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eggs eggs eggs



Clifton Royston

On a different matter, don't you think Momo's yoga pants are riding a bit too high?


Dale gamifying chores is one of the most relatable things ever.


High? You think they should show more of her pubic mound?


Horrible to lose someone to egg intolerance. Bigoted eggs are the worst.

Orion Rhine

I absolutely love Tall Momo's design and outfit. It's doing things in the monkey part of my brain. Good things. Does anyone know how much Jeph charges for NSFW commissions?


I can't WAIT til Marigold and Liz get together.


:3 🍳


I’ve been doing that with regards to getting into a daily exercise routine. Kind of wish it wasn’t so expensive.

Shane Wegner

I can respect the "fart in the elevator" digestive metaphor in relation to not eating. But then again May: Having a weird tube full of various micro-organisms that somehow extracts bio-energy to power my processor isn't exactly my favorite thing, but at the moment my choice is between that and non-existence. So.


May LOVES to be the fart in the elevator

Hugh Eckert

Good thing Marigold is a goblin and not a nome. Eggs are poison to nomes!


I suspect that she sees it more as a obligation, a call to duty if you will.

Chris Warren

Responsible May is still a little unsettling, but I like her. :)


Marigold and Liz both have Goblin Mode and Eyes - that's why I want to see them together Goblin Mode ^2 !

Sleepy John

May LIVES to be the fart in the elevator.


I hear "More for me" in a basement goblin voice