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Kyle Rudy

This is like watching someone grant a wish. I envy how well this is going. Imagine how this conversation goes when you don't have an explanation and won't get one for fifteen years, and that is more or less how 2004 went down for me.

Yelling Bird

I don't know how the hell I graduated college. Hell, I went for seven years!


I love the pictures on the wall 💕 ✨️

Yonatan Zunger

I will say, I find Ayo quite annoying right now - not for her executive dysfunction, but for her way of making her problems the problems of everyone around her. But it's early days for her - I mean, Clinton was annoying as hell when he first showed up, and he grew up into someone great. Hopefully Ayo will have a similarly interesting arc. Or just get tossed out the window by her sister, that's also a possibility.


To be fair, she can still listen to Iris complain

Comics Ladybird

I Feel Like I Must Once Again Point Out The Double Standard When Discussing Female Protagonists: https://web.archive.org/web/20180830205019/http://intrepidprogrammer.com/post/166230666647/so-ive-been-reading-yatuus-webcomic-and-the

Risa Wolf

Aw folks give Ayo a chance. Yes she's annoying right now, but the analogy I use is that people who are drowning are so utterly desperate to breathe that they will flail and possibly hurt the swimmers around them. The same type of thing occurs for mental conditions.


Tbh mis/malfunction accurately describes my brain (YourADHDMayVary)

Sleepy John

My daughter had a close friend in college in almost exactly this position. She cut contact with her friends when they graduated and we haven't heard from her since. I hope she did OK.

Dylan T

This one is hitting a little close to home as someone who struggles with executive dysfunction