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hello, furries



Timothy Roller

Nobody ever says scorpion tail.

Joseph Bonnar

I can hear the chairs creaking!

Sean Kinlin

Emmett protests in panel 1... while clearly enjoying the attention. 🥰

William Cole

Anklyosaurus tail! Who needs prehensile when you just SMASH things?


The tails Emmett described are not prehensile.

Hugh Eckert

Manul/Pallas Cat. Also, panel 1 is so wholesome. I love it.

Some Ed

The appearance of the tail is not what makes it prehensile. I am not aware of what Canadian wild life has prehensile tails. Admittedly, I'm not the Canadian wildlife expert in this comic.

Chubby Bunny

Dude. I just learned this comic has a subreddit and god _damn_ that place is toxic.


Agreed. I guess I assumed the animal examples (fox, wolf, dinosaur, dragon) were given to describe function as well as appearance, but perhaps Emmett was just referring to appearance. I will not rest until this is sorted out. How long until Pintsize requests a tail as well?

Orion Rhine

there are actually 2 subreddits, the toxic one is the old one that everyone sensible left ages ago. EDIT: the better one is r/qcontent.


why do i not get the email notification anymore? Everything is turned on, nothing in spam. What is going on

Daniel S

Patreon is weird and can randomly select your email to not get the notifications anymore. I gave up on getting them to stop it after the second time and just downloaded the app. Which I suspect was deliberate.


Yeah, there was a big split quite a while ago. Originally it was something about people being transphobic about Claire and the mods refusing to act against that, but eventually the old one became aboute people why hate-read the comic and the new one (/r/qcontent) for people who actually enjoy it.


Furries thinking about animal tails while me, a D&D player: what if a long devil tail with a little point at the end like a tiefling? 🤔


I went to have a look and caught *sigh* in the first few posts. I mean people can do what they want but I don't get the negativity on that sub. Just... move on.


Some people just refuse to be happy. I really don't understand it. There's plenty of real problems in the world. Why get so butthurt about a comic?


Wouldn't it be funny if they started a new trend of Personal Tails among AIs? Anything is possible. Also, I'd go for a possum tail, me. They're strong, the skin structure's amazing for gripping things, and I totally believe that if possums had big, elegant, floofy tails they'd be WAY more popular than they are. Possums really are cute as hell.

Orion Rhine

@Cogspace because real world problems scary and confusing, comic easy target. The really sad part is that they don't realize just how much wallowing in their own negativity drags down their perception of the world as a whole. I'm not saying we all need to plaster a smile on our faces and be chipper and cheerful all the time, but just taking a moment to find something positive every once in a while helps. BTW, You can find something positive here: somethingpositive.net

Daniel Rydberg

Is there a difference between a furry QC fan and a QC furry fan? I feel like this question needs answer.


They even Post the patreon early Version of the comic, and the mods allow it?


Australian possums have mildly floofy tails.

Jon K

Truly, Emmett is a font of wisdom.

Captain Button

Yes, there was an ancient schism back in the mists of prehistory, and endless hatred and mayhem ever since.

Merle Blue

Give me a big floofy squirrel tail, just give it a soft contact pad towards the end for gripping things. Why limit oneself to real biology for inspiration?

Livy N

Zoology and ecology hobbyist here, also entering the chat. Truly the biggest question is what does the user intend to do with their tail, because if for intimidation, the dino tail would obviously be superb, but to use as a tool, a prehensile tail would be ideal.

Stephen Wells

It's going to turn out that robot buttholes were intended specifically as a tail attachment port, and the designers thought this was so obvious that they never bothered to mention it.


Pretty sure only baby virginia opossums have functionally prehensile tails here in Canada.


You'd have to do some interesting clothes modifications to accommodate a tail; maybe a snap or jeans-button on the waistband and something kind of like an unzippered fly? The edges'd need to be relatively soft, because movement with anything harsh would chafe. Ow. Also, if robot tails become a Thing, I can see lots of repairs being needed for door and elevator closures on them.


I— h-how did you know? How did you know I leaned forwards in my chair??? We need answers, Jeph! Sincerely, the QC furry community.