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Yelling Bird

If I had a nickel for every time some random dude tricked me into patting his ass I'd have a shitload of nickels.

Opus the Poet

Interestingly enough I have never been asked to slap a random dude's butt. I have, however, been asked to slap a random woman's butt while waiting for a train.


Marten is hyper chill about this whole thing


See, I thought you'd use the "...I'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice" punchline.

Shane Wegner

I feel like a slide whistle is involved with data collection.


"Butts to slap in Baton Rouge, waiting for a train, feeling nearly faded as my jeans..."


Marten is a chill master. It’s why he works so well with Claire. They balance each other out.


Butt science

Yelling Bird

Joseph Cotton, oh lord no. Two times is WAY in the rear-view mirror at this point.

Richard Bennett

FINALLY the vapour deposition reference I've been waiting for

Chris Crowther

Should probably keep your to-be-step-sister away from him too. Pretty sure the idea of smacking sensor butt would have her die from giggling.

Opus the Poet

You don't have to list Beta testers in a paper.


I'm making the choice to pronounce that name like scythe, but with an M sound. They were named after the act of smaking someone with the flat of a scythe blade.

Matt Pedone

So, Cubetown has a great job for Claire, a perfect department for Pintsize. All we need now is for Marten to stumble into the "play your guitar all day with no real purpose" department, and they'll be all set!

Mad Marie

That sounds like a rather inefficient method of packaging coinage.

Mad Marie

…and now I have the mental image of an AI sitting on top of a coin sorting machine with their pants down, reading a magazine…


The entire polycule could probably find a home in Cubetown it sounds like.


Wondering if Marten has to prove he does like Nickleback in order to stay in Canada as a guitarist?


He'll just Strum along until he Clashes with someone.


Specifically, that's the RP pronunciation. Cockney and the north say "smeeth"

Opus the Poet

The woman, extolling the virtues of "her fine ass", and yes she referred to herself in the third person. That was what made me remember her specifically because I have also been asked to slap a woman's butt in a bar as part of the stage show but I don't remember anything about that incident beyond it was in a bar, and she was part of the show. What year, city and the race of the woman are all vanished into the mists of time. The woman who asked me while I was waiting for the train was September of 2017, it was hot for September and the sun was bright, it was early afternoon at the Downtown Plano DART station, the woman was Latina, and wearing black satin skintight pants and a white croptop, and did have a "fine ass". We were headed towards Dallas, I was transferring to the Blue Line for Garland and I got off before she did. Alcohol may have been involved for her but not for me.


You really should look up the Ass Pennies skit.

William Cole

Is that how we're referring to the entire QC cast now? Guess it was inevitable.


that is how it works, right up until I accidentally piss people off by killing them with the ebony mail........