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Cubetown storylines seem to be essentially an entirely different comic - one in which Claire, a recent library sciences graduate, is a hailed savior to an alternate universe society, and where characters like Liz are intended to represent an opportunity for a matured Marten to take a younger character under his wing. It's simply a different comic and I think it's not surprising that it doesn't land well for people who arrived to QC either at its inception or even after the shift to AI storylines with the introduction of Bubbles. It would be great to see it split into a different comic so that the town storylines and characters can be held separately.


There's been several characters - the majority of Cubetown characters, Liz, the newest barista - who seem helpless to the point of absurdity. I get creating space for character growth and this comic has done a great job of that in the past! But it really seems to have gone from nuance, like Hannelore or Marigold's evolution, to a flat babying of new characters who are propped up by the former main cast - who have themselves been flattened from interesting dimensional beings into less witty, generally competent versions of their former selves. I'm not trying to be overly harsh, but having read this for 15 years now I'm hoping there's space here for respectful reader feedback. The nuance feels gone and the framework feels ridiculous without being comedic enough to justify it.


Nah, it's just a new arc. Characters and stories come and go. I don't think is a different kind of shift to what we've seen before