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412 is a big number




Minus several million for good thinking, eh?

Matt Grayson

Not as big as 5083…

Michael Boettger

It just occurred to me. Are Zlata's glasses drawn on?


I checked, and I don't think so - not unless she's got some great false perspective going on, drawing them on the inside of her hair.

Sean Kinlin

Zlata anxiety in the hallway.

Shawn K. Younkin

Claire, you need to make sure they are at least using symmetrical numbers, and not just I am first on the list but listed as number 412... like they do with their names.


Wait a minute... why does an AI need glasses?


For the same reason they blush: More human-looking to put the humans at ease.

David Durant

The next question on the minion evaluation should be if she knows where her towel is.

Mark Nach

It is gonna be fun when Veronica finds out that Liz is sort of like their 'adopted daughter'. Grandma vibes all around

Captain Button

This is why you don't use spreadsheets for this, she snuck in and resorted it in reverse alphabetical order by first name.


412 makes me wonder how many people live in Cubetown. Is 412 1% of the population? 10%? 100%?

David Durant

Probably being overly picky but poly and kink aren't the same thing...


Wow, Veronica.


Welcome to the first day of your new job, Claire. Every day will be like this

Shane Wegner

The -Party- Spreadsheet clearly has no jurisdiction over -Work- matters such as underlinging! They’re separate lanes!

Darnel D Cooper

Probably should take a break, too many impure thoughts about Moray.

Simon Green

Why is there even a spreadsheet when Moray has it all memorised!?

Todd Ellner

Half a klick. Half a klick. Half a klick onwards. Into the minion queue stood the six hundred


Liz is his DAUGHTER, Veronica. Get with the program. Also, you're a grandma now.


This is going super well :D Also, Veronica is disappoint at Marten's lack of a harem

Chris Crowther

But why don't you have a harem?

Chris Crowther

I kind of want to see what happens if you get Liz, Emmet, and Sam in one place.

Gemma Hentsch

I am shipping this triplet...

David Paul

Science-powered chaos. Which, thinking about it, describes Cubetown.


Very supportive mother 😁😁

Allan Widner

I'm not even a librarian and I'm knocking off 10 points for ignoring The Spreadsheet.


Liz is several years older and will try to be a responsible adult, succeeding some of the time. Only some of her failures will be noticed by Emmet and Sam.

Andrea Andrew

That’s a question people asked when Faye was a possible romantic option for Marten. Honestly, they could still be poly, along with Claire and Bubbles, but we know that ship sailed long ago.

Ruth Merriam

To hell with a spreadsheet. I want this organized into 2 separate card catalogs: Potential Minions and Party Rocketeers.

David Turner

Thanks for the low-key Pittsburgh reference.


Zlata is the feminine form of “Zlatan.” Is South Slavic for “golden” and stems from “zlato” in Old Slavic meaning gold. The Z before the ZL is not silent. The L in many Slavic languages is really a Ł, which makes it sound more like a W. (English W would be pronounced more like a V.) Most of the famous Zlatas on Wikipedia are famous writers, artists, and singers or actresses. Very common name is Bosnia because it is considered “ethnically neutral.”

Rob McBobson

Okay, I'll bite. How the heck can it be ethnically neutral when it positively screams Eastern Europe?

Stephen Wells

In Bosnia it's considered neutral in that it doesn't give away if you're Muslim or Christian. There was a certain amount of genocide about that a few years ago. And for several centuries before that.


@Rob McBobson & Stephen Wells • According to Wikipedia, Zlata “is popular in Bosnia because it is considered ethnically neutral amongst the three dominant Bosnian ethnicities: Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats.” I can see it being neutral in terms of religious hinting too.


Party Rocketeers sounds like how Jesse and James made enough money to buy all those things they needed to capture Pikachu.

Stephen Wells

@miyaa - we're talking about the same distinction - the Bosniak population is majority-Muslim. Basically it would be great if people could stop killing each other because of the Ottoman Empire.

Ursus Ridens

Anyway I want her last name to be Shchevchenko. I have no idea whether it's authentically anything; I just like saying it.


Also, when you're saying 'ethically neutral' it's for a specific area, both culturally and geographically. You can't compare, say, Bosnia and the Honduras, or Oregon and Botswana (well, you COULD, but it wouldn't make much sense) but you *can* consider Bosnia and the adjoining countries that share similar lingual, religious and cultural-trait intermingling and look at the name there. 'Eastern Europe' is kind of a big area, you know?