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Oligopolies are good, actually



Sean Kinlin

"These pants don't have pockets!" "Your vest has pockets." "...Your mom has pockets!" "Well, yeah. She has to keep the clamps and cuffs somewhere." "...."


If QC Air Canada/Canadian service in general, she's gonna spend all that money on the next-day ticket, and the flight's gonna be cancelled or delayed anyways.

Minzoku Bokumetsu

no comments on the painting of a broken image icon?


Claire, your job is to sit between any two people of Cubetown that gets into a silly argument. Your family is no expection

Sean Kinlin

There were plenty of comments when it appeared in previous pages (and other wall 'art' like it).

Brooks Moses

Given my experience with buying Air Canada tickets some years back, borrowing Marten's credit card may mean that her tickets suddenly become more expensive. I discovered that the best rates required that one pay with a credit card that had a Canadian billing address.

Sleepy John

“Can I put her in the overhead compartment, at least?”


Canadian prices for frigin' everything... ugh. My internet bill just went up to 165$... Telus is getting an angry call from me that's for sure. 😡 Also f** Air Canada. Lol.

Nicholas A Wagner

I'm calling it: separated at birth. :)

Gemma Hentsch

This complex family structure forming is making me very happy :)


So who's claiming the window seat?


Liz's comment of "those prices aren't too bad" makes me wonder exactly how much income she has at her disposal. She works at Cubetown, which probably comes with a decent salary attached, and her expenditure for the past couple of years has probably been close to nil, so... yeah, the next-day air fare probably wouldn't seem like a big deal

Clifton Royston

That was my thought, she's probably been living off vending machines and cafeteria food, she's been hiding in the basement so probably paying no rent, and a genius with multiple PhDs probably got offered a good salary to attract her. She probably has a couple hundred grand sitting around with no idea what to spend it on.


Love the old "PNG"/"Picture" icon for windows in the background.

Magic Beans

A couple days earlier I wrote that I could relate to basically never taking a normal-person vacation. Again there’s some resonance between Liz and me; I booked my airfare six months out so it would be harder to bail. I know Future Me, and the second some big expense came up he’d say “oh well, trip’s cancelled.” Even if it was something he already knew about and had set the money aside for.