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I want to share with you guys one of my hottest fantasies. A werewolf (of course) and that big, hot, hairy wild man of the deep woods, Sasquatch. Their wild mating would resound through the forest, disrupting the wildlife, and striking fear in any humans nearby. It really makes me squirm  just thinking about it. ;)

What about you all? Does the 'Squatch do anything for you?

(by the way, APRIL FOOLS!! ;)

Unmatted 8.5 X 11 prints available for $20 (+shipping)

Matted 11 X 14 prints available for $25 (+shipping)

Message me if you are interested in purchasing prints!




I admit I'm kinda creeped out by Sasquatch, haha. Uncanny valley for me in the traditional 'homo sapiens is upset by non-homo-sapiens human species' sort of way XD


Not personally a fan of sasquatch, but I do love this pose! If it's going to be cyptid fun, I'd love to see Satyrs or centaurs with werewolves