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I love how Faye's first thought is about how it means less money for her


Dammit. I want a decorative halberd now.

Paul Rendell

Personally I think Faye would be much happier with a functional halberd, rather than a decorative one.


wheres the purple pants


Does that make Bubbles her knight in cyber armor?


It's the same response she had to Dora moving in IIRC.

Gary Walker

*tweeeeeeeet* use of "cyber" in any context at all. 15 yards, automatic first down.

Owen Smith

No reason a perfectly functional halberd can't also be decorative.

Brad Knowles

Hmm. Is that a small tattoo that I spotted on Faye's right ... pectoral muscle? ;)

Owen Smith

Scar: <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=307" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=307</a>


Damn! It's been a while since I looked back at the old strips. Amazing the difference in technique 3000+ comics worth of practice makes. Go Jeph!

Brad Knowles

Whoa. I thought I had seen all the old strips, when I did a massive catch-up. Is this an old strip that was only recently posted, or did I somehow manage to miss some?

Stavros Karatsoridis

Haha. Found a typo in the 12 year old strip (comic 307). In the fourth panel Marten says "How the did that happen?" I'm sure there was a "hell" meant to be in there somewhere :P


First two panels: I love Claire. Last two panels: I love Bubbles. Even knowing that Bubbles and Faye may well never get together romantically, their positive relationship has been keeping me going through difficult times.

Jason Zions

Pleated skirt with vertical panels. Nice sense of motion in panel 2!


want to see Claire's mom getting her hot stuff on with Hunkosaurus again

Drakoo Dreamer

Is it me or does bubbles body seem more soft.


It might be that she is less tense in her current situation than when we first met her so her poses are more loose?


The apartment floors must be quite strong, or does Bubbles not weigh as much as I imagine a 7ft tall combat droid might?

Brooks Moses

A combat droid should be designed to safely get around inside buildings when necessary in urban-combat situations. :)

William Burns

Assuming cunning use of composite materials and ceramics plus the apparently advanced motivators seen in other robots, scaled up a bit: Bubbles masses about 160kg or for non-engineers 353 pounds.


Engineers and those of us outside the USA both speak metric fluently :-)

Ian MacLean

Pff! Doubt there isn't a ton of steel plate there. And motors capable of moving the extra weight. I'd guess her well over 600lbs. Even the highest tech would still be heavy. Metal foam, maybe? <a href="http://newatlas.com/metal-foam-bullets/42731/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://newatlas.com/metal-foam-bullets/42731/</a> Or perhaps explosive reactive armor? She's got to be built to take some serious hits: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactive_armour" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactive_armour</a>#Explosive_reactive_armour I'd also guess she can move pretty fast when she needs to, which also mandates seriously powerful motors.