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or should I say ARMOUR (it is a canada joke)



Gary Sumners

No need to invoke Armour, neither is a ham.


Liz has severe rationalist brain and is unable to recognise encouraging whimsy.

The Secret Sponsor

Hopefully Liz doesn't develop an attraction to Marten, cause then I could see Claire start to reconsider the job. At this point, Evan almost exposed herself to Marten, so adding more shenanigans on top of that could make Claire develop a complex.

Grace Kieser

I think Claire has gotten more chill about her relationship. She knows he's not going to cheat on her because that's not how the Marten do!

Michael Boettger

Panel three: concerning the cuppa Tim Hortons, does the bag have tidbits on it?


"It's BlackJack gum." "You mean I can go to the casino and--" "Noooo, not that kind of blackjack."


He's such a Good Dad


Cheer up. LOTS of people can’t party without being huge Aholes.


You might call it a Canadian Joke, I call it the correct way of spelling it. (Australian Btw) Considering how much I use the word in online games, it REALLY annoys me how every spellcheck tells me I’ve spelt it wrong.

Captain Button

Does Mystical Powers of Chill stack with a Netflix bonus?


Anything that spends a significant amount of time in Marten’s presence gains the “chill” property. It’s why Claire can stand working here.


yay, Marten's magic hat is reincarnated as a magic hoodie


Big brother/daddy Marten is doing right


I need a Magical Hoodie of Chill. It shall give +10 to chill and +5 to sneak in addition to +9 coziness for those Netflix and chill evenings. (Wait. I might be doing those wrong…)


First the worry hat, now the chill hoodie.

Chris Crowther

On the plus side, she does have enough self awareness to recognise that she was being an arsehole.

Yelling Bird

Marten really is a magical anime guy.

David Paul

He just needs the Restful Trackie Dacks (you'd call them sweatpants over there), the Comforter Gloves, and the Ugg boots of Warmth and he'd have the Chillaxing Armour Set.


Worry Hat!


Brilliant move, Marten. I'm not 100% sure he did it on purpose, but he probably did. Liz takes joy in being petty and being right, so he distracted her from her wallowing by giving her something silly to correct him about.


That pocket better be a bag of holding.


Didn't the hoodie comfort another character a while back? Faye?


Spearmint? I always wondered who the hell bought that soapy synthetic flavour.


Or be ultra-retro and go with horehound. (That weird old fashioned cough drop flavor.)


Careful Marty, she may take it into her goblin head that she's in love with you.


"Thanks for offering Marten, gum would be perfection!"

Stephen Wells

Everybody please stop worrying about Liz getting a crush on Marten. Her fire burns only for huge robot boobs.


Lots of people. It sounds like it's news to you, but everyone's tastes are different. Keeping that in mind will probably make life easier for you =p


I am allowed to dislike it though? Or do you have more opinions about a stranger you want to share?

Summer Sudbrink

I feel like she’s going to start flooding with research ideas soon. I hope the bar has whiteboards.

Shawn Spencer

And Marten never got his hoodie back ever again.


aye, im soooo shipping Liz and Evan!!! (once apologies from Liz have been uttered that is)

Laura Curry

Martin is the absolute BEST.


Look at Martin using the worry hat trick and getting another smile. Man's still got it. If it weren't for what it would do to him, I'd say he should become a counselor. That said, a barista at a popular hang spot can serve the same function, with greater liberties. (I wish my therapist could "whoa, no more negative vibes!" me)

Hugh Eckert

"Appleboom!" "Titties!" continues to be my favorite exchange from QC and will never not make me giggle.

Hugh Eckert

Why not both? Both is good.

Ursus Ridens

Sure, look at all the sympathetic counseling provided by the staff at Coffee of Doom!

Ursus Ridens

Can't we find Liz someone of suitable age -- I visualize a guy -- with deep wells of sympathy and patience? Liz + Winslow 4EVA! OTOH, if Liz does start fixating on Marten, it will be an opportunity for a _really_ awkward triangle situation, and something Marten's never before had to handle.

Chris Crowther

I don't think we even know what Liz's preference is. Beyond an small obsession with large boobs.

Daryl Sawyer

Neither armor nor armour, but armoire. :p


Even if we DID know what her preference was, that doesn't mean that we can't fantasize about her being with whomever we want.

Todd Ellner

Even Chaos Goblins quail before the Librarian wielding the Mom Jabbar

Holly Nelson

Marten is already a counsellor, has been from nearly the beginning. I bet he is a large part of why the Director wanted Claire. A two-for-one deal, and much needed.


Marten being the responsible and mature one. Cubetown is truly a magical place.