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at least put on some pants




What's the point of a wet t-shirt contest if there are no nipples?


ARE there no nipples? I kinda thought Jeph just doesn't draw any details of her anatomy since she's monochrome and thus they'd be hard to see. Like, if her nipples / areola are the same color as everything else (and shifts color like a lava lamp) then it'd be hard to tell. ("Girl One" from the excellent series Top Ten by Alan Moore does something similar.) Or maybe it's like flexing a muscle? If she tries she can go "100% humanform" but why bother when 90% is good enough for government work?

Stephen Wells

Betting pool needed on whether this party leads to: Moray gets laid; Liz gets laid; both; Claire directs the most organised and efficient orgy in history; or everybody sips tea and discusses Proust :)

Captain Button

Another part is that if he draws nipples he'll get in trouble on the main site because that makes it porn or something.


Let's not get into whether or not a circumcised boob is a whole boob.

Daniel Rydberg

There are similarities between Donald duck and Moray all of a sudden.


Man, two coworkers sleeping with the new librarian and her boyfriend would certainly be a way to start a new arc with a ... bang.

Stephen Wells

"Excellent biscuits 10/10 very evocative, would dunk again" - winning entry in 1st Annual Cubetown Summarizing Proust Contest :) Weirdly, Moray also has the T-shirt for this.


"There'll be plenty of time for her to acclimate to the idea" What's the betting Cubetown try to get Claire to start the next day?

Yelling Bird

If you're ever naked and want to feel more naked, just put shoes on.


Shoes + nudity does look *intentional* which amplifies it a lot, yeah. Bonus if it's sneakers. Dunno why.


I think they think she's already started. And given that she's already shut down the Director before they even got a chance to sack Moray, they may have a point.


It's now my headcanon that Moray collects random weird t-shirts. Mind you she doesn't wear them, but her closet is packed with them. No pants, tho. Why would she need those? They don't have weird slogans!

Stephen Wells

Now imagine Moray borrowing sleepwear from Beepatrice. Oh no now I ship it.

Ruth Merriam

Liz is going to get a lot of adult information that she didn't know existed. So much head explody coming her way. Party time!


By the way, Jeph, I sent the invite to be a guest on Creators Corner last Wednesday. Just waiting for a response.

Mad Marie

@FC: With Moray, we can appreciate the inside of the boob as well!

David Durant

What do you think she's been reading about for the last two years while not advancing her research?

Hugh Eckert

Marten left out "headbutted in the junk". Hope that doesn't come back to haunt him.


Moray is perfect and I love her.

Michael Keogh

Does Moray have a butthole? Will we ever see her from the back? Isn't everybody 94% water?


why must it be orgy OR Proust discussion?? I think we can be big tent partyers here.


do it all the time. don't really feel more naked though.


oh she's been advancing her research all right.


the ama was last week or something.


Humans are 55% - 75% water. Mostly water, but not that much.


I nominate Moray

Clifton Royston

According to the FDA regulations, if you're over 80% water, you have to be labeled "Human drink product."


Hm; makes me slightly uncomfortable regarding navels, but (like buttholes) everybody's got one. And now I'm wondering how many people I just caused to examine their navels? **raises hand**

Some Ed

When Moray and her boss are literally two parts of the same entity, just "temporarily" disjoint, I'm not sure how much of a distinction that is.

Am Queue

But does someone who might be interested in your nakidity think you look more naked?

Yelling Bird

If you FEEL more naked, you ARE more naked. Therefore you're more confident in your nakedness and people will notice that.

David Banes

It's weird but yeah I agree like putting one piece of clothing on makes someone feel more naked if it really is nothing else. I'm like that with thongs...like even if it's an old man I'm oddly more grossed out by the thought of an old man in a thong than being completely naked.