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Logan Nix

Willow reminds me of myself in some ways xD Autism spectrum, in therapy for years, and because of those two things maybe a tad bit overly analytical about my own mental/emotional states. She approaches her emotions almost like she's talking about someone else (as if she has a hard time conceptualizing her own feelings; alexithymia is common among ASD folks) & the way she talks about that stuff reminds me a lot of the various therapists I've talked to over the years. (Not to armchair diagnose a fictional character, haha, just an observation about how the way she's written sometimes overlaps with my own experiences!)

Logan Nix

I find it kind of interesting, too, that some folks in this comment section seem skeptical of the idea that Willow could be autistic? If she is, she's definitely on a different point of the spectrum than Brun (iirc the only *confirmed* autistic character so far), but like the saying goes: "If you've met one autistic person, you've met ONE autistic person!"

Clifton Royston

The first couple times I looked at this strip, I totally missed the slow "camera zoom" with the field of view pulling in gradually from panels 1 to 4. Very interesting and cinematic technique.

Carol Metzger

Is it out of the question for Dora to give Willow a few hours on a probationary basis? Her apparent emotional maturity in the last panel should give Hannalore something positive for a recommendation.

Michael Chui

Assuming stuff like finances and available shifts works out, it's really up to Dora.

Some Ed

My thought is Willow's track record with getting orders wrong is a fairly strong negative. I don't remember exactly who all suffered wrong meals because of this, but I think most of them at least knew Dora directly.