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Joseph Bonnar

Ok. We need (sob) to ship Evan. Suggestions, please!

Sleepy John

She flusters easy, don't she? Not a good thing for a security person. *looks at Murderbot*

Todd Ellner

Evan can handle security events up to planetary extinction threats with just a squirt gun and toddler-approved snacks. That is impressive.

Will Weaver

Mmm, fruit leather.


Sorry Evan, but it looks like you're going to have to commit sepuku with that squirt gun. It's the only way to restore your honor!

William Cole

It probably wouldn't be a seaworthy ship, but she and Iris should swap jobs.


Honestly not bad preparations


We'll be here all day... but what a way to go!

Joseph Bonnar

I couldn't remember their name for the life of me. Kept on thinking "Taffy."

David Paul

So did Hanners for the entire work placement period. It was her mum's fault.


Murderbot is an excellent security person, and any flustering is definitely not the result of the F-word [feelings], which incidentally should be banned ////>_</////

Stephen Wells

Evan only seems to get this panicky and flustered around Claire specifically, which suggests that she's actually attracted to Claire. Neither of them will ever understand this.

Clifton Royston

Evan should never meet May. May would totally destroy Evan's psyche several times a day without even meaning to, just by acting natural.

Clifton Royston

A thousand times more practical than most of the "tactical" stuff people carry.


Is there any reason a world with sentient AIs call it "fruit leather" instead of "fruitgahyde"?

Mad Marie

For a large portion of the population, practical tactical gear is exactly why we have handbags.

Mad Marie

I just came across Piñatex on the internets tonight. Literally leather made from fruit.

Mad Marie

Marten, I am not one to kink shame. You do you, boo; go ahead and masticate on that leather to your heart’s content.


Actually, I like that more! And, as a practical point, I'm not sure if Naugahyde is something the younger set knows about.

Ursus Ridens

Well, I like (meat) jerky, and I'm not sure that any of us who like jerky can criticize the fructivores.


Funny enough, that's exactly like my set up when I was deployed. Bottom, easy-to-access pouches? Ammo. Top, less-likely-to-get-smashed pouches? Snacks. XD


Wow, Dane, that brings back memories. Especially when the top pouches didn't fit the magazines we were using.


Back when I used to stand gate duty we were issued a vest with an ammo pouch for M4 clips, but no M4, just an M9 and two clips for that on our belts. But I found that a can of monster fit in it perfectly. It was nice for when I had to stand away from the guard shack by the foot traffic turnstile for an extended period of time.