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Mad Marie

This conversation speaks volumes about how the whole Canada thing has allowed Pintsize to grow just a little. We should start calling him half-litre.


butts lol


"Well, in Northhampton they say – that Pintsize's butthole grew three sizes that day..."

Dean Reilly

Robo-twink Pintsize is delightful.

Gillian Brown

Hehehe Pintsize's face in the fifth panel.


I like it when the Universe remembers Pintsize is actually good at his job.


Anthropic Pintsize is amazeballs and I demand shenannigan comics about his newest adventures! (pretty please?)


Anyone else forget that pintsize had a new body?

David Durant

If I remember correctly, unlike other anthroPCs like Momo, Pintsize wasn't paired with Martin in the usual way. I _think_ Martin found him in a dumpster (how he got there is a whole other story that's never been revealed). So, for him it's never been a job - just a friendship.


Martin is scared of spiders. The chassis that the interviewer was in is a spider chassis, so it threw off the whole vibe and he didn't get paired with the robo whale friend.


No, they were paired up- it's just that the robot that uses sensors to measure them at the office scared the crap out of him, so the readings were off and he shouldn't have been "assigned" to Marten. Pure look that it wound up working so well for them. As for friend rather than job- yeah, companion AI is a 'job', but the job is to BE a friend- if they don't end up true friends, then they don't stick around, y'know?


Good old pintsize, still doing the good work.

Mad Marie

Whatever you do, don’t call him “Imperial-Pint-size”.

Comics Ladybird

Martine cherche du café à Cubeville. (Unfortunately, I could not locate a non-broken cover generator at the moment)

Daryl Sawyer

Is this a major art shift, or did Faye just skip a few haircuts? She looks good.


Does anyone else do this thing of before you click to get the day's comic, predict whether it's going to be a change of scene from the previous few? I did, and I was right today. I take my victories where I find them.


She's one of the many characters who grew their hair out in the last time skip! I think we first saw her new 'do in #4890. Same comic we first saw her new shoulders, which had lot of commenters very distracted.

Ursus Ridens

Yes, she looks good, and I'm wondering whether this is the Faye that Jeph has been visualizing since, oh, say, the first time that Dora called her fat (circa comic 109, if not earlier).