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Shawn K. Younkin

Yay- a nice dose of Claire before the (comics) weekend.


I hope she does officially move in with them. I love seeing Claire.


This interaction is adorable and I love both of these characters with all my heart but please Jeph - I need to see this robot lady kiss Faye

Gary Walker

I will so buy a #1 Dog mug.


Bubbles is initiating the "finally time for Marten to get a new apartment" arc Or perhaps it's the "Bubbles-Faye Ship and Studio above the workshop" arc? I hope it's the latter... But then someone needs to help Marten with rent again...


Does Pintsize count against the occupancy limit, too?


Where's the "Domicile Occupancy Limit" sign? Isn't one required by zoning or fire laws?


I was unable to find one already crafted, but doing a web search showed half a dozen sites (Zazzle is one) that will make a mug with your quote on it. (I used the term 'Design your own mug' on Duckduckgo.com, I do NOT trust Google these days.)


All aboard the Faye-Bubbles ship! Fubbles? Baye?


Unlikely to see Martin moving out or the current occupancy causing major problems. (Excluding Pintsize, for obvious reasons.) You forget that he has Jeff Jacques in his corner.


Claire's expression in panel 4 is hilarious!


If Bubbles counts, I would assume he has to as well.


We haven't been yearning long enough or loudly enough yet for that to happen! In a year or two we'll all be at fever pitch which seems about right :)


She doesn't live there until she starts installing bookshelves.


Jeph, I just noticed that at some point you stopped drawing people's clavicles connected by their sternums. I like it a lot better. I found it a little distracting before.


They're good mugs, Joph.

Summer Sudbrink

With Pintsize it's not so much the occupancy limit as it is the various "must not come within X-thousand yards of: (insert person, location, marine life, etc... here)" clauses of all the restraining orders.


This exact thing happened with a former roommate. His girlfriend was just over so long that at some point we realized she never actually went 'home' anymore and was basically living at our place.

Peter McDevitt

Cute, but the practical part of my brain is wondering "can she afford to move in?" As far as we know Claire's still in school and I don't think TA work pays very well...


I mean, it's a place that they can afford off the paycheques of two people so I doubt it would cost very much to split it 3-4 ways. Plus I am sure Marten would be okay with paying a bit more than her as it would still be less than what he's paying now.

The Cayute

Think he works at the college library...It's been a long time, so I can't be sure.

The Cayute

About the only thing you're not doing is regularly hitting Pintsize and paying rent, so we're in the 'technical' territory here.

David Howe

Or simpler - Faye and Martin continue to split it 50/50 and who they have to cuddle at night doesn't matter...


I was thinking home is where your mail is delivered, but I suppose that Claire doesn't get snail mail any more... although she probably buys stuff over the net, so what delivery address does she put for that?


I'd argue that the best expression I've seen on her was when she was peeping in at Faye and Bubbles hugging and making up four strips or so ago. (When Faye cracked her head on Bubbles armor.)


Well, I'll agree. If only because there is NO SUCH THING as too many bookshelves.


Home is the address at which you have Amazon Prime

David Howe

If that were true, I live at work (seriously, I am never home during Prime delivery hours...)