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Luckily this is Cubetown so hopefully the phone is super waterproof or something 😅 This happened to me at school but it was my iPod falling out of my pocket when I stood up 🙈 It made such a big SPLOSH sound and someone in the next cubicle over laughed but I was too busy being distressed to realise how it must have sounded 😆 (I've also subsequently dropped two smartphones in the toilet. One of them was salvageable 😅 I also dropped my current phone in a pot of water while doing dishes. Luckily I buy hefty cases now so it's generally okay)

David Paul

I've forgotten I had it in my pocket when I've gone in a pool, twice. Once was at home, one of those inflatable pools that you can sit in. The second was at the outback town of Burren Junction in their Artesian bore bath where we stopped to rest once on holiday. I was fortunate that the phone insurance looked after me both times. Don't want to try for a third, though.


It would be, but every time Moray tried to offer her a Cubetown phone plan, Liz said "I am doing important science, leave now!"


Not into the drink ☠️ poor thing


The second 'agh' is her realizing where she has her hand.


And then she realizes she started a video call before she dropped it

David Durant

Once I forgot my phone was in my trunks pocket and only remembered after sitting in a jacquizzi for 15 minutes. Stuck it in a sealed plastic bag with some rice and by the next morning it was working again!


She's got BMs in her DMs


Bringing back baaaaad memories of my time in electronics retail in which people would bring in a water-damaged phone looking to get it fixed, and letting me handle it BEFORE telling me it dropped in the toilet.


We've all been there


I had this happen to me after I had surgery. Turns out that breast pocket in the patient gowns isn't actually a pocket.

Kenneth Carlile

Well, at least the screen was already cracked?

Jason Rock

The second 'agh' is realizing that the water she just reached into is WARM.

Thomas Halpin

No, see, lots of phones are watertight these days. cracked screen means that one absolutely isn't.


Happened to me once. My oldish Nokia fell from my unzipped belt pouch into a toilet bowl. Thankfully I noticed what happened before I started streaming. Rinse it off. Let it dry out. Worked just fine.

David Paul

The first time (pool) I tried putting it in uncooked rice in a bag overnight, but it didn't recover. The second time (bore bath)... well, the water is good on the skin (the advisory is not to drink it, though, since it is being drawn from kilometre-deep wells and has a sulfurous smell about it), but is not that good for mobile electronics. https://greatartesiandrive.com.au/Walgett-Shire/Burren-Junction


Read this online, and it's currently the newest comic there. Hit "Next" only to find myself back at the same comic again. I parsed this as "she dropped it in again! Hilarious!" at first, until I figured out where I was. Why yes, I would like some more caffeine, please.


Funny that almost exactly the same thing happened to me once, and it was also a Nokia. Except, that it fell out of my breast pocket (heaven knows why I put it there).