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The scary part is Beeps and Pintsize would get along GREAT




Serious question here, maybe already answered and I missed it. (If so, my apologies for the repeat): Is Pintsize an independent person now? Does he have to go live with Martin in Canada? If Pintsize wants to live with Martin, does Martin have to let him?


I feel like Beeps would really enjoy Pintsize’s antics. Much to the confusion of Pintsize.


But what about orcas? There's no boats, so risk of property damage should be lower


All good questions, but no, we don't know the answers yet! (It seems like he's pretty independent, but they haven't formally discussed what he's going to do if/when Marten moves away)


Also, Pintsize would LOVE to hear about Beeps' job in sex toy testing. Oh wait, didn't he try to interview there soon after getting his new body? Haven't he and Beeps met before? Edit: Wait, it was Claire who got the tour, I'd been thinking it was Pintsize. Maybe if they open up any more new roles...

Opus the Poet

Pintsize is canonically banned from Canada now. Something involving Canadian Tires cash, I believe.

Stephen Wells

The "companion AI" thing has been discussed in the strip before. There's no compulsion either way.

Stephen Wells

How long is this going to go on before Faye twigs that Beeps is trying to make friends? ...hopefully we'll hear "Usually I hang out with Millie but she's spending more time with her girlfriend Brun these days"...

Douglas E. Smith

Beeps is adorable and I'm surprised that she isn't always surrounded by friends all the time to enjoy her antics. But maybe she really enjoys the act of making new new friends, like Willow!


A few things are occurring to me on that lease..... This was originally Marten's apartment. Faye moved in with him after her place burned down. (https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=22) So, I wonder if they ever got around to updating the lease for all these other people? Also, at one point (don't have the link for this one) it was revealed that Marten being paired with Pintsize may have been an error caused by him being scared of the "Spider-bot" at the "AI-Human Pairing Administration" (not quite sure what that organization was called). As part of that, there was a panel showing an alternate universe QC where Marten was paired with an AI whale. I wonder if that might somehow be linked to that "oddly specific" clause in the lease.....


Did I miss the new slang he's trying to popularize?


This isn't Marten's original apartment. Around strip 300 he and Faye decided to move into a new place together - though they did have to pay an extra-large deposit due to Pintsize.

Summer Sudbrink

Other whales earn you a cetacean and hefty fin. Whales aren't comfortable anyplace Brun might be anyway.

Zak Reichle

The more time that passes since we last saw Brun & Mille together the more progress I keep adding to their relationship. It's gone from just being positive that they were gonna get together, to now being sure that they've been dating for a while, and if Jeph doesn't show them before long I'm gonna decide they're engaged.

Stephen Wells

From what we've seen so far, I envision them as the sort of couple that are functionally married for years before they realise that they're actually dating:)

Stephen Wells

Bur Brun, canonically, has a firm anti-whaling stance. She only harpoons people.

Chris Warren

Beeps makes me sad. I always feel sorry for her.

Zak Reichle

Honestly, Beeps seems like a pretty strong person, she's loyal and optimistic. She seems like a good friend.


I don't recall ever being told exactly WHY he is banned from Canada. I thought it was kinda like Calvin and the Noodle Incident. We know it happened, but we're never given any details. Pintsize did try to make a charitable donation using Canadian Tire money, but I don't recall that being related to his being banned.

Ben R

I am he...as you are he...as you are me...as we are all together.


I now ship beeps and pintsize


I'm not much for shipping, but this is the first ship I've been actively against. Everything I've seen of Brun suggests to me that she is ace, even if she may not be aware of it.

Stephen Wells

What we know from Brun is that she definitely isn't het: she has tried straight sex and found it boring, and she found imagining herself sleeping with either Clinton or Elliot a huge turn-off. We know she likes masturbation and find imagining Clinton and Elliot with each other quite a turn-on. We also know that she enjoys Millie's company, is fascinated by her complex robot body, and likes sleeping on her well-upholstered posterior. Millie seems to be happy with all of this. They seem to have every chance of a very happy Boston marriage together (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_marriage) at whatever level of intimacy they're both comfortable with. I certainly wouldn't imagine their relationship being a relentless carnal kaleidoscope!

Zak Reichle

@BookBeard: fair point, I've not got anything to say that Brun is or isn't Ace, it's just my interpretation of what we've seen. Willow is actually the character that I thought might be Ace, though.

Zak Reichle

Kind of worried people only associate with Beeps because of her antics...she seems like someone Jerkass people would take advantage of and just use her as someone to mock and laugh at.

Some Ed

Opus the Poet: At least, Pintsize's claim of being banned from Canada is canonical. Whether Pintsize was being honest and whether he was fully informed on his Canada visitation capability is unclear. He doesn't have a track record of being dishonest, so he was probably being truthful. But it's also possible that he was simply confused about the situation, or maybe they've decided to forgive him.