chaotic Gunslinger: This ex-felon's got a penchant for mayhem. Is she friend or foe? Dual shotguns in hand, Max is a storm of lead and unpredictable tactics – perfect for when you need to shake things up!

Beyond the Heroes:

The world of URAGONER is teeming with diverse factions, each with their own unique combat styles:

  • Bent Pipes Bikers: These rough riders cruise into battle on motorcycles, wielding pistols and cane swords with deadly grace.

  • Drone Squads: From repurposed construction drones wielding Tec-9s to church security hunters bristling with miniguns, these mechanical menaces pack a punch!

Mercenaries for Hire:

Need some extra muscle? The world of URAGONER has no shortage of mercenary groups, each with their own specialties:

  • Bloodbound Brigade: Bound by a blood oath, these warriors share the pain, making them a force to be reckoned with.

  • Enforcers: Ex-military vets turned profit seekers, the Enforces bring their honed skills and heavy firepower to the table.

Familiar Faces and Fresh Blood:

  • Mayumi Howe: This Sokbu Police Officer packs a serious arsenal: baton, taser, revolver, and rifle. She's here to enforce the law, cyberpunk style.

  • Jane D.: A mysterious figure with a pistol and a knack for close combat, Jane D. embodies the quiet, understated badass. Think cyberpunk John Wick. You might encounter her during a tower run, and whether she'll be a friend or foe, that remains to be seen.

Tactical Maid Interventions (TMI): 

Don't let the name fool you, these elite bodyguards are more than just fancy dusters. They specialize in close protection and pack a punch when things get messy.

Conquering the Tower:

We've also been hard at work crafting the "tower run" game mode, where you fight your way to the top for various objectives. Think eliminating VIPs, extracting hostages, or stealing top-secret data – all while making tough choices that can shape the story, sway allies, and give you the edge in combat.

  • Choice Events: These special tiles and rest stops present you with critical decisions that can alter the course of your run. Choose wisely!

  • Camp Events: When your team stops to take a breather, these events show up to give you a chance to reassess your strategy for the current run.

  • Upgrade Shops: Spend your hard-earned credits on gear and upgrades to buff your squad for the current run or future endeavors. Strike that balance between immediate needs and long-term dominance!

Eri standing in for shopkeepers at the moment

As you can see, we've been busy cooking since our last update, and we're just getting warmed up! Stay tuned for even more exciting reveals and deep dives into the world of URAGONER. Join our discord at discord.gg/uragoner for (almost) daily updates. We can't wait to share more with you!


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