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(This scene happens in Hunger right after 'Chapter Eight-Ultimatum')

Kain reclined as a beast on the fallen log, panting from his run. He's been running all night, unable to sleep. Today was the day. The day she would surrender to him. Too pent up with anticipation he had spent the night running in the dense forested hills near her territory. He was deep in the wilderness now, surrounded by the old trees. Morning light was filtering through the canopy of redwoods. 

The day he had been waiting for was beginning.

She was all he could think about. After they had parted last afternoon he had been preoccupied with thoughts of her. Recalling what her sweet mouth had tasted like on the beach. What her curves had felt like under his body. The languid, dreamy look in her eyes as she filled his nose with her aroused scent. He stretched out on the log and closed his eyes, imagining what tonight would be. Would she come easily? Or did she require time and patience to reach her pleasure? 

His shaft began to thicken thinking about her, pushing out of its furred sheath. His body craved hers as if by instinct. He always seemed to be half hard since he'd met her mere days ago. His wolf longed for her with an inner ache, and the man in him wanted every small, feminine part of her. To know her in every way.

Like what the taste of her warm, feminine center would be like. He groaned as he imagined the scent and taste on his tongue and palmed his thickening erection with a huge, clawed hand. The dry pebbles of his pads were rough, but he imagined what her hot, wet mouth would feel like on him there. He emitted a soft, wolfish purr and propped his arm behind his lupine head, giving himself a firm stroke as he imagined those innocent lips stretched around his shaft. Would she be quiet? Would she softly mew like a kitten? Or was she a vocal lover? Would she moan and scream, and demand of him with her body and voice?

His lazy stroking became firmer as he imagined her astride him, all that lovely, fiery hair of hers loose around her shoulders, her breasts bobbing as she rode him hard. Taking her pleasure from his human body. He imagined the tightness of her sheath, how she would toss her head back and whimper for him. How her luscious breasts would taste in his mouth. 

He growled imagining it, and began stroking himself faster, his hard body tensing with the orgasm rising in his shaft. He imagined her coming, crying out his name as she tightened and bucked on top of him. He arched his hips upwards and moaned into the morning light. Goddess he needed to hear her screaming his name...

Her name was a primal roar as he came hard, his hips bucking into his padded palm as he jetted his hot seed into the morning light. The huge claws of his other hand dug deep into the bark of the tree as his ejaculation continued, his huge body straining upwards, his jaws open wide in ecstasy. His orgasm seemed to go on and on, his body exploding with the force of his fantasies. His roars became a groan as his erection gave a final kick and spurt and his massive body shuddered one more time.

When he finally came down he allowed himself to hang limply back against the log. He was panting heavily again, but from a different exertion this time. His tongue flicked out and swiped across his nose and muzzle as he gazed up at the canopy above him. He knew he would not be satisfied until he had spent himself inside of her again and again. Already he could feel his body recovering, his endless erection for her returning.

Tonight, his fantasy would be made real. He only had a few hours to be ready. He promised himself and his wolf that, after tonight, after her surrender, they would be fed. Sated at last. With a growl he rolled off the log and onto his four feet. He shot into the forest, his nose turned towards her territory once again, intent upon his prey.

I hope you guys enjoyed this little vignette from Hunger! I did the image in Procreate rather than in pencil just to see if I like doing things this way or not. I kind of like doing the drawing digitally, as they are MUCH easier to fix when there are problems, but at the same time it leaves me with no original to offer for sale. So I may just stick to doing things in pencil.

Anyway, I need a nice cold shower now ;)

Unmatted 8.5 X 11 prints available for $20 (+shipping)

Matted 11 X 14 prints available for $25 (+shipping)

Please message me if you would like to order a print!  



TJ Hedges

Very nice. I'm gonna go submerge myself in some ice water now. xD

Lycan Cass

Love this! Dang, I was gonna ask for the original too. LOL

Christie Goldenwulfe

Yeah and that's why this was just an experiment XD If you are interested, I can transfer it to paper and do a pencil original that way. Let me know :)