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there's a sign on the dock and everything



Shawn Spencer

This seems weird for Marigold. Like from all indications she's always been more into real games and not dumb phone games. I feel like Jeph isn't into games at all and doesn't realize there's typically a large divide there between players of like, everything else, and players of phone "games".


Truth. I know plenty of "gamers" (myself included) that have played/still play phone games. *Points to games like mario run/pokemon go*


Don’t go throwing iPhones into the lakes and rivers you’re used to I know you wanna download games or nothin’ at all — but you’re losing money too fast.

Laura Curry

I'm married to a huge PC gamer who is also addicted to a couple of phone games. People are way more varied than the boxes we're always trying to put them in. Also, she's fictional, soooo...she likes whatever Jeph writes she likes.


"Those who live in 'cast houses should not throw phones."

Darnel D Cooper

I'm thinking there must be a pile of phones by now.


Gainax Bounce Races


Let me know when they adapt a version of that from Dance Dance Revolution.

Michael Chui

Just... get a debit card specifically for gacha games and put a hard limit on it? I haven't tried that, but I'm pretty good at not making purchases in apps generally.

Ursus Ridens

"Gacha pulls"? Hmm. Sounds like something we used to have down behind Buzzy's Tavern back in the early sixties. See, you took your girl to the old nickel Coke machine and...nah -- get in trouble if I tell young people about this in any detail.

Shawn Spencer

Sure, there are some fun phone games - but NOT Gacha games. Those are trash where you're better off just lighting your money on fire than paying them. Those games are more akin to a drug addiction. Except drugs are typically cheaper.


The fact that she appreciates high quality video games does not preclude the possibility of her also indulging in trash games as a guilty pleasure. Some writers, the really ambitious ones, occasionally give characters more than one personality trait.

Ace of Hearts

well what else are lakes FOR Tall Momo?!

Fart Captor

Games are games Shawn. Caring about what constitutes a "Real Gamer™" is stupid nerdy jerkass shit for nerdy jerkasses


yeah, may, youre in boston. the SEA is right there??


I don't think that's a safe place for a pen... :P

Mad Marie

Only a few more, and China is going to claim sovereignty over the new island


Isn’t Northampton closer to Vermont than to the Atlantic?


Never heard of "gacha games" until tonight...but dang, think I'll try out "Romancing SaGa Re: Universe"...what could go wrong?


I JUST realized where May put her pen. It didn't register before.


Lake Moderation, just outside Northhampton.

Matt Pedone

It's about an hour to Vermont, 90 minutes to the Long Island Sound, and about 2 hours to Boston.

Jared Cyr

oh right, it's a pen.