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JOJOMBAS!!! New favorite word!

Dan Curtis

I wonder if the norm will always be human shaped bodies for the AI community, or if they'll slowly deviate towards more alien features until nary a jojomba is in sight.


Wait, are we talkin' about tijubas?

Zak Reichle

Panel 3 looks like Liz has a little tiny wolf hat


Between May, Evan, and Moray, and of course Pintsize, it would seem that the human custom of attaching significance to female mammilia beyond their biological function is very much intact among AIs. Come to think of it, if a fetish is considering a non-sexual sexual, and breasts are for feeding babies, then getting aroused by boobage is clearly a fetish.


I believe there are several theories regarding the evolution of human breasts, including the possibility that they may serve as sexual markers - I believe there's some idea that the kinds of markers used by other creatures wouldn't be appropriate for humans with their upright gait. That said, while I'm not ruling out teleological arguments entirely, there are certain problems with assigning parts of other individuals specific purposes, and with designating them sexual or non-sexual. I think it's best to be boob descriptivists, not prescriptivists.

Chris Crowther

Moray, you're not exactly undersized as it is.

Mad Marie

Moray: “Parton me while I go…freshen up.”

Shane Wegner

“When those fine double GGs / could be more if she pleased / that’s a-Moray!”


one brief underboob shot & the whole community is horned up for Evan, I love you guys


I definitely didn't yell DAMN out loud when I got to that panel either, like, at all


I thought "Parton" was a typo at first.

Yelling Bird

I've always loved tits. (It's a bird joke.)

Ted Van Roekel

There have been multiple references to AI's in non-humanoid bodies. I think as long as humanity exists that any AI who wants to be social with us will go for a human or humanoid chassis.


So THATS why those bags of spare goo were labelled DD, EE, FF …


It’s usually butts we’re obsessed over. There was this one time we got NSFW Elliott and we were obsessed with something else.

Chris Crowther

Great Tits are the best. Coal Tits are a bit dirty. Japanese Tits are also very nice.


last panel, Moray is definitely being visited by the green monster (envy)


I bet Jeremy specialises with Firefox web browser software.


The only thing that can defeat the green monster is *two* green monsters.

Daryl Sawyer

Jojombas, Tijubas, GAZONGHAS.

Thomas Halpin

Anubis firewall software let's only the right traffic through. Adapting to your needs and anticipating threats to your organization, your network is completely secure*. *(Unless the attacker's heart weighs the same as a feather.)

Ka Man Chan

Claireification needed!

Thomas A. Dennis

Moray's remark reminded me of one of the two best parts of Terminator 3. (The other part was when Arnold's Terminator got his clothes from a male stripper.)

Sleepy John

I may be late in asking, but have all the AIs in the bar backgrounds been cameos from elsewhere?


Oh boy! Heroic bosoms! I’ve theories about them, but my cousin’s ex had to have breast reduction surgery - so maybe they’re best on paper not so IRL.


Very much down to the individual and their preferences and needs, I think.

Stephen Wells

Flesh-and-blood people frequently report issues with back pain and posture, due to having to compensate for the weight of their noble prow; reduction mammoplasty is very often a quality of life improvement rather than anything aesthetic. Presumably an AI chassis can be constructed to carry the weight without slipping a disc, allowing May, Evan, Bubbles and their ilk to roam free.



Daryl Sawyer

Wait a minute, is that a military issue chaos goblin in the background in panel 3? By which I mean the Pintsize-style chassis.

Guilherme Monteiro

She's gonna need some clairification on that.