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HAS she had all her shots though?




Aaand they're adopting her


D'awwwww. The proud parents in panel 2.

Daniel Rydberg

“Just… go somewhere”, isn’t that what Liz basically did when going to/starting at/moving to Cube Town?


She didn't do that for fun, though. She did that to become the world's smartest scientist.


Light house sticking out of Claire's head as a metaphor for her guiding people who are lost at sea


The parental energy is SO strong in this strip :D

Dean Reilly

Under Canadian law, they'll need a pet carrier to take her aboard the plane.


So they've all but officially adopted her.


Looking forward to the inevitable Liz/Pintsize interaction.


It is interesting to be that Liz and Ayo are two newly introduced characters with similar issues. While hardy the same, stress and brain chemistry led to years of failing to perform. It is interesting to see how different organizations can react to this, one claiming responsibility for failing to support the worker, and the other ditching the 'poor student.' And it is interesting to me how the overwhelming sentiment towards Liz seems to be adoration, and there are many who strongly dislike Ayo (not me, she's okay in my book) especially since Liz is pretty nasty to people; Ayo is a scatter-rat, but hasn't been nasty to anyone.

Matt Pedone

Great point. Reminds me of what SpookyPenguin commented a few days ago about "Moral Model" and "Social Model" of disability. In the former, it falls on the subject to take responsibility for their situation, even though there may be factors out of their control, while in the latter, which - if I'm understanding correctly (and I very well might not be) - is less about assigning blame at all, and assessing how the system itself can morph to accommodate all/more abilities. I know Jeph has struggled with his own neurodivergence, so I wonder if these storylines are his way of exploring that.

Summer Sudbrink

This begs the question of "how" she gets her shots, given her arm situation.


The cubetown bartender has dual doctorates in medicine and mixology. All innoculations are available in the form of jello shots.

Risa Wolf

I'm so hoping this leads to a glorious Liz/Ayo conversation!

Joseph Bonnar

To answer Jeph's opening question: No. She has not.

Ronald Burdick

ok, what about the cheap, or parting shots?


Sure, she's had her shots, right in the ar-- oh. Okay, we can fix this. Bend over Liz, because I know for a *fact* that there's no such thing as artificial bu- wait, really? Fine, shotgun approach. Nurses, find someplace that hurts, and put them all in that area. (This will surely result in Grumpy GremLiz, until someone explains that she doesn't have to do that every time she goes someplace.)