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That feels like an overreaction... Like creating drama for drama's sake. But then again I don't know Android psychology.


It's not just to this, though. Faye is kinda steamrolling her way through this whole thing...

Buck Caldwell

Bubbles doesn't want another person in power over her. I get that. I think it's a perfectly cromulent reaction.


But Marty remember that even through inaction, you will still be to blame. Merely being present was the mistake.

Stephen Smoogen

I think it is actually an under-reaction. For someone who was blackmailed into not being able to do anything for the last N years, has had been considered a bruiser just to be muscle.. being told that you are partners and then not get any say in decisions would seem to be exactly back where she started from. [I say it is an under-reaction because I have seen people throw furniture in similar places.]


I'm on Bubbles side, for this. That's not a small decision. Plus, Bubbles going that far will REALLY cement the reaction into Faye's brain. She may have done it deliberately, knowing Faye and her lack of thinking things thru to their logical conclusion


Minor correction last panel: "inviolved". Or is it a merge of inviolate and involved? Seems unlikely, he might not be free from injury here :)


Yeah, Bubbles is right on this one. Unilaterally bringing in an effective third partner is a very big deal. Faye should have talked with Bubbles about this first.


I don't know. It feels like a logical extension of Bubbles' suggestion to ask Dora for advice in the first place.


Bringing this dynamic into it really reminds me of the random Dora explosions on Marty from a couple thousand comics ago. Or some of Faye's out-of-left-field blowups. Honestly, I feel like this drama is something of an over-used mechanic in the storytelling. :-/

Rob McBobson

Honestly, I'm on the side of Bubbles. Just one phone call to Bubbles would have been enough to check how she felt. Dora on the co-lease is a big decision that's a huge risk. Bubbles might not want to be responsible for Dora's wellfare.


An eye-opener... I, for one, never thought about Bubbles during the whole co-signing conversation. But I should have. I should have.

Alex Androski

It's not like Faye went and co-signed the lease with Dora already. It's not set in stone. Faye could go back and say Bubbles isn't comfortable with it, no harm no foul, and pursue some other solution. Faye could have phrased things better here, but she made progress on solving a problem they were facing—by following a lead Bubbles suggested, no less—and came back positive and enthusiastic about that progress. And Bubbles seemed to blow up at the assumption she'd be happy about the solution, too. Not offended at the solution, but at Faye presenting it as a sure thing off the bat rather than prostrating herself for permission. If you replace the word "gonna" with "offered to," this comic falls apart. It's like Bubbles is seizing on semantics to be offended at the circumstances of this business partnership.

Gemma Hentsch

Bubbles has had all her agency removed for years, she finally has her freedom back, and Faye doesn't seem to respect that...at least on a subconscious level...

Alex Androski

Bubbles can have reasons for being overly sensitive without being justified for doing so.

David Paul

The thing is, Bubbles has had "decisions" made on her behalf before, and has been burned by them. We don't know about her past, due to the involvement of Corpse Witch, but even she has stood over her and dictated that Bubbles "agree" to activities that are... well, not illegal, but where Bubbles had no input but to agree to the terms. Sorry Faye, but I will have to back Bubbles on this one. I know you mean well, but a partnership works best when decisions are collaborated between both parties.


I agree. Bubbles' response was too much given the circumstances. However, for the last few comics, Faye has really been pushing this idea. Maybe this is a way for Bubbles to put her in check a little. Make sure that they really can have a partnership. Faye does need a strong partner - she doesn't have all the answers herself. This could work to advantage (hopefully without too much drama).


I was under the impression that at the end of their last interaction, they had basically decided "we would like to do this thing, if only we had the credit"... doesn't seem like a leap for Faye to say "aha, we have a way forward, time to go for it," and assume that the attitudes there lead directly to this as a next step... This reaction really felt out of the blue to me. But maybe it's a matter of my having read things into their last interaction a few days ago that weren't actually there.

Ian MacLean

This is excellent and this dynamic should be explored further. The AI mind, while clearly capable of emotion, should be more logical and capable of higher critical thinking skills. While there are plenty of logical women, estrogen can sometimes get in the way, and Faye can't even see what the problem is. Being fair, she'll come around, but this strikes me as totally real, which helps the strip. Nice writing...


Co-Signing a lease and being "an effective third partner" are not the same thing.


That's exactly what I was thinking.


I agree. Faye checking with Bubbles BEFORE calling to go forward on the lease would've been good.


With the go-ahead, Faye basically made the main part of their new company hers by accepting Dora's offer. Where you settle your business isn't to be taken lightly I guess?

David Howe

I agree. Bubbles is going to be REALLY sensitive about this for some time, and is no doubt also dealing with the grief of her lost memories and so forth. Faye needs to back off and let her steer for a while...