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goin' grrrrreaaaattttttttt




I get that Claire’s good at organizing, but she’s a LIBRARIAN! Does she even want a job organizing a bunch of out-of-contro scientists and engineers? Will she feel obligated to stay to prevent them from, say, accidentally blowing up the planet? What if she just wanted a job in a nice, quiet, normal library, finding users the books and articles they need?

Tim Keating

My money is on this is the thing that gets Claire to take on the job, because she can come in and fix all this bullshit.

Mad Marie

The latter vocation sounds quite lovely as well as sufficiently world-saving.

William Cole

Good questions! Realistically, I'm quite sure this would be a nightmare situation for anyone in Claire's position, regardless of aptitude. In the QC-verse, she might be perfect at it.


Aw man, I think this kid needed someone assigned to them entirely to tell them "you're doing just fine, no one hates you, drink some water"

Daniel Drazen

Exactly! Claire may be a Twilight Sparkle when it comes to organizing and running a library, but becoming Der Fuehrer of Cubetown is beyond anyone's skills set. Liz needs to see either a friend or a therapist, and I think Cubetown may have an overabundance of the latter.


Yeah, I'm no expert in the field, but I don't think this is really the job of a librarian, even one granted expanded powers of bureaucracy. The librarian's job is to make sure everyone documents their work and puts it somewhere where they and other people can find it easily. That way you don't wind up with two different research teams working on the same problem without even knowing about each other. That kind of basic organization of research output might eventually assist future administrators in organizing personnel and projects by providing them with a starting point to understanding what everyone is doing. But making those high level changes probably isn't the librarian's job.

Christopher Beer

This job is sounding like it would be perfect for Marten instead of Claire. He is laid back enough that people would not feel threatened but sensible enough to get people like Liz back on track. And calm enough to keep Cubetown from blowing up the world.

Some Ed

Hydration *in moderation* is seldom a bad idea. Drinking 200 oz of water a day can be kind of lethal.


Here's a crazy thought, Elizabeth... Why don't you talk to Claire yourself. I have no doubt you'll become friends. And having friends is a good start to getting your mind back on track.


Well, Marten will have to get *some* kind of job in Cubetown if Claire takes hers. He could be the liaison between The Librarian and... well, everyone else.


not what a librarian does. she wouldn't be organizing, so much as documenting what's there.

Captain Button

She is probably one of those Bene Gesserit Truthsayer witches, and would see right through all the Very Small lies.

George Wilson

Too much pressure on such a young mind. Hope things work out for her.


Yeah, it's very clear that Claire's job will be project manager, supervisor and team mom for the entire town Which means that whatever salary they offer, she should ask to double it, and whatever budget they give her she should ask to have it multiplied by ten. She'll need to build up a whole department for this, and the first thing she need is an HR person to handle the hirding process of the rest of the team.


Honestly, he should run a place where people could come and chill - coffee shop, music venue, heh, even a library, and do a lot of informal networking with his ability to attract weirdos and help them feel better about themselves.


I wonder what would happen if they space-dropped Tilly on Cubetown. Would they organize it in a month?` Or would they be part of the chaos. I kinda think the latter

William Cole

Irresistible force of order meets immovable object of chaos. The results would be cataclysmic.


Wait, no, I solved it. Claire hires Tilly. With Clari's actual super powers of 'a modicum of common sense' and 'a not completely nonexisting sense of priorities' she could direct Tilly's unhinged 'EVERYTHING MUST BE ORGANIZED' powers in a way that's actually effective.

David Durant

It's just occurred to me that Cubetown isn't a place-of-work it's a *place* and therefore should have all the services provided by local government such as social workers and counselors.


So, is the "hirding process" like a cross between "hiring" and "herding"?


Drinking 200 oz of water over the course of an entire day may not be bad (but it’s definitely more than what you need under normal conditions), depending on what else you’re ingesting (and how much you’re perspiring). If I’m working outside in the summer, I drink *at least* 200 oz per day, because I sweat profusely. But I drink it in the form of Gatorade so I don’t screw up my electrolytes. On the other hand, drinking 200 oz of water all at once could be *very* bad, since the kidneys can only handle around 30 oz per hour.


Au contaire. When you boil it down, a librarian’s basic job is to organize. They decide what to organize, and how. They are the overseer of the process, but not necessarily the one who carries it out. Within the confines of a library, there are prescribed rules for what, when, where, how, and why to organize. But you broaden the scope from a library to an entire town, and the "what" and "how" in particular are a lot less clearly predefined. It’s a lot to throw at a twenty-something, but a librarian has the perfect basic skills to do it. But she’s going to need an entire department of "library assistants" to handle the job of making sure people document their work properly. And she and her assistants will need to be given the authority to enforce the new guidelines. The real trick will be not going too far too fast and scaring people out of town. Or worse yet, causing a revolt.

Solomon Garland

So... this lil squirt doesn't want Claire to take the job, not because she'd be bad at it, but because Elizabeth is worried about being found out. When realistically if she just said "hey, give me a problem to fix", they could probably find one worthy of her intellect and the whole thing would be resolved?


She just like me fr


Hah, I just reread this comic. Did Claire wish on a monkey paw or something? https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3752

Conrad Rogers

Yes, but she's not being interviewed to be a librarian. She's being interviewed to be The Librarian.