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Had it taken any faster, there would be accusations that Dora is an AI program who escaped from a medical insurance corporation tasked with rejecting 50 medical claims in 1.2 seconds.

Captain Button

Not the first instant hire in QC, see Wil: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1480


And Marten! https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=691 (I still kind of think of Tai as one of the newer characters, and she's been in the strip since triple digits. Christ on a bike.)


Oh. So Dora’s going through some shit.


I hope Willow doesn’t blame Iris, but I hope Iris feels secretly guilty.


Oh poor Hannelore. Her sigh of defeat in the last panel is palpable.


is this another character that will disappear for 2000 strips


I love Penny's subplot of trying and failing to bring some order to the chaos that is the management of Coffee of Doom

Daniel S

If anything this is more professional than they’ve done it in the past


In the book A Suitable Boy, when Lata is considering her various suitors, she realizes that if she turns down Amit Chatterji, they will be able to remain friends, which is not true of any of the other suitors. I think something similar will happen here: Willow is so positive that she'll get over rejection and still be buddies with everyone. (Either that or she'll be revealed as a serial killer and go after Dora.)

Sleepy John

Expecting Iris to come in and threaten to burn down the bean roaster.

Ursus Ridens

Probably unfair to the young lady, who may not have any idea what she's getting into.


Marten needs a job. Cubetown needs a coffee shop. Marten wanted to open one. Sooo...why not open the second store at Cubetown, and have Marten run it? That way, Claire can help out there, until she leaves CoD to officially start the new job.

Some Ed

Because Dora's too interested in control to franchise, let alone into another country. Franchising into another company is so much of a mess that most companies that do this incorporate a subsidiary in that other country to run things. Marten doesn't really have the right feel to be a Coffee of Doom franchise owner. Coffee of Doom doesn't really feel like the establishment that I think Marten has in mind.