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Who is ever too mature for a bouncy castle?

Lyman Green

Alas I never have been in a bouncy castle and now it’s too late

Stephen Wells

If Sam and Emmett ever get to meet Liz they will worship her as a god.


There's a "too late" agewise? I likely have too much mass for one, and my sense of dizziness is more easily set off by super-mega-blackout roller coasters than a number of years ago, but age wouldn't keep me out of a bouncy castle.


It’s not the age so much as the ability to throw out my back by as little as breathing funny, so bouncing around is sure to do it


in my late 60's here, just have an ambulance standing by, knowing myself, if there is a way to get hurt in a bouncy castle I'll find it. Getting out of it, most likely. You young folks, you have to do something to get hurt, all I have to do is sleep "funny".


Oh no, not again


Hijinks will follow. The snakes will never feel safe again, and many things will be running around invisible, tripping people. Chaos will ensue.

Todd Ellner

Can one of those bad decisions be growing antlers on mice? https://www.popsci.com/science/antler-mice-stem-cell/

Todd Ellner

More likely they would feel sorry for her. No fun. No friends. Constantly afraid of everyone. Utterly self conscious about her height and lack of achievement

Daryl Sawyer

I forget. Is she legally allowed to drink in Canada?


Claire’s so HOT in this arc, damn you for capitalizing on the transfem urge to librarian jeph 🔫🔫


That will be an interesting first encounter. Liz's Big Problem is never actually having been able to be a kid, and she certainly doesn't know how to act like one. However, both being precocious misfits themselves, they'll probably not respond to her with the cruelty that is too often the default for their age peers. It'll take a while to work out, but in the end Sam and Emmett will be delighted to enlist as Dr Liz's henchpersons.

Stephen Wells

I feel like Moray and Claire in panel 2 represent... something, I'm not sure what, but it's going to work for a lot of people :)


Meh. Cubetown is definitely outside of the Halifax Regional Police venue. Canada's Coast Guard is NOT a law enforcement agency, and RCMP Maritime is more concerned with fisheries, smuggling, and immigration issues. That means dealing with issues like consumption of alcohol while a minor would fall to Cubetown Security. Dear Gawd, Evan would be in charge.


Was it ever established that Cubetown ISN'T a giant floating bouncy castle?

Merle Blue

She acts strange for a 19-year-old, to my mind...but then again she HAS been effectively feral for years?? I like her.


Oh dang, this evoked some bouncy castle memories. The local RPG convention that’s been going on for 30 years always gets a bouncy castle on the premises. I think that some time during the previous decade the scales finally tipped and there were more kids than adults using it. XD


It occurs to me that enough adults in a bouncy castle might render the children little more than errant projectiles.

Opus the Poet

We had a bouncy castle at a church party once. Let's just say some women should not get in bouncy castles, particularly women with cup sizes that have multiple vowels.


I'm in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronisms); I'm not even sure at this point how many times I've been in bouncy castles. I do remember worrying a time or two that having that many knights bouncing in them at once might puncture something from sheer weight.


Sam and Emmett visiting Cubetown is the terrifying potential for mayhem that I never knew I needed until now.


You're never too old for a bouncy castle. My daughter loves to play in them with me.

Bonnie Doolittle

Rude. There are so many things we're told we shouldn't do. And here's someone else telling us not to have fun.

Opus the Poet

I'm not telling you not to have fun, I'm warning you that some women with large breasts may become seriously injured in a bouncy castle, or injure someone else.