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*many* knives




Hannelore is helping! No really - she navigates a complicated social situation like a champ. She has come so long.

Anders Rapp



Everyone is behaving so reasonably, hdu xD

Jared Kolbly

Fairly sure those can't be applied to AIs that have received human rights. Probably would be difficult to enforce on a "true" AI to begin with, unless you attach a "dumb" AI to them that can override them to enforce the three laws. Not counting the legal systems.

Maarten Daalder

Now I'm imagining Iris splitting her arms General Grievious style (Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith). XD


Bless the families and friends, the social nets that catch us when we fall.


willow and iris need to share a bed now!!!

Orion Rhine

Yemisi is the good sibling, but Iris is the real sibling. You want what's mine? Fight me!

Gillian Brown

I’ve just caught up after a long time not reading, and all I can say is, yay, finally, an ADHD character!

Ronald Burdick

just gotta love all those cutting remarks... yuk yuk..

Some Ed

I think we've had some ADHD characters, but they're generally not clearly identified as such. Similarly, we've had characters who are on the autism spectrum, but they're mostly undiagnosed.