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Here she is, my bad bitch Sorcha. She really enjoys her piercings, seducing (and dominating) the ladies, and enjoys snacking on men. Don't piss her off. She can be incredibly ruthless and cruel.

Unmatted 8.5 X 11 prints available for $20 (+shipping)

Matted 11 X 14 prints available for $25 (+shipping)

Message me if you would like to purchase a print!



Terry Grennell

Now, who would the bad ass Were be that put the piercings in? Have to be pretty brave. :)

Christie Goldenwulfe

She would do it herself. Silver needle. Painful and risky, but once the hole is there, it's there. Piercings would be gold, steel, or other. Now if she tears one, she'd probably enjoy the pain, then after it heals (like, in a minute or two), she would just put rings back in the holes. I think too much about these things sometimes XD


Didn't notice the hand covered in lube on the first look XD love it